
Universal Mapper

A person whose destiny was to be a... mapper? Follow Clay on his journey to be one of the most sought-after big-shot that could change the fate and destinies of whoever could meet him in a fortuitous encounter. You want to find your soulmate? Sure, it costs some money though. You want to find the legendary Excalibur? Yeah why not, but I don't accept money for my artifact maps. You want to find a way out of death? Sure, but It's gonna cost you an arm and a leg *wink*. _________________________ Please read at least 30 chapters before dropping since it starts to come together at that time. The story is a little slow paced but I guarantee it is a worthy read since some of my stories would be more or less based on this one. All characters and events happening in this story are owned by me and is a work of fiction... Or is it? I'm open to criticism as this is my first book, do point out typos so I can fix them for future readers, it you point out typos you will feel like soldiers laying down their life to better the life of normal citizens.

StoryVerse · Fantasy
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60 Chs



"I just put stuff in there right?" Clay says as he stares at a slumped bag on the floor.

'I don't know why but I keep on getting a weird feeling from that bag, that must be the magical part, right?'

"Well, what am I waiting for? I'm definitely not scared of getting sucked inside of that bag and getting trapped there indefinitely without anyone knowing, definitely" Clay gave out a nervous laugh as he slowly inched toward the unmoving and seemingly ordinary bag on the floor.

The bag had two straps for each arm to slip into, looking very different from what Clay had imagined as the 'bags' he used in the past were pouches with one strap to go around the torso of a person, so seeing a bag with two straps was very surprising to Clay who had only seen one strap bags his whole life. The design looks very comfortable, but to Clay, it looked alien. The bag also had a flap at the top which could be opened to reveal its contents.

Clay touched the bag first to make sure it was a magical storage bag instead of a trap.

|Magical Storage Bag|

\A normal-looking bag. Its magical properties give it more space on the inside than how it looks from the outside, it can roughly store an equivalent of a cubic area with 50 meters on all sides/

|Owner: Clay Mapa|

"Huh, haven't seen that before" Clay muttered as he noticed the new addition in the item description.

'Must be because of the system upgrade' Clay quickly shoved the matter at the back of his head once he saw that the description was the same as he saw in the shop.

'Hmm, what to put I wonder, I can't put my clothes first since I don't know if I could take them out after putting them in' Clay rubbed his hands together and licked his lips as he thought of what to put.

'It should be something that's quite useless so I won't regret anything if I can't take it back'

Clay's eyes glanced around his room to see if he could spot anything that matches his needs.


Clay walked to the window and grabbed a feather that was left behind by a bird.

'Alright, I just open the top and put it in and then I take it out, I can do this, I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not sca- WOAH!' Clay jumped back in surprise as the moment he glimpsed inside the bag he saw something quite disturbing.

The bag which had its flap half-opened looked rather scary to Clay right now.

When Clay opened the bag for a second and glimpsed inside he saw nothing, absolutely nothing, just the deep darkness and the emptiness of the void inside the bag.

Regardless of this, Clay did not close the bag as it hadn't actually done anything yet which relieved Clay who was worrying about getting sucked in.

'Just put this feather in and take it ba- wait a minute, how am I even going to take the feather back? I have to put my hand inside right? This might be a little bit more scary than I thought' Clay steeled his resolve as he prayed that he would not get sucked in.

'In and out, just in and out Clay, easy peasy, you can do this, I mean, it's just a bag, what can it even do?'

Clay took a deep breath.

And as Clay exhaled he bolted toward the bag at a high but controlled speed so as to not damage the wooden floor.


The wind didn't even have time to disperse before Clay was already at the other side of the room opposite to the bag with the feather in his hand gone.

Clay squinted his eyes observing any minuscule changes to the bag. The moment it shows any threatening signs is the moment Clay would run with his tail tucked between his legs.

A minute passed and there were no apparent changes to the bag, at least none that Clay could see.

'It should be safe... I hope' Clay approached the bag slowly with his guard up as this time he was gonna directly put his hand inside the mouth of that ... thing.

Clay was now in front of the bag and was ready to put his hand inside it.

'System, any tips here?' Clay asked.

There was no response.

'I'm on my own then' Clay sighed.

Then came the moment of truth, Clay had already begun putting his hand inside the bag. The instant his fingers submerged into the darkness was also the instant they disappeared into the darkness which nearly made Clay want to pull out, but he decided against it as he still could feel his fingers.

While Clay was moving his hand around searching for the feather, he felt, nothing, like he was just rummaging inside a pouch that only had a small coin inside it and he was searching for it feeling only air along the way.

That metaphor came into Clay's mind which then made him think about the feather he had placed inside the bag earlier.

The moment he had thought of the feather, however, he also felt something soft touching his fingers, and that gave him quite the scare. Clay would've already pulled out his hand if it wasn't for the fact that he felt the shape familiar.

'This... This is the feather?' Clay slowly retracted his arm while preparing to let go of the object if it didn't turn out to be the feather.

His wrists exited the darkness and soon his entire hand was out of the bag, including the feather he had placed inside the bag.

'Phew, nothing happened' Clay gave a sigh of relief as he relaxed his tense muscles.

'What happens if I put my head inside the bag? Wait what? Why would I do that?!' An intrusive thought had appeared.

'It doesn't have to be my head inside, I can just use someone else's... HUH?! Why would I ever do that?!' Another intrusive thought appeared.

'I think, I think the bag did something crazy to me' Clay rubbed his temples.


P@treon's back again, check it out p@treon(com/StoryVersePremium, replace @ with "a" and the parenthesis with "." there is currently 1 advanced chapter more coming soon.