
Universal Troubles

The ever expanse of humanity. As their reach finally touched the space between the stars. But as their reach grows further, their control dwindles. "Sold our souls for money." Is the quote of the Mercenaries. For the right price they will do almost anything. Their reach dwells in the areas the government cannot. Because of this their reputation lies within a grey area. Eron, desperate for money, found himself with very little options left. With a steeled heart he too sold his soul, joining the Mercenaries. In such a world he must quickly learn that actions must be driven by money alone. Kindness gets you nowhere, and sparing leaves you with enemies.

UnableToOpenDoor · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Money Makes Eyes Shine (T's POV)

Umbra-1A, I never really visited this place much. By the way it seems to be falling apart at the seams, I can clearly see why it's called a backwards planet. There even was a fossil fuel car that drove past, who still uses fossil fuels?


{Ars: Rex is just about recovered, is this our last stop before we get back to work?}

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. Rex's condition had been worrisome for quite some time. Quickly sending a reply back I continue down the sidewalk. There's only one reason why I even came to Umbra-1A, the only reason why anyone comes to this place.

I'm looking for someone.

No one specifically, rather, not 'someone' specifically. I've been searching for a while but no one really fits the criteria I have. As Rex recovered I've been traveling across various Star Clusters in hopes of finding this person. A shame my luck is poor.

A faint cold kiss landed on my arm as I exited a building. It seems like it was now snowing, granted that was obvious from the thin layer of white on the floor. Perhaps that meant my time was running short. Not that it really mattered, compared to the cold of other planets a bit of snow seemed so harmless.

Turning the corner I was greeted by a small bump in the snow layer. Its shape was oddly human, which wasn't good. While a bit of snow never hurts, being buried by it will. Approaching this bump I dusted off the snow and inspected their face.

Yikes, they looked dead. Such a deadpan expression, in fact are they even breathing?

No they are, just faintly. That's good.

"Hey, you shouldn't be out here in the snow."

". . ."

Oh they're moving.

The strange individual looked around for a bit. Once they locked eyes with me they then apologized, "Sorry, it seems I got a bit distracted."

A bit?

"As long as you aren't trying to die. You should get somewhere warm."

"There's no point, I might as well get used to this."

Hmm, that's not good.

"If you cannot find the strength within yourself to continue forward, then find a different source."

Oh that's interesting. I only quoted someone else, but it seemed to have an effect.

"Yes of course, what am I doing? Thank you- er."

"T, as in the letter, not the drink."

"Thank you T!"

It was like new life was breathed into them. It was kind of funny, I didn't realize some words would have such power. Especially not from a stranger.

"What's your plan?", I asked almost subconsciously. For someone to reignite their will so easily, it made me a bit curious.

"The only thing I can do. Find a way to make money."

Ah it was actually something like that. Traveling down the wrong path usually leaves many defeated and in debt. Here I thought it was something interesting.

No, wait. Someone who traveled down the wrong path wouldn't regain their will that fast. So it should be something else. I shouldn't pry. . .

"Ah, in debt? I wish you luck."

"Not yet! Not if I can do something about it."

Not yet?

"Here I was thinking you owe someone money. My apologies."

"I'm just trying to survive. It's nothing of the sort."

"Aren't we all? I'm sure someone will hire you."

"Well I would love it if they appeared. No one bothered for the past four years."

Four years of unemployment? On a backwards planet like this that would be a death sentence. They looked well within their twenties. Perhaps they were living with someone.

No no, I can't keep profiling people I come across. Especially now.

"Got anyone to help? Maybe an old friend or something?"

"Lost them a while ago. I'm alone on this matter."

"Then how did you survive?"

Something. . . something was telling me. I should've left a while ago. But this person. . .

"I've worked odd jobs at the OJA. Most of the time it was people hoping to get the work done for cheaper than hiring professionals."

Odd jobs. . .

"No career? Nothing of that sort?"

"I've been trying, but nothing."

"Surely someone would have hired you."

They shrugged. If I understood everything right this person has been doing odd jobs for a long time. It clearly shows. They were decently built, although there were signs of being malnourished. There wasn't any signs of combat training, so they weren't military or anything of the sort. . .

"So I guess you're just going to continue odd jobs?"

"Can't, for some reason my membership was revoked. Although I don't want to I think my current best bet is to join the army."

"If that's the case why not become a Mercenary?"

"A Mercenary?"

"While your income might not be as steady as joining the army, you have the opportunity to make more."

"How much would a beginner get within a month?"

"It's hard starting out, since most of the jobs are low paying and quickly taken. You can only really get around one to two grand."

Their eyes lit up, "That works! What do you do as a Mercenary?"

"Depends on the job you take. It can range from escorts to delivery. Essentially what you've been doing already supposedly, just more dangerous."

I'm sounding like an advertiser. Let's calm the fire a bit, "Becoming a Mercenary is quite the choice. A really dangerous one."

"I have few choices, if I can continue to make money quickly then I won't have to worry. Do you know how to become a Mercenary?"

I was too hasty. Now they're sold on it. I really shouldn't have intervened. It's too late now.

"You've got two days, the building you went and passed out next to is this planet's Mercenary Branch. They're holding the tests then."

"What kind of tests?"

"Fitness and mental ones."

"Okay! Thank you!"

They were quick to leave. I didn't even bother to get their name. No matter, if they truly desire to become a Mercenary. . . I hope they don't regret it.

Hmm. . .

Maybe I'll change my plans a bit.