
Universe Maker

Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/fundo-colorido-da-galaxia-com-estrelas-brilhantes_15670165.htm#query=universe&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 29(the second universe creation)

I started meditating it was a long process. I started to ponder how I should use my aspect to my advantage. I think I should think about a living organism to help the creative process and should start with a simple organism to guide the creation so human anatomy wouldn't be an ideal model, a simpler organism like a sponge would be better. So my mind passed through all variation of species of sponges that exists.

First I started imagining in my head, a sponge in chaos. I imagine it having a leucon-type water system, the most complex water system that can be found in a sponge. In it, the radial canals are replaced by numerous small flagellated chambers in which the choanocytes are localized. I have to imagine each cell one by one as a cells-like structure.

The choanocytes, in the leucon type, are cells provided with a flagellum, which is surrounded by a collar composed of cytoplasm. The main function of the flagellum apparently is to produce the water current, and that of the collar is to capture food particles. Intracellular digestion occurs in them. While adapting them to the universe, I thought of them using a combination of azoth and alkahest to digest the chaos and produce ichor.

I have to imagine it chamber by chamber. Each one was made by orichalcum, each flagellum was a mithril snake-like mechanical arm, and the colar was composed of Aether.

The chambers, like in the leucon sponges, scattered throughout the universe, have pores through which chaos( instead of water) passes into a complex system of incurrent canals, then into a spongocoel-like (internal cavity) by way of excurrent canals.

Chaos enters very small pores found among the "cells" of the universe (pinacocytes-like), which line the outer surface of the universe. After passing through a system of incurrent canals and cavities, also lined with pinacocytes-like, the chaos reaches the flagellated chambers, enters them through openings (prosopyles-like), and leaves through other openings (apopyles-like).

The chaos is expelled through the osculum-like structure after passing through a system of excurrent canals and cavities lined with pinacocytes. The pores are made of Porocyte-like structures made of mithril.

I'm making my mind slowly wander among the visualization of these structures, ensuring I won't get lost.

The skeleton of sponges may be mineral in nature (calcareous or siliceous) or composed of protein and other components (spongin). I am taking a leucon-type Demospongiae as a base, which has a mineral skeleton composed of siliceous.

The siliceous spicules, consisting of both megascleres and microscleres, of the Demospongiae, have an enormous variety of forms. In the bone-like region of the universe, the metacleres-like and microscleres-like structures will be formed from the combination of adamant, mithril, and orichalcum which were combined by alkahest. They will be secreted by Sclerocyte-like structures made of mithril, that use philosopher stones as raw materials.

To fill up the gaps I started to think about the remaining types of cells. The archaeocytes came into my head, they are scattered in the mesohyl, and have remarkable potentialities for transformation into various other cell types, especially in the Demospongiae.

Its functions are in regeneration and the transportation of food particles acquired at the choanocytes throughout the body of the sponge. In the universe, it will be the cell-like structure with the largest amount of prima materia, which will be the reason for its high transformation ability. The transportation will be done by using alkahest to dissolve the chaos and then transporting by a channel made of the mythical net alloy.

Later I think about the pinacocytes, that form the pinacoderm, a single cell layer found on the body surface and lining the canals. Various types of pinacocytes occur. Pinacocytes are flattened cells containing many granules; capable of contracting, pinacocytes may cause a reduction in the volume of the sponge if it is disturbed.

They play a role in movement (contracting and stretching), cell adhesion, signaling, phagocytosis, and polarity. To allow them to stay they will release Xirang, to stop the stretching or start the contracting movement, the mythical substance will be devoured by robotic versions of Solomon's Shamir, made of adamant.

The collencytes, found in the mesohyl, secrete fibres and often form a net in the cytoplasm. I imagined a version of them made by mithril, they produce a net that combines the mythical net alloy and azoth.

Finally, intracellular digestion also occurs in the thesocytes. They are cells that work as a food reserve for the sponges. I imagine them taking the chaos already dissolved by alkahest and further dissolving it with azoth and producing ichor.

Thinking and imagining all these details in my head one by one took me a thousand years.