
Universe Maker

Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/fundo-colorido-da-galaxia-com-estrelas-brilhantes_15670165.htm#query=universe&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 33: (World War)

After the gods left, the haploid human world continued to develop fast. After thousands of years, haploidhumans passed the iron age and entered the industrial era.

Although law users were still the real powerhouses that govern the world, the blacksmiths especially those who were able to produce weapons, which could bare, at least partially, the power of law users became high-standing and sought-after individuals. The balance of power stood between the three blacksmith cities, formed by the blacksmith gods. What happens with them varies, though.

Amerawdwr first, a god-rank law user from the space law, conquered the northern blacksmith with his strength, the monopoly of the city's weapons, and a little cunning he was able to gradually conquer all the north of the continent, establishing the Law Empire.

The Law Empire land territory has the format of over a third of the western part of the Pacific Ocean strangely cut, combined with the Arctic Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean, a small piece of the South Atlantic Ocean, a small piece of the Indian Ocean, and the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean,

Meanwhile, the plant tribe in the southeast gradually started long ago to worship the blacksmith god, which taught them how to smith with iron, steel, and better magic metals; and their dead ancestral, which they now call the river goddess Ness.

They conquered the neighboring territories, gradually unifying the southeast in the name of their goddess. They started to value blood purity, which is ironic considering how diluted Ness' blood is in them, people who married inside the tribe were better viewed than those, who marry outside.

Gradually the social standing started to be stabilized in the blood purity other. From high priests were the ones, who supposedly have purer blood, to priests, general paladins, paladins, servants, and outcasts.

All law enlightenment resources started to be monopolized by the plant tribe, and normal haploid humans were denied access to it, so there were only plant tribe law users in the theocracy.

Meanwhile, nearly all people from the plant tribe were law users, because they made sure to train very carefully anyone from themselves with the utmost attention.

After centuries of development of the law power system, all nations were able to relatively mass 'produce' law users, although they were still the far minority.

The theocracy land territory has the format of a curved cut imperfect half of the South Atlantic Ocean combined with most of the Indian Ocean, except for a small part where New Zealand stood, which was a sea in this world.

The rank was b*llsh*t, however, because the first from the plant tribe never bothered to look into it. So these ranks were made only considering some more recent generations, as they have no way to trace back their parentage until lady Ness.

There is also the fact that their ancestress would surely be pissed with them for dividing themselves because of blood purity b*llsh*t.

I was thankful, they at least have the common sense of not marrying their own siblings. Below all these positions were the haploid humans, which were seen as subclass citizens. The plant tribe founded, with all their expansion, the Ness Theocracy.

They considered themselves superior, because of the very weak boast of their powers that Ness's bloodline give to them and their more intimate way of giving birth, that's the same as humans on the other planet.

The southwest blacksmith city developed on its own as a pacific, but strong military power in the region. As the city's neighbors were finding it hard to defend themselves from the empire's offensive, the city ended up forming an alliance and defending these cities from the empire, slowly the alliance extended through all of the southwest as well, as some cities felt threatened by the Theocracy in the east. With its economic, political, and military hegemonic position in the alliance, the alliance started to gradually change colors, until it became the Blacksmith Republic.

All kingdoms and republics ended up submitting to the blacksmith city, becoming the city colonies, and paying tributes to be defended against the theocracy and empire. The republic's land territory has a format of a strangely cut two-thirds of the western part of the Pacific Ocean combined with nearly a half strangely cut from the South Atlantic Ocean.

And so world history kept on going like this with small frontier conflicts between the three world nations, but not developing into an all-out war. As the three-nations economy developed, so did their territorial disputes.

Different regions of the three nations have different interests, which led to a complicated and convolved political situation. While the center of power of the nations is completely divided with a faction content with the current territory and an expansionist one.

Some peripherical regions were 'pacifist', because of the wealth they make with the foreign nations and because they were at a frontline position; some were neutral; and some hated the foreign products that competed with the ones they make.

Although all three nations were highly centralized with different forms of dictatorship, each of them has its own forms of corruption, which allows the peripherical areas with 'gifts' to have some level of influence at the central government, making the political tension gradually increase. If this world had discovered gunpowder, the international situation could be described as a gunpowder barrel, which could explode at any moment. It only needed a trigger.

This trigger happened when the empire's first princess was murdered by priests during her diplomatic mission at the theocracy. She was not raped before being killed because it happened at the Ness temple. She was inconsequential and broke protocols, after also entering a temple in honor of Goddess Ness, which haploid humans were not welcomed at.

The princess felt humiliated when the local priest shouted at her so she shouted back. The man was pissed by being shouted at by a haploid human, which for him was a lesser being. So he captured her and tortured her until death.

She was not even supposed to be there, as she was not a diplomat, she only accompanied the diplomatic mission, because she wanted to travel. After her death, the empire sent an ultimatum to the theocracy, demanding the head of the murder, or it would be war. The theocracy, because of its pride, refused. So the empire declared war against the theocracy.

Both nations believed that the war would get a resolution quickly and that they would be victorious. In the beginning, both nations sent 'gifts' to politicians in the Blacksmith Republic to keep the nation neutral. They thought their gifts worked, but the truth is that the republic wanted to milk the most benefits from this war before joining it.

