
Universe and beyond

It was born into immortality, Follow the tale of a being with the goal of conquering the universe alone.

Blood2K · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Changes in K***

(Back on K*** Home planet 1 day Subsequent to the incident)

The planet has begun a change after the mood of K*** was disturbed. The Atmosphere of the planet has become more dense and harder to approach, the ground has hardened to a degree where it could not be penetrated by a normal drill.

K*** Body has also started to show a change, His pale white skin followed by his pitch-black eyes has turned even darker looking as if it was an abyss. A small layer of the green mist is now permanently formed to his Darkened body as a layer of protection.

What no one know is that he searched the mind of Narak as he entered his mind for all information. Searching through his mind has giving K*** a different understanding of the world and universe that he lives in. He feels very insignificant after learning how large the universe is and how diverse it is. The planet he has lived on is very small and more comparable to a dwarf planet.

This made K*** Change even more within the 20 days until the ultimate's arrived.

(20 Days later)

Back on the Ultimate Ship where 99 super soldiers and one leader that was not human named BakNak

Most of the ultimate's were unnamed soldiers as they have breeded to fight nothing more nor less, they also had the ability to use "Magic", But this power is limited as its not available in the deep dark of space.

But BakNak was different, born into a rich family on a paradise planet with all the resources to become powerful. He can absorb sunlight to become even stronger than what he is at this moment if needed, the ability to fly and super strength. Alongside his control of magic makes him a powerhouse amongst the UNSF.

(BakNak POV)

So, this is the planet the Overseer has been speaking of? Thought it would be larger.

[SS1] The planet has been scanned again and has changed since the last time it has been scanned.

Doesn't matter, we must prepare to enter the atmosphere and a group of 3 just to investigate what is going on.

"BakNak Puts on his Vanta Black Suit and recharges his battery suit."

"Jumps out of the ship followed alongside 2 other SS and starts flying into the atmosphere".

[SS2] Leader, this gas is intense are you sure about this?

It's just a little bit of gas, put on your helmets we are reaching the ground.

"BakNak Lands on the group and immediately feels the gravity change."

[SS1] Leader this gravity is not bearable, what do we do?

(Pov End)

As soon as BakNak is about to speak a form starts to appear Infront of them. It was K*** making his entrance.

K*** Attempts to enter BakNak Mind but is unable to and causes great pain to his mind.

BakNak feels this attempt and throws a punch at K*** Darkened body but his hand is grabbed before it can touch his body.

(K*** POV)

After blocking the first hit my hand started to crack.

"Gas starts to shoot from his hands and wraps around all enemies around him"

But to his surprise all the gas that wrapped around the leader of them evaporated before it could fully wrap.

"BakNak Jumps into the air and comes back down on K*** Dragging him across the ground and into a rock."

Pain. I've never felt such a thing like this. "Lays on the ground"

(Pov End)

As BakNak Hovered over K*** Body, He feels a rumble from the ground.

BakNak Feels that the entire planet is looking at him.

K*** Suddenly turns into mist and appears Infront of BakNak and grabs him lightly as BakNak is frozen in fear.

[K***] Show me your past....

(20 years ago)...

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