
Becoming Paul Atreides’ Brother (Short Novel)

What If I got reincarnated as Paul’s brother and became the spiritual leader and Emperor of the entire known Universe?

Marcus_Adderley · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Arrakis

The Atreides took on their own to explore the capital of Arrakis, Arrekeen, which is now their new home. 

Leto decided to head to the council room where he will hear the logistics from the advance team, Jessica decided to examine the maids to look for a suitable servant and Paul and Jake decided to explore the capital to familiarize themselves to their new environment.

However Jake has his own plans, seperate from just exploring. 

"I'll go explore the north side, you go to the southern side,"

"There will be a meeting later in the council room, you go first and I'll follow after I'm done with something."  He said to his brother and proceeded to walk away.

There was a destination in mind for him to go. The first step he must take in establishing his presence into this desert world.

He walked out of the giant, unusually shaped, and alien-like structure that was called the castle of the desert planet Arrakis.

The strong sun of the desert emitted soft rays that were scorching. The sand under his feet; soft but hot. 

Despite the desert heat, there were still some plants. A tall tree in fact, and tending that tree was a man.

On the other side of that scene was a delegate of many people. They were pilgrims, they were on the ground kneeling and praying with books in their hands.

Their synchronized chants were strangely therapeutic and hypnotic.

Some of them were staring at the man; jealousy filled their eyes as they looked at the man giving water to the plants.

Water is scarce in the desert planet, the most sought out resources in the entire planet and to see water be wasted on a planet instead of their thirst was something that is justifiably envy inducing.

"You should not be out here this time of the day, the heat will take you out," A man said, he was clothed in full desert robes and was holding a bucket filled with water. On his hand was a ladle that was used to scoop up water to nourish the plant. 

"But they're out here." Jake said pointing at the pilgrims.

"Fremen pilgrims, they don't care about the heat stroke,"

"The water used here. It's enough to quench the thirst of five adults." Jake said, looking at the pilgrims.

"Why waste them?" 

The man walked to a new tree after watering the previous one and scooped a handful of water, then spitting it to the bottom of the tree.

"Oh that's not going to work. These are sacred." The gardener said.

"I see. Are they the ones called Old Dreams?" 

"You are knowledgeable, unlike the last stewards," The gardener praised.

"The Harkonnens are ignorant brutes." Jake said.

Then a pause ensued. Jake continued to look at the tree, and at the people, his eyes were unreadable.

The gardener gazed at Jake, but he shrugged and continued doing his job. Suddenly the silence was broken when the latter asked.

"Are you thirsty?" Jake asked the gardener and the latter looked a bit taken out.


"I asked if you are thirsty." Jake repeated.

"The scorching heat is ruthless, it would be strange if I'm not," Then he chuckled a bit. Then Jake held out a canister filled with water and held it out towards the gardener.

"Drink." The man looked surprised. To offer water here in the desert is something that never happens, water here is sacred.

"I- I cannot accept such—" But Jake's eyes looked more of a command than a request and so he helplessly but gladly took the water and drank from it.

The people on the other side, the Fremen Pilgrims, looked shocked at such a display that their jaws were literally dropping.

"As written!" Someone shouted and the rest followed. There was some religious fervor in their eyes that they started praying while shouting.

"Lisan Al-gaib!" 

The Lisan al-Gaib is foretold to be a stranger, born of off-world origins, who would come to Arrakis and bring change. 

According to the Fremen's ancient lore, this individual would possess extraordinary abilities and an unparalleled understanding of the desert and its ways. 

He would command the loyalty and respect of the Fremen, and change the face of Arrakis from desert into a green paradise.

The title "Lisan al-Gaib" carries immense weight among the Fremen. It symbolizes a beacon of hope and a harbinger of change. 

The legend of the Lisan al-Gaib is deeply tied with the Fremen's spiritual beliefs and their enduring for survival in the face of years of exploitation from the empire.

He was the foretold messiah. A spiritual leader that would lead the Fremen into paradise.

But it's all just Bene Gesserit propaganda. The Lisan Al-gaib is a superstition, the sister of witches planted to control them, or to have a semblance of control over these powerful desert warriors.

And Jake would make sure to reap the harvest the Bene Gesserit planted.

Jake walked over to the gardener and took the bucket, he grabbed the empty one and headed to the pilgrims, their expectant and dangerously fanatic eyes landing on him watching each of his steps; curious as to why he is approaching them.

He held out his hands and opened his palm facing up. Then suddenly something strange happened, it started as a small moisture, the size of a grain, then it grew in size, gaining volume by the second.

Until eventually it was the size of a big coconut, the Fremen Pilgrims looked as if they were watching god at work as religious fervor filled their eyes. They realized what it was. It was water.

They were shaking, everything stopped for them.

Then the water blob was dropped on the bucket filling it up to the brim. Jake proceeds to lift the bucket and hand it over to them while speaking in the native tongue; the fremen language Chakobsa.

"Shuk-shuk, a ma jik, sibko," 

'Drink from it, this is my gift, brothers,' 

Their eyes watered, tears filling it, dropping on the ground. 

"Ah-kash hadar padishah han teshfar al-kitab imas fihal."

'And he shall know the ways of the desert as if he was born from it,' someone muttered.

Then a synchronized thud ensued as they all dropped on their knees, they were crying in happiness.

"As was written!" They kept shouting while praying.


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