
History Lesson

"I apologize if you know must of this stuff, but as my grandfather always said 'Treat everyone like an idiot and they'll learn'. He wasn't a big peopel person. So for a history lesson.

Centuries ago this planet was colonized by a faction of the Republic. From there people split the planet up into different nations. More years ago by and war breaks out. Magic, guns, swords and beast all fight over land. The Algro used their smarts to become the most powerful family and nation. Choosing to build the three Moon stations for commerce and military training. During the Grand War, as it's named, the Algro hid their might in the shadows waiting for their enemies and allies to grow weak.

Once their Moon stations were complete the Algro family had a hold on the planets businesses. With their military station they didn't have to worry about supply trains and soldiers safety. They could just transport their entire army behind enemy lines and capture their capital and royal families. In less then a year the planet was theirs for the taking. The other nations fell into line and submitted to their rule. The old royal families became known as the Ancient Families. Then you have the True Families that were originally other noble houses that were allies with the Algro family during the war. Then you have the Young Families like mine. We showed our worth and power by helping the kingdom. I'm return we were granted a noble name, Dunkar, and land to call our own.

Since when my Great Great Grandfather rules Illumance has been our seat of power. Our family always care for talent and hard work. We created the first Magic and Technical Academy. The Green Tortoise Academy. Our school focuses on research of the arcane and mechanical. Not only is The Machine Barron helping with security, but he also going to be a guess speaker till father can find a new Technomancer teacher."

Lucas needed a second to digest everything he was told. That was a lot of information. He was glad he could give that tax chest to Alen. If he gave it to the king who knows what would happen to him. He doesn't want to get involved with any of the political drama of this planet. He wants to explore and be free.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Alen pulled up his personal stat screen and sent Lucas a friend request.

"Figured if I add you to my friend list we can communicate across long distances."

Lucas heard a ding sound and accepted the friend request.

"So what does this feature do? You can communicate from miles away?"

"Yes! As long as we are on the same planet we can communicate to one another."

Lucas just stared at Alen like an idiot.

'Maybe his grandfather was right. Treat everyone like an idiot.'

As soon as Alen realized what that looks meant and face palmed.

"I'll go call my father and let him know what's happened." He quickly got up and went to the bandit bunk room to call his father.

'Now I have to think of a cover story while he's gone. I can't just say I've been reincarnated as a 20 something year old. Maybe I can have some truth and a lie? Being an orphan could cause problems. Could bring to towns trying to find my family. I could say I have amnesia. That could work!'

Lucas continued to eat while Alen was on a call with his father. It was weird for Lucas. It's still his first day in this new world, but he felt at home. The heat from the camp fire kept him nice and warm during the cold night. Even the roasted pig was tasty. Which ever bandit cooked this was a talented chef. It was nice and juicy and perfectly salted. Only thing to make it better would be a brown sugar glaze. He could get used to a life like this. Adventuring uncharted worlds and exploring. Lucas couldn't wait to have his own Solar ship and a crew. He would be like his favorite show Two Piece.

Alen finally made his way back and sat down. He grabbed some more food and began to eat.

"Father is happy I'm alive, but disappointed I couldn't save anyone" Alen was crestfallen "he has plans to start my training again for swordsman ship and some magic classes to take at the academy. Good news is he has a reward for you! For not only saving my life, but I told him the situation about tax chest and has something good planned" he said with a smile. His mood brightened a little.

"I appreciate that Alen. I want to do all I can to learn and leave the planet."

"Oh? Why do you want to leave the planet? Planning on joining the Republic Army?" He said while nudging his arm at Lucas.

"Honestly. I don't have any memory besides a day ago. I know my name, my class and how to cast magic, knew I was looking for some town or city and the dream of leaving the planet to explore. Not sure if my dream of leaving planet is to find my memories or a dream from who I was before."

Lucas put out all the stops in his acting. He tried to sound as sad as possible while secretly casting a water spell to make his eyes teary.

"Oh Lucas. I'm so sorry to hear this."

'Hook, line and sinker'

"I have no idea how you must feel, but I'm truly grateful for you. You saved my life and my brides, killed a bandit camp and even rescued the kings tax chest. You may not know who you are before today, but I know you're a good and genuine person." Alen placed a hand on his shoulder trying to give him some form of comfort.

Lucas had to literally bite his tongue as to not laugh at what Alen said. He truly believed that lie. He felt great.

"Thanks Alen. I appreciate that."

The two quickly changed topics and talked for a few more hours. Lucas learned a lot about Illumance. How it started as a small farming town that found a rare crop, Burning Thistle. A type of planet that when grinded up into a fine powder would allow a person to stay up for 48 hours straight. It's downside is if someone doesn't sleep for 10 hours between doses they will start to have their skin turn as red as the plant and slowly loose their mind. This plant changed how war was waged not only on the planet, but even in the universe. Years after the plant was disconcerted the Republic took samples and started to produce it solely for their military leaving this planet a beacon of wealth.

After their chat the two quickly fell asleep. Lucas did cast some spells to act as a trap/alarm before going to bed. He also had trouble sleeping. He was excited to finally be in a new home that he can change and do what he wants. True freedom.