102 Battling The King (Part 1)

The ground started to shake more violently and it made Mako lose his balance and fall on the ground. Leon was still holding on with his two feet planted firmly on the ground. Just from the shaking alone, they were able to deduce that the origin of all this was the hole they had just discovered.

The tremors kept increasing in intensity and before they could even move back to a safer position, A gigantic pair of glowing yellow eyes presented themselves through the darkness of the hole.

Seeing the giant beast approaching them, Leon instantly used his Speed ability to create distance between them and the hole. He grabbed Mako as he quickly sprinted away from the hole and just as he did, a giant beast broke through the wall and made an even bigger hole than what it was originally.

The giant beast turned out to be a Terra beetle as well, but this one was many times bigger than the regular Terra beetles and many times more fierce as well.


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