
Universe and beyond

It was born into immortality, Follow the tale of a being with the goal of conquering the universe alone.

Blood2K · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 - Planetary Isolation

(A few hours after the previous incident with BakNak)

[K*** POV]

Seems like I was seriously hurt from the punch he threw at me. My skin actually cracked from the impact.

The energy that this "human" used was called magic. It is enough to disperse my mist. I should probably look more into it.

"Using his mist, he attempts to spark a connection with the magic in the air."

It is possible for me to conjure up the mana all into one spot, but I seem to have no fine control of it just yet.

(Meanwhile, on Earth)

[Overseer] "BakNak seems to have escaped the planet alone, but all of the other SS are dead."

[Eye #1] "BakNak explained the creature he was fighting once he got back to the ship. It looks similar to a human but has the ability to turn into the mist in the air. He also explained how he felt that the planet was looking at him in a way."

[Overseer] "Begin complete planet isolation, nothing leaves or enters the planet until further notice. the creature on that planet had enough power to take down 3 SS at once. Let's investigate further before acting."

(Back on planet K***)

Meddling with his mist and testing out this "magic" was K*** new thing. Destroying many things in the process, being able to cause explosions of a large radius only in the first few hours of meddling.

After a few days, he could use it to conjure semi - Mana blasts, which are basically city-wide explosions.

After even more days, he successfully combined his mist and magic together, causing a reaction similar to euphoric and addictive. He felt powerful like never before.

But even after this time, he has only started to scratch the surface of what mana can truly do and the possibilities for it.

After a month of nothing happening, K*** attempts to leave his home once again. He felt his body start to shiver and shut down once he got to the upper atmosphere, but he kept going.

Once he left the atmosphere and entered the point of space, his body started to shivering and he passed out, falling back to the planet at a fast pace.

Evolution has started once again...

(1 day later)

As he awakens, he notices that he doesn't see the mist nor the greenish terrain of his home. Only the void of space. Becoming a large specter in space, evolution has pushed past the brink of normality.

Suddenly, he feels like he is being pulled back into his body.

I felt the space around me for a moment, although I couldn't maintain that form for too long in space.

I've learned I can form a misty body to leave from my home temporarily, although it takes a lot of energy out of me.

"Starts forming a double of himself with his mist, His double begins to head into space."

Turning his misty head in one direction, then looking in the other. Seeing the cosmos for himself as the planets rotate around the Sun-

He decides to bathe in the sunlight for a few hours in the blackness of space.

(Inside the ship hovering around K*** Planet.)

[SS1] "Leader We have detected aunknownwn mist sitting closely outside of the planet. How do we initiate? "

[RabNak] "Send a small, unmanned scout ship to investigate the mist but do not initiate a fight. I'm not sure what it is, or do I want to initiate a fight with something we have no information about.

[SS2] "The observation ship is on its way now it should be there in EST 2 minutes."

(1 minute later)

[RabNak] "The closer we get, the more of a form we see, Get in closer for possible communication."

Suddenly, the small unmanned ship is overwhelmed by the green mist as the ship suddenly dissappears.

Rabnak looks at the monitor next to him and begins to talk into the microphone..


Rab-Nak gets an answer back


unexpectedly, he gets a complete imitation of his voice back through the microphone, completely scaring him out of his seat.

Suddenly, the ship loses contact, and the Green mist starts to return back to the planet.

Bak-Nak Sits back in his chair thinking about what to do, Watching this creature evacuate back to his planet, he doesn't know if he should initiate a fight or try another communication attempt. Looking to the left, he grabs the phone and asks for permission to send another manned team to the planet for another communication attempt...

Back on Planet K*** K was thinking... Should I sit back and wait or attack? he asked himself. Looking into the possible futures, he came to the idea to sit back and meddle with his magic and be patient.

A few weeks go by in the blink of an eye, and Casually K*** is walking around the landscape. Looking at the vegetation and meditating his mist.

Suddenly, K*** was feeling a aura a lot stronger and scarier than ever before....

sorry for the wait. Was BUSY! Enjoy the chapter.

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