
Divine Intervention

Lucas was floating in a black void.

"Wh- where am I?"

He looked around and saw nothing. There was nothing around him, but it wasn't darkness. He could see as far as he could. It wasn't as though someone turned the lights off. It was just a dark void.

"What is this place?"

Even though he was alone he felt someone watching him. The hair on the back of his neck was sticking up.

By rotating his body he start to center himself. He didn't know which way was up or down, but pretended his center was the center of gravity.

As he looked into the distance of nothingness he watched as a bright light moved. It moved with great speed towards him. He could even hear the sound of someone talking fast as the light got closer.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The light cried out as it got closer to him.

He would have said it was an angelic voice, but sounded like an embarrassed young woman's voice.

"I'm so sorry! You weren't meant to die! That mugger was supposed to be killed by that truck not you!"

As the light spoke it took on the appearance of a beautiful woman. Even if she was made of light Lucas was attracted to her curvy body.

"I'm dead? But I was chasing after that mugger and then.."

"I'm so sorry you are dead Lucas. The mugger was meant to be killed."

"Wait. You know my name?"

"Of course!" The woman of light did a little pose.

"I am Arinna! The goddess of Death and Rebirth! Normally I wouldn't be talking to those that have died. Normally I would just send you to your next life and strip you of your memories. But because I messed up I will grant you a favor."

"Wait?! Arinna?! The goddess of death and rebirth? What do you mean I wasn't supposed to die? What was supposed to happen?!"

Lucas started to panic. He was barely 23 and haven't started living. He had lots of Internet friends, but was a shut in. He's dated a few people, but nothing serious. He felt like he was robbed!

Arinna cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry Lucas. That mugger was supposed to die from that truck, but you intervened. I hate being the barrier of bad new. You were actually going to end up marrying that Emma girl. But if it makes you feel better because you saved that muggers life he reevaluated his life.

He ended up joining the Boys and Girls club, helped lots of other kids and started his own charity group to help kids from troubled homes. Thanks to you, you've inspired that mugger to change and help those!"

Lucas didn't know if he should laugh or cry. He felt happy that his death caused that, but also felt even more robbed. He really liked Emma and wanted to get to know her. Losing not only his life, but a happy life made him feel empty.

Arinna didn't know what to do. She bit her lip and thought of a new idea.

"Lucas. I am so sorry for your death. I robbed that from you and want to make that up to you for your next life."

With a wave of her arm a screen appeared in front of Lucas.

"I will send you to a new universe to explore and thrive one. Seeing from your memories I found the perfect universe. One filled with magic and technology. I will grant you this.

The screen in front of you will be your starting stat screen. Just like those games you've played and shows you watched. I am granting you 1 million points to spend for skills or classes. I am also going to grant you your previous memories for your new life."

It was an information overload. Lucas was flabbergasted.

He took a deep breath.

"Fine. I'm dead. There's nothing I can do. Might as well move on.

So since I can keep my memories can I change my appearance?"

"Yes! You can. There is a search function on the screen for skills and class you would like and then there is an additional tab that lets you customize your appearance."

Lucas immediately went to the tab and alleles changed his appearance. Turning his pudgy body into a more fit version. He increases his height to 5'10" and even elongated his member. Next he changed his hair to a shorter version with a point in the front and even changed his facial hair into a well kept beard.

'Now let's go to class and skills.'

Lucas looked over the list of classes, but didn't know where to begin. He could understand what each did, but without any context of the universe he didn't know how they fit into it.

"Hey Arinna. Can you give me a little more detail about this universe I'll be rebirthed into? And can you give me some information about these classes?"

"Of course! As of right now there are 5 major civilizations. The Republic, the Hive, the Elvian Empire, the Dwarv Coalition and the Dread Armada. The Elvian Empire is a multi planet, only 3, civilization comprised of Elves. The Dwarv Coalition is the civilization of the dwarves. The Republic is the largest civilization filled with the rest of the mortal races.

The hive and the Dread Armada are the two evil nations so to speak. They keep balance of the universe. The hive is a hive mind race while the Dread Armada is a fleet of undead. Each general is a Lich and they command their own fleet. I can't go into much more detail unfortunately. If I tell you any more it could end up ruining your adventure and discovery."

Lucas started to ponder his new universe.

'This is going to be chaotic. Just from that information I doubt I'll be starting on a world ruled by the Dwarves or the Elves. And I seriously doubt Arinna will send me to a planet that's fighting against the Hive or the Dread Armada. I'll most likely start my journey on a planet ruled by the Republic. That should be the civilization with all the hybrid races and anything not Dwarf and Elves exclusively.

Going off of that assumption I should pick a class with magical abilities. I don't want something sure rare. If I go with something like that I'm sure that will out a target on my back. I want to be an explorer or adventurer or whatever job let's me do something similar.'

"Okay Arinna. I now need your help with picking a class."