
Chapter 2: The Gathering

Aria had never felt so alive. The power of the gods flowed through her veins, empowering her every move. She had a sense of purpose, a sense of destiny that she had never felt before.

But she knew that she couldn't do this alone. She needed to find the other Godmages, to unite their power and fight against the gods who

had brought so much pain to the world.

She left the shelter, determined to find the others. She had no idea where to start, but she felt a pull, a sense of direction that seemed to come from within her.

She walked for hours, crossing barren landscapes and ruined cities, until she finally came across a group of people who were huddled together in a small cave. They looked up in surprise as she entered, their eyes widening as they saw the golden glow of her eyes.

"A Godmage!" one of them exclaimed. "We thought you were just a myth!"

Aria smiled, feeling a sense of relief. She had found her first ally.

"I am real," she said. "And I'm here to help."

The group was a mix of men, women, and children, all of them survivors of the war between the gods and the mortals. They had been hiding in the cave for months, waiting for the conflict to end.

Aria explained who she was, and what her powers could do. She demonstrated her abilities, conjuring bolts of lightning from her fingertips and levitating rocks with a flick of her wrist.

The group watched in awe, but Aria could sense their fear as well. They had seen too much destruction, too much death, to believe that any one person could make a difference.

But Aria was determined to change their minds. She knew that the Godmages were the key to victory, and she was not going to let fear stand in her way.

"I know you're afraid," she said. "But we can't give up. We have to fight back, to take our world back from the gods who have stolen it from us. And I can't do it alone."

The group looked at each other, hesitant, but then a young girl spoke up.

"I want to help," she said. "I want to be a Godmage too."

Aria smiled, feeling a surge of hope. This was just the beginning. She would find the other Godmages, and together they would unite their power to defeat the gods.

The journey ahead would be long and difficult, but Aria knew that she was not alone. She had found her first ally, and with each new Godmage they discovered, their strength would grow.

The war was far from over, but Aria was ready to fight. She was a

Godmage, and she was reborn for this moment.