
Universe Maker

Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/fundo-colorido-da-galaxia-com-estrelas-brilhantes_15670165.htm#query=universe&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 11(the wise doctor and the first mortal's language)

After reflecting a lot I finally, got to the conclusion of how to solve the temporary absence of a patron to the mortals. I concluded that the haploidhumans are the only specie that needed to be accompanied directly for now. I think about doing it myself. And then I decide what to do about the other species later. Maybe, I should teach them something. But, what should I teach them?

What I think right now that would be the easiest for me to teach would be to be a doctor. But how do I present myself to them as a god or only a teacher? I am not much interested in receiving prayers, so maybe just a teacher would be better.

Something... like the mysterious wise doctor Raziel. That sound interesting. So I did.

Mortal Realm- The last of the three planets

With the great jungle of the giant and only continent of this planet called Pangea. Not really. But that would be interesting if this continent have the same name as the once continent of the earth. The world's topography was the reverse of the earth one.

Most of the world is covered by the continent, but with closed seas as big as a continent, that has the format and proportional size of America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, and Antarctica.

There are no towns or cities, much less nations, just the village of the beginning, a place where the haploidhumans were dropped with some knowledge to speak and a personality equivalent to an adult.

There were only two functions in the village hunters and the Botanics, who grow herbs, took care of the holy plants, and sometimes follow the hunters to help identify useful crops.

Holy plants are what the specie started to call the plant that not only protects them, but is also born out of the relationship between two lovers, and is the source of the birth of the next generation. Little did they know that the ones they call holy are actually their child, and their called children are actually their grandchildren.

From what I saw there was no need for much intellectual support, they were developing quite well for now. The wild is quite dangerous I think I should stay here just to ensure no overpowering monster extinguish their specie. And teach them a bit if I feel like it. Let's present myself.

"Hello."I said to the gathering of Botanics, trying to sound polite.

"What are you?_"asked one of them incredulously._ You are like us, but not from home.

_"I am the first to be. I am a teacher. I am a wise man. I am a doctor. I am Raziel." I answered.

"Ah? What is a teacher? What is a wise man? What is a doctor?" asked another.

_"A teacher is one that may guide you in your path of learning, but must, not may, learn with you._ I said trying to sound profound."

They have an oh look that made it seem like they have been enlightened.

"A wise man is a man that now too much, but for itself too little." It felt like I plagiarized Socrates in a different-looking sentence.

They nodded.

"And finally, a doctor is one that heals. All of you may have learned a lot from herbs. All may want to learn to heal better with them. To protect, your families and friends hunters, that risk their lives to bring food to your people. But how? I am here to guide you. Teach you."

"But how do we know you are one of us?- One of them asked, meaning herbalists in "us"._"And how would we know that you actually know enough about it to teach us?

"Ask me anything?"

They got a little far from me and seem to discuss what sort of test they gonna give me. Then they returned with one of my finest pant creations the magical water moss.

"How can we use this plant for healing?"

"You can't use it raw, because it is a magic plant, specifically the magic water moss, if eaten you would only absorb magic water that without knowing how to use you would simply urinate out of your body later. But I can list a few recipes that can be made using it if you mix and cook it with this, and this, and this, and this one, and that one..." After listening and showing them several other plants.

I made it seem like I took it from the backpack I was carrying, but in fact, I was creating them at the time. How convenient being a creator is. They probably took this plant because they believe it does not have any medical use.

"Then, you obtain this medicine. It works perfectly with urinary infection.-I continued. Later, remembering that they probably did not start classifying diseases yet, I started explaining the symptoms of this illness, so that they know what medicine can be used to treat it." They are looking at me with a bit of suspicion, but they are now interested in what I'm saying.

Then, they tested with a hunter with some of the symptoms I talked about and it worked. In fact, as a magical medicine made by me, it worked too well. In two minutes, the patient was already healed.

After this lesson, I became the teacher of the first herbalists. Years passed. After teaching the first generation to a level of earth doctor, if you did not consider the limitation of equipment of this "neolithic age" and the existence of magical medicine.

Then, I trained the second generation. And the third. And so on, for more than two hundred years. Now the village is already a town. And I started the tradition of giving a name to your descendants, but their still no family name yet.

The haploidhumans that started as demigods progressed much faster than humans on earth probably because the specie started as demigods, and my presence helped for sure. Though they did not enter the Copper Age yet, doubtless because of the fact they did not found any copper yet. Ironically, they have a very developed writing system, that has a very efficient alphabet to read.

One of my disciples, with great foresight, was worried, about how would the knowledge that I passed be kept intact in the long run. So I suggested he make something that could only be called a writing language. With a bit of my help, the project was completed by her.

I forgot to add that her name is Imala. Well, I was the one who gave her that name at the request of her parents ( actually grandparents). Because of this writing alphabet is known as Imala letters. And the language as a whole, which did not have a name before her, is now known as the Imala language.

A group of careless hunters has attracted a group of Tyrannosaurus Rex to the town. Yes, at least on this dangerous planet Tyrannosaurus Rex hunted in groups. The "holy trees" are far from enough to protect the town. So I ran to the front as fast as lightning.

What should I use? Let's use a copy of the lighting law, so I did. Turning all of the dinosaurs to ashes. Quiet an anticlimactic fight. Well, what should I do now, I think I took disciples long enough, there is no need to take more. Ana and Shanda's kids at this time are already adults. I have something to ask of them. Think I'm going there. But, first... Let's say goodbye to the town's people.