
Universe Maker

Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/fundo-colorido-da-galaxia-com-estrelas-brilhantes_15670165.htm#query=universe&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 35(Rebellion)

Eunha and Aleph Linivè had twenty children, forming the galaxies from the universe. They were name the Otis, Pananjay, Anahita, Ione, Kalani, Varana,Nizar,Purva, Noga, Thanh, Mandala, Hiranyagarbha, Zavian, Marcus, Ishtar, Tarnkappe, Kahuna, Ilona,Batin, Chitragupt.

Otis means wealthy, it's of German origin, and it refers to the yellowish color of this galaxy.

Pananjay means cloud, it's of Hindu origin, and it refers it is referring to the white color of this galaxy that reminds me of the Milky Way. Anahita means immaculate and is of Persian origin.

Ione means violet flower and is of Greek origin, in this case, it refers to the color of the galaxy that is close to violet. Kalani means the heavens and it is of Hawaiian origin, and it refers to the blueish color of the galaxy.

Varana is of Hindi origin and it means holy river. Nizar was of Arabic origin and means a unique or rare thing, and referred to the irregular form of this galaxy. Purva is of Indian origin and means "Elder", it's the name of their oldest daughter and first child. Noga means brightness and is of Hebrew origin.

Thanh is of Vietnamese origin, means bright blue; brilliant; and refers to the blueish color of the galaxy. Madala is of Sanskrit origin, means circle, is a Buddhism and Hinduism, spiritual symbol used in art to represent the universe, and is also an important symbol in Jungian theory. The name refers to the galaxy's Lenticular shape, with the central bulge and disk common to spiral galaxies but no arms.

Hiranyagarbha is of Indian origin and means golden egg, it refers to the galaxy's elliptical shape. Zavian is of "Urdu" origin and means "Bright", referring to the galaxy's active state, where its center appeared more than 100 times brighter than the combined light of its stars.

Marcus means shining hammer and referred to the fact that this galaxy was a quasar, so extremely shining. Ishtar is of Babylonian origin, meaning "hidden" or "secret. It refers to it being a Seyfert galaxy, a galaxy that looks like a normal galaxy in visible light, but emits considerable infrared radiation.

Tarnkappe is of Norse origin and is a myth name for a cloak that renders its wearer invisible, it is the name of another Seyfert galaxy, referring to the invisible infrared radiation. Kahuna means The Hidden Secret. Ilona's name means "light" or "torch" in Hungarian and can also mean "hidden light" because torches can be used to illuminate dark spaces. Batin means hidden, concealed, or secrete. Chitragupt means a secret picture.

Amandla and Zain, meanwhile found it much harder to have a child.

The twenty galaxies had over a thousand solar systems children. Over ten thousand stars were born out of this solar system.

Forming a new galaxy that became known as the Cradle Galaxy. Over ninety thousand planets were born out of the solar system. From the stars and planets were born a new species known as the Star Giants.

They sort of resemble Titans out of Greek mythology, maybe because I had Greek mythology in mind when creating the primordials. The number of Star Giants was uncountable.

The Star Giants had that name because of being humanoid giants that shine bright. Their colors were also star-like with four variations: Red, Yellow, White, and Blue. Their body was like plasma in a humanoid form.

The primordials could be divided into five generations with the concept ones being the first generation, the galaxy ones being the second, the third one was the solar systems, the fourth one were the stars, planets, and moons, and the fifth one was the region primordials, like sky, earth, sea, and so on. Fifth-generation primordial ended up merging and forming new planets.

In the cradle galaxy, in a fourth-generation solar system. The strongest among the Star Giants population rebelled against their parents. How could the primordials install democracy among their children, when it should be the strongest that should have the right to rule?

This was how the new self-proclaimed king Temujin, the Star Giant god of War, and his subordinates thought. I could interpret that their parents have been too aloof and distant in their raising of these undisciplined children, but the fault did not weigh solely on them, I think they were just very unlucky.

They lived on the first fifth-generation planet. Kohinoor, their mother was the primordial of mountains, while her husband, Amphorn, was the primordial of the sky. Temujin broke the highest peak of his mother and used it like a blade to cut the sky into pieces. He took his rock sword and used it like a bat throwing the sky pieces at the mountains making holes in the mountain range.

His parents were not actually dead it was just that the damage was just too big for them to take on the damage. Brothers raping sisters and even a sister raping her brothers was what this Greek-like rebellion led to. Though it was in this case much more fucked up, as the Star Giants only rebelled for greed.

The world had other primordials like Proserpine, the primordial goddess of underground land; Blair, the primordial god of the plains; Wade, the primordial god of rivers; and Dipsi, the primordial goddess of the sea. Wade and Dipsi's children were the first of a new specie the water spirits and they lived on the sea and oceans. Proserpine and Blair's children, which were only three lived in Kohinoor and Amphorn children in what was known as AmpKoh. A village in the mountain range.

Temujin dismembered Proserpine and Blair's sole son who was trying to protect his sisters from his lust. As the primordials have divided the planet, Blair and Proserpine have no authority over the mountains and skies. If they tried to attack directly the planet as a whole would collapse, and they may kill their own daughters.

Blair's avatar stood for days under the sun making, with the water of the rivers and clay and a prayer to his mother the primordial of the sun, clay creatures one after the other using divinity to give them life, but none could fly. From this was born the first forest of the universe.

And after several tries, he built the first bird. It was a bluebird, its colors perfectly mixed with the sky, and the creature flew all the way to AmpKoh and gave the two hostages Star Giants Olivia and Sophia each a token from their parents. The tokens were molten with Blair and Proserpine divinities. They were strong enough to protect them from Temujin.

The two were hiding in the mountains being pursued nonstop by Temujin, but they were incapable of truly escaping as the spread enemy look for them in several directions, and they end up running in circles. Temujin was not desperate to get them so he was playing hunting with the poor goddess. The arrogant king would find out that this would be his undoing. The two goddesses were tired of escaping for so long, so wearing the token as collars, they returned with Temujin to AmpKoh, as he could no longer touch them to the token protection.

Temujin tried everything to wear off the defense of the token but failed. He then tried to seduce the goddess, which failed for a long time. The trauma bonding ended up working in the long term with Olivia, so she took out her protection as she felt from her kidnapper. Temujin would soon show his true color to the now defenseless Olivia, as he would only use her as a pleasure tool. Sophia would live in solitude seeing her sister with the man that killed their brother.

When I came to know of this situation, I came up with a plan to change things without interfering directly. I may not be a master regarding souls, but I can make some things. Temujin had triplets with Olivia. Temujin started to show his true color when he punched Olivia's stomach trying to kill the kids in the womb. He only failed because Sophia stood in his way. He did not want to

"Sister..." Olivia said surprised."I..."

"Keep the apologies for later we must go" Sophia said as she carried her sister on her back. Temujin punched Sophia on the back. The impact was not big but it was enough to make her fall. The effect of the token was weaker now that it needed to protect both of them. Sophia turned her shoulder to make sure she would not fall on her sister. Seeing the situation, Sophia took her token from her neck and put it on her sister.

"Go... Sister. Go.." Sophia said.

"But..."Olivia said.

"No but..." Sophia said. And so crying, Olivia ran away with the token. Temujin was pissed that Olivia ran away, he seemed to plan to rape Sophia to appease his anger. But, by 'luck', or rather by my direct manipulation, Olivia's token that he held fell on Sophia, as she took the token Temujin could no longer touch her.

On the first forest, the reincarnation of Kohinoor, Amphorn, and Broderick, Olivia and Sophia's brother; were born.