
Universe Creator

I, Noah Miller have died. I appeared before God who told me he made a mistake and killed the wrong person. In exchange I get a couple wishes. “Ok, can I reincarnate into an Anime world?” “I’m sorry, those only exist in fan fics.” “Fine, if I can’t reincarnate into an anime world I’ll make my own.” (This is my first time writing something so expect grammar mistakes and if you see grammar mistakes please leave a comment. Also I do not own any of the anime in the story.)

Ellenad · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


I walked into the building and found it was all one room. It was almost like a school gym size wise. I looked around and saw kids scattered around the room. I really didn't feel like interacting with them so I just walked to a corner and leaned against the wall.

I looked around the room for anyone in the anime or anyone who looks interesting. Most of the kids looked pretty ordinary and their ages varied from 6-10 years old. While I was scanning the room something caught my attention. In the center of the room there was five boys bullying a girl. The girl had black hair and had a long claw mark scar across her face. The boy who seems to be the leader walked up to her. He had blond hair and wore fancy clothes. He looked to be about ten while the girl looked my age. He knocked the girl over, laughed at her, and mocked her face, typical anime bullying senario. I looked at the bullies anger. I knew these people existed but to do this in public. This is unacceptable. I walked over to the bullies.

"Hey, you shouldn't pick on people like that!" I shouted.

The leader looked over and said "oh, there is a commoner capable of speaking out against me, a noble?"

Wait, is this that typical anime scenario where the nobles look down on the commoners and treat them like trash?

"Just because she is a commoner doesn't mean you should pick on her." I said.

"You're right, it's that face filled with scars that gives me the right to pick on her. I mean look at her, she's so ugly!" The noble yelled.

"Do looks matter all that much?" I asked

"Of course they do. What would we do without proper looks? The fact that you say that makes me wonder whether you are a savage." The noble replied.

"With or without proper looks I am going to have to have you stop bullying her. So please don't make me use force."

"You dare! Let's give this brat a lesson!" The noble screeched.

"Agreed!" The other boys shouted as the first one charged at me.

I am going to have to hold back if I don't want to kill these kids. I pulled my fist back and hit the first one in the head. He immediately collapsed and groaned in pain.

After seeing the first kid fall in one punch the other boys looked hesitant it then the noble shouted

"He just hit Joe with his fist. His fist must be sore all over and hurt like hell! Get him!"

After hearing his words the boy's confidence rose and they charged me once again. This time instead of waiting for them to come to be I went to them. I lunged toward them and punched one in the stomach then kicked another's foot cause him to trip. The last boy tried to punch me but it was unbearably slow and I dodged it easily. Then I took two fingers and poked him in the eyes. The boy yelped and tripped on his own feet while covering his eyes with his hands.

After seeing all his friends get beaten up the noble looked frightened. I slowly walked toward him. He shrieked and fell on his butt trying to cray backward away from me. I walked up to him and got closer to my face was right next to his ear. Then I whispered

"If I ever see you bully someone again then it will be your turn."

After that I went to the girl and asked " Are you alright?"

*Girl POV*

When I was little my father brought me hunting with him. I was happy because I wanted to see just how awesome my father was. However while we were hunting we ran into a large bear. My father told me to run but I refused. The bear roared at us and it hit my father who was sent flying a few feet back. I screamed and the bear lifted its paw and struck my face leaving a mark across it. Pain had flicked throughout me. My father got up and told me to run. I did and as I ran he charged at the bear. I made it back to my town and got myself patched up.

My father never returned that day. My mother eventually committed suicide leaving me all alone. Eventually I made my way to Camelot where I signed up to be a soldier for I had no where else to go. I had no one who cared for me. Everyone called me ugly and worse things. I got bullied. I didn't care about anything.

However when I was being bullied yet again in a waiting room, someone stood up for me. I didn't think much of it at first because people have stood up for me before only because they thought physically bulling someone was too much. They were fine with everything else. However this person say that looks don't matter.

I looked over to see who would say such a thing in the face of a noble and there stood a boy with black hair and brown eyes. He then proceeded to beat up the entire group by himself. I thought he would walk away afterward but he came asked if I was alright. He really doesn't care about how I look?

"Thank you" I said to him.

*Alastair POV*

I helped her onto her feet.

"Whats your name?" I asked her

"Sephina" she replied

"You should not let others bully you" I said

Then I walked back to my corner. When I turned around she was following me. Why is she following me?

"Why are you following me?" I asked

"Because I have no one else to be around" was her answer

I let her be after that. It's not like she's bothering me or anything. Maybe I can make her a friend and train her to be an ally for the holy war. Then I heard a booming voice