
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

23. Aren't Meant To Forget!!

Dhvani sat as everything felt pause, what happened just now? She had a nightmare! It was usual for her to dream things, but this was different, why had she dreamt of so many things at once?? The first thing she could recall from her dream was.... her mother's touch, smile, caress! Oh, how badly had she missed it!

As she recalled everything, she couldn't find herself calm! Her life was.... beautiful but why had it have to turn upside down? Though the turn gave few whom she can't think alone to lose but what she had already lost was something unworthy to lose! Treasure!!

Dhruv! A faint smile twitched her lip slightly! He had promised that he would stay with her no matter what even though it wasn't necessary for him to do! The man always stood beside, even when she was away from homeland, he wrote letters to her, which she probably wantedly haven't replied for, but he kept sending them! Whether or not to accept, he inherited his father, in caring, speaking, actions, and thoughts! But she hoped he will never act like his father!


"Are you leaving?" asked Ajay, his head down, staring the soft green grass! His ears which were witnessing the soothing flow of river while patiently waiting for her to speak up!

"I wish I could say no!" she said with a sigh!

He gazed up at her, "Will you not if I say you to stop?"

"I can say no now!"

He sighed sadly, "When will you return?"

"Ask me how long will I be away instead!"

He hesitated, "How....long?"

"Enough for you to.... forget me!!"

"Do you think I will?"

"I don't blame you though you did!"

He shook his head, "I will never forget you!"

Dhvani finally tilted her head to see him, "And..... why will you....not?"

He frowned, "Cause....you aren't meant to forget!!"

Was she? She chuckled, and a sigh escaped later, "You are unlike me! Friendly in nature! You can befriend anyone easily with that behaviour of yours!"

Before even he could say anything, she spoke again, "I am sorry from my whole heart, that you had to lose all your friends just because you had a friend like me!"

"Now don't do that mistake again!"

He glared her in silence, he could see some emotion swirling in her eyes which she probably was trying to hide, "That.....wasn't mistake!"

"And I lost what wasn't worthy! If they were, they would have understood me! Don't you think so?"

She remained silent! "And you know you are worth waiting for, so I am gonna wait!"

"Though I don't how long will I have to!!"


Her dream made Dhvani remember the last meeting she had with Ajay, just a night before she left this country!

'Cause....you aren't meant to forget!!'

She took a deep breath, the one who said will never forget her had no memories of her now, ironic it is!!

Feeling a lump in her heart, she thought to fresh up, she had decided that she will be going to make him remember everything, sitting and mourning wasn't in her way anyway!

When Dhvani was done, she made her way out, only to see Dhruv waiting for her with her car!

"Are you again coming along with me?"

He nodded, "Who else will?" he smirked, she shook her head and they both headed to Star!

This time it was crowded again, but more with her fans and less with media, there were mostly paparazzi's. As again with a bit difficulty she got in, she saw few bodyguards who now assisted her, she frowned but didn't care! And again Ajay bumped up, but this time, with her! She massaged her head, this man needs to put his eyes ahead rather down!!

"I am sorry!"

"I see you care!"

He got what she said, "I had to! You might be getting late, go ahead!" he almost was about to cross her!

"Are you leaving?"

Ajay halted, suddenly her questioning made him recall his dream! He looked at her for a brief moment, whether he accepted or not, the woman made him feel something familiar! He didn't know what it was! "I will come back soon!" he gave her a slight smile and a bow to her brother before leaving from there!

"I wish you could just stay!" she said to herself under her breath! She turned back, "Don't follow me till in!" she said to the guards! They took a second for a thought before nodding and getting out to clear the way that was still crowded out there! Finally she took a notice of Dhruv!

"You won't be having any company today!" she shrugged waiting for him! Though she had no problem with him assisting her, she did feel bad that now he had to wear a mask as well to hide himself from the paparazzi's and media, once they dig out who he is, they will dig until they find the deep connection of Little Star and Universe! Which she didn't wish for to be an open secret!

He pouted, and then nodded thoughtfully, "I will go find my company then!" he said with a smile! She frowned, "And when are you going to return?!"

He smirked, "Why is that? Will you miss me?"

"I will!!" she said, he smiled, "Miss my car!!" she added, making him chuckle immediately!

"See you then!" he said before leaving her as well!

Dhvani made her way, and was glad to see all of them present already! She smiled as she now took her mask away, taking a look at the clock, she was even glad that she wasn't late either! She went and took a seat as everyone wished her and she greeted them back!

"So....are you ready Ron?" she began straight going ahead with the point! They all glared him as well, he took a deep breath before arranging an empty chair before him, facing his side! They all frowned and Dhvani kept looking at him! A second after, he started tapping on the wooden chair with a stick, creating a beat before he started singing! It started slow, then it only got faster and faster, along with the perfect beat behind, until it slowed down again and the beat dropped as well. Ron made the end with a low voice yet deep!

It was a rap about a sufferer of life! She took a deep breath as she realised the great breath control he possess while others appreciated him even before she could say anything! But he kept looking at her after giving them all a smile!

"You can break hearts and successfully stick them back!" she said with a shrug and a shook before she clapped twice for him! Maira chuckled! "And seems like you enjoyed your punishment!" Dhvani chuckled now!

Ron smiled! Dhvani then continued her class and after a break again, she had supervised their practice!


It was evening, Ajay was going back to Star, he said he will return soon but he didn't! Discussing about the future plans with HMC took too much time! He now should inform the others that there will be two more singers joining them from HMC's side! as he was driving to the company, what had happened today morning had striked his mind!

The dream, it felt really weirdly real! Everything he had seen, he felt like it was from his forgotten memory! It was the very first time he had seen his parents in his dream, he took a deep breat, how glad had he felt in that few seconds of dream, his mother and father! He clearly remembered their faces and his too! He looked so happy with them just like they were! Just how badly had he missed them, not having their memories alone made him miss them even more along with the grief that hid inside!

'You aren't our friend anymore!'

'Stay away!!'

He sighed when he recalled those words from his dream, if these were really his memories, then why had he not had any friends, was it because of his rude behaviour? Might be!

What had always left him in halt was the girl, in every dream of his, he seemed close to her, but he couldn't know who she was?

As Ajay made his way, to the practice room, his steps halted when he heard the piano sound! He frowned, haven't they left yet? As he made his way further closer, he can recognise the tune, it was what Dhvani had played in the live concert! He just stood at the entrance leaning to the door, hearing it, seeing her, who closed her eyes and her fingers effortlessly danced over the chords!

When she was done, he clapped making her shot her eyes open and look at him, as he now reached her!