This war was not a minor conflict, it was an all-out conflict between two of the three world nations, whose victor would definitely have the potential to become the world hegemony, which was unacceptable to the republic.

Meanwhile, the war between the empire has become more and more bloody. Weapons made by law masters blacksmiths have allowed normal mortals to be a force with some worth on the battlefield above their previous only logistical functions. A mortal with a law weapon could in theory win against a level one law user, though it would be a hard victory.

As in this modern and industrial era law weapons could be mass produces, and the countries could economically sustain large armies nations could sustain large armies enlistment increased sharply. The empire has an army of over twenty-five million soldiers, while the theocracy has over twenty and two million.

The empire was the nation where all the sea islands stood, it have the word strongest navy because this allowed them to quickly reached the dispersed provinces several of which were separated by the sea. During the war, fleets from the empire spread through the Warm Sea, a giant sea with the size and format of the earth's African continent, and started to invade the theocracy by the shore. These fleets were from Roc Island, an Island in the format of the combined Mediterranean Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, Ionian Sea, and Black Sea; and from the Tongue Peninsula, which was a peninsula in the form of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Meanwhile, the theocracy invaded the empire by land and tried an offensive targeting the Tongue Peninsula, in other to potentially close the Diamond Strait, putting the empire's navy in the center isolated from the one in the east. The empire had to stop its expansion, to curb the theocracy offensive on the Tongue Peninsula. The Diamond Strait is a strait in the format of the Sinai Peninsula.

The empire was successful in expelling the theocracy from the peninsula, but the peninsula became land isolated as the rest of the close center-south territories were lost with the theocracy invasion. The defensive battles of the empire on the peninsula gained a gruesome reputation. With time the empire was able to expel the theocracy from their south-center coast.

The theocracy was pushed to the interior and then expelled. Meanwhile, the empire offensives that came from the Warm Sea gave few results, as the time they tried to push deeper into the land, they ended up being pushed back to near shore. The theocracy decided to try a new route of expansion through the north of the strange sea.

That region is shore to several small seas at the end of some of them the empire's territory started. The theocracy tried to invade from there, but somehow the battle plan got leaked, and the theocracy found a strong defense and was pushed back. This game of balance, advance, retreat, and keeping all fronts safe has been a nightmare for the two enormous countries with their massive frontiers.

As time passed, the theocracy and empire war seems far from a resolution, and the two nations changed their attitude and started to try to pull the republic to their side. The republic started to become extremely politically polarized. The empire's tyrannical rule over the north blacksmith city started to be more and more criticized, while the theocracy race segregation and authoritarian policies received the same treatment.

This situation continued until the empire researchers finally obtained a breakthrough in the battle puppets invented by their gods. The breakthrough was basically being able to produce them, as no law blacksmith was able to reproduce this wonder that only the three blacksmiths could produce.

The empire with this invention, and a lot of money burning, was able to push the theocracy back quite a lot. At this point, three million soldiers from the empire have already died, been seriously wounded, or taken prisoners, while a similar amount had the same fate in the theocracy, after just a year of the war.

In response, the theocracy fueled by fanaticism started to implement suicidal tactics, and so the casualties on both sides increased sharply, but one way or another the theocracy kept losing territory. Fearing that if the empire was left untouched it may have ended up swallowing the theocracy, the republic declared war on the empire.

Of course, they invented a random stupid reason for the war, a drug trafficker from the republic got his drugs seized by the empire authorities, he demanded financial compensation from the empire, which refused. So the republic used this 'theft' as a war declaration motive.

The situation quickly reversed with the empire being attacked on the two fronts. Most of the empire's western territory was invaded by land, with exception of the Cauldron, Ice Cheese, and land straits. The cauldron is a reversed version of the Earth's Hudson Bay, the ice cheese a land filled with small seas, which are the opposite from Earth's Ellesmere Island, Queen Elizabeth Islands, Banks Island, Victoria Island, and so on ... The land straits are a reverse version of the Hudson Strait, Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and the Labrador Sea. All these places on earth were part of Canada's extreme north.

I led this conflict happened because I was their god, not their babysitter, I did not let Siraj interfere either, which did not mean that I would not guide them to a less worst result. While analyzing the three nations, I concluded that the less worst of them all was the empire, if this world was to be unified I would rather have the empire as the world nation, that the overly corrupt nation(Republic) and the fanatical nation(Theocracy). It also gave them points that their ruler was trying to actually improve his country even before the throne. Some months after the world war started the empire ruler died of old age and his eldest son inherited the throne.

Although his top priority was his citizen well being, which I thought quite strange considering his family history, he did not stop the war because he was fearful of what would be of his nation and people if they lost, he was also ambitious to become a world ruler, which I have nothing against.

It was through his and his well-chosen researchers' efforts that the empire could develop his first puppets.

I would not give him some godly power or something I will give him some overpower councilors: Caddock and Edith themselves. I first made him have a dream about how to escape his predicament, about his true great councilors.

With both of them giving him some godly advices, he was able to make up for some territorial losses.

They suggested to him to have the puppets adapted to be used as a way to increase law user powers, which lead to the creation of the first mechas.

Armed with mechas, the empire was finally able to win. With this, the three years bloody war was finally over. Edith was now advising him in times of peace on how to overall improve the empire, reduce corruption, and so on...