
Universe Maker

Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/fundo-colorido-da-galaxia-com-estrelas-brilhantes_15670165.htm#query=universe&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 10(the first god' official meeting)

Mythical Realm

I have teleported myself to the mythical realm. I said that I would make a simple meeting place for the gods, but I thought better about this. I should exert my creativity better. I make it a large parlor with the structure centered around a large dome. It has a simple abstract art style that combines gold, silver, bronze, and Damascus steel carving.

The floor was made out of Calcutta gold marble, the walls of dark marble, and the pillars that sustain the ceiling were made out of pink marble. The ceiling was made with very strong navy smoked glass. There were five sofa-like cotton "thrones" spread around the place, each with a pillow. All thrones were gold colored.

The place was connected with four corridors, each one will work as a teleportation entrance, for me and each of the gods. How am I going to deliver all the promises about this little project?

Simple, I made this place, work as a unique material form of the mind realm, but instead of delivering random "thoughts" it will deliver thoughts to the sources that I included like a sort of telepathy, the teleportation will work based on the thought that I intuitive or automatic make, when I want to teleport. Making it coping me and using the same power, but with divine energy, because only I in this universe can use creation power.

Besides the ones that I previously stated, it will allow the users to manipulate the appearance of this place, not actually changing it in reality, but distorting all the people that are seeing it perception, like a sort of mind manipulation, also achieved with my comprehension of the mind realm.

This perception warping function also makes this place seem like it was in the mortal realm and not in the strange mythical realm. It was like a mind without being able to self-thought, and it feels like I was programming magically.

After I completed it I saw that I forgot to make a cradle for the babies, so I did.

"Let's call for a reunion."I said to myself.

After, all were prepared to come here, I started:

"I call for this reunion. Because I would like Ana and Shanda to know Themis personally and also so that I can explain more about our universe."

"Our universe is very young. It has three acting gods as you all already know, and each has a very important function. Ana and Shanda, that are together one god, are responsible for controlling the flow of qi, mana, divine energy, and souls and are also the progenitors of the immortal fairy specie in the fairy realm.

Themis is responsible for commanding the afterlife tribunal that assigns the souls to their respective reincarnation according to karma. She is also, though differently, the progenitor of specie, in her case the fair judge specie, or just judge specie if you prefer, and is my daughter, that lives in the reincarnation realm.

Finally, there is Siraj, my son, who is the god of solar systems, he helped me complete the design of the mortal realm, which was still not in working condition and is the appointed patron of humanity." I said.

Siraj seems happy when I present him, though I am not sure why.

"Ana, Shanda, and Themis may probably have to interact more because their functions are closely related."I ended my introductions.

"I have been wanting to ask you since I saw Siraj for the first time, that seems to appear to me not to be part of the fairy realm, and know that you mention two other realms, how many realms are there?-Ana asked.

"There are fourteen realms and one pseudo realm in our universe."I answered.

"What is the difference between each?"she asked.

If there was some reading this, it would be asking, how can they all understand fairy language, it happens because of an extra function that I added that automatic translation.

I, then, start to explain the universe in detail. Ana asked some questions. Then, Siraj asked me:

"Father, I have wanted to ask you something."

"You may."

'I know that you asked me to be the mortal patron, a position that I also like, but I would like first to build a solar system in the outer mortal realm, if I don't do this I would feel like I made a half-ass job."

"To tell the truth that fake realm was a surprise, I didn't think about what to do with it yet. Still, I should remind you that the outer realm doesn't have matter, just peculiar energy, that even I don't can comprehend much. It is dangerous to try manipulating this energy, while not knowing it well. Though if you still want to do this, I can see what I do about the patron to have a temporary substitute. It is a very good idea, but it will not be easy to implement."

He nodded his head.

"Be very careful. If things turn out bad, you just need to call me, and I'll be there.-In the worst case, I can use the origin energy to heal him probably."

"Thank you, father. Though, may I ask how can I access this outer realm?"

"Oh, seems I forgot to explain it. It is logically connected to the mortal realm you just need to you your mind sense to probe the mortal realm and search for a space that is not connected but is still part of it."

"Got it. I found it. Thank you again, father."

'Your welcome."I said.

All said their goodbyes and returned to their usual routine. Think, I need to see what I am gonna do about the patron thing.