
Daily Quest Failed

The serene atmosphere inside the new cave was undisturbed except for the echoes of the heavy rain pouring outside. Iris, who was tending to Bill's injuries, hummed her favorite tune softly, while also keeping a vigilant eye on the entrance, making sure they didn't get suddenly attacked by any beasts.

The outside was shrouded in complete darkness, with not a single light source to illuminate the area. Inside the cave, it was also quite dim, with only a single light source near the entrance, which Mako had lit up.

The fire that Mako had lit was bright enough to provide some illumination inside the cave, allowing everyone to see where they were and what was around them. Moreover, the fire had been purposefully placed near the entrance of the cave, so it could provide some visibility outside, enabling Iris to spot any beasts before they entered the cave and warn the others in time.

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