
Bandit Camp 2

With his recent gains Lucas decided to spend some more skill points on a new skill.

[Sneak Attack Lv 1] and [Trapper Lv 1] were very tempting to buy, but they are stuff he could already do.

Looking through his list again there wasn't anything he wanted that would help much more then what he has. [Multi-Spell Lv1] would be good enough for now. Now it's on for trap number two.


Inside the bandit camp the rest of the men sat around the camp fire and celebrated. One guy was roasting a pig, another was pour drinks for the other and the Bandit Leader was sitting on the floating chest with the prisoners.

He sat on the floating chest like a throne. He brushed dirty blonde hair out of his face. He was covered in dirt and grime and hasn't had a shower in quite some time. None of them had.

The Leader stood up, held his glass in his hand and made a toast.

"Tonight we celebrate our haul! Weeks we've spent trying to bribe that stupid butler to let us know when his masters were traveling through our lands. He made us take care of his dirty laundry and thought he was in charge! Well not anymore!"

The leader kicked floating chest over causing all the occupants to come tumbling out.

Everyone grinned seeing their captives.

"Look boys! Our best haul. Two Nobel ladies, their prince and one who betrayed them."

The Bandit leaders voice was filled with venom and hate. They were all tired of being looked down upon by the nobles and nothing going their way. They are finally ready to get theirs.

"Now one of you lads grab Timmy and Lenny! We all worked together to get here. We should all be together for the fun!"

The rest of the bandits felt slightly moved by this. They've been part of varies bandit groups and never had a leader look out for them as much as Morin has.

They all held their own urges. Or at least till their friends arrive.

"I'll grab them boss" one of the bandits said. He made his was to the door and opened it.

"Hey Timmy and-!"


An explosion went off blowing the bandits head off. The fire cauterized the wound leaving nothing behind, but viscera. The body fell to the floor with a wet slap.

"WHAT THE F*CK?!" The Bandit leader yelled out.

All the bandits drew their weapons. No one moved.

It was eerily quite.

"One of yous go check it out" the Bandit Leader ordered.

Every bandit was nervous. The smell of human flesh filled the cave. One of them started to puke in the corner.

One brave soul started to make his way to the door. He looked down at his dead friend and held his tears in his eyes and puke from coming up. He felt a burning sensation in his throat as he looked out the door.

Nothing was out there. It was serene. The trees were moving in the wind. The watch tower still standing. Everyone was at peace.

"Timmy? Lenny? You guys still livin?" The bandit called out with fear in his voice.


No one replied.

The bandit turned back around only to see the rest of his crew shoeing him to take a look.

He gulped down his fear and nerves and took a step out.

Nothing happened.

He took a mother step. Nothing happened again. He quickly took more steps and realized nothing was out there.

"Hey boss! Nothings out here."

The Bandit Leader pointed to 3 more men and told them to go out there and help him. The 3 reluctantly obeyed and went out with their friend to scout around.


'I don't know if these guys are idiots or what. They are literally walking into a trap, yet aren't doing anything to avoid it? This will be too easy'

Lucas hid in a tree and waited for his targets to get close. He hid the bodies of Timmy and Lenny by the watch tower. They were booby trapped with his Arrays.

After his first trap went off the bandits started to slowly wise up. First one person started looking around as 3 more came out. The each had their daggers drawn and slowly walking around looking around.

One noticed the bodies of their friends and rushed over to it.

"Boss" The bandit yelled out! "I've found Lenny! He's dead. A small hole straight through his head!"

Another rushed to the body of Timmy.

"Timmy is here too! His neck is sliced open!"

"Well leave them their! When we find the b*stard who did this well give them a painful death" a voice from inside the bandit camp cried out!

'It's show time!'

As soon as the bandits walked away from the bodies Lucas jumped out of the bushes. He ran with a dagger he stole in one hand and another on the back of his hip.

"Found you! You b*stard!"

The four bandits all drew their weapons and moved to intercept Lucas.

Just as they moved the Arrays on the bodies activated! Both of them explode as multiple red runes covered the body, turning them into fire ball bombs.


The bodies exploded and sent bone fragments and guts in all directions. The two bandits closest to the bodies died instantly from bone shrapnel piercing their bodies, leaving holes throughout.

The other two weren't looking well either. They were both thrown back into the watch tower and door to the cave from the shockwave of the explosion. They also got pierced by bone shrapnel, but were still alive. For now.

The bandit closest to Lucas was the one that flew into the watch tower. That was his first target.

The bandit started to get up. His head was ringing from the collision and had a minor concussion. He stumbled to his feet while leaning on the watch tower for support. As soon as he looked up at his assailant Lucas was right on top of him.

He used all his force and thrusted the dagger deep through the bandits neck. The bandit gargled on his blood in excruciating pain. Lucas went to turn the dagger to completely kill him, but his buddy proved to be more resilient.

The other bandit managed to get to his feet quicker and swallow his pain. He rushed Lucas as fast as he could, but still couldn't save his friend. With short sword in hand he raised his arm up to slash right at Lucas's nape.

[Cognitive Perception: 3 seconds!]

Lucas perceived the bandit in slow motion. He wasn't at a position to attack. His dagger was still in the other bandits neck. With his free hand he made a gesture and a 1x1 ft purple translucent barrier appeared blocking the short sword.

"What the h*ll is this?!" The barrier took the bandit by surprise.

'Looks like this is as large I can make barriers'

Using his magic he moved the barrier to push the bandit away so he can get into a better fighting position.

He was glad to be able to control the barrier, but it would burn 5 mana every second it was out.

The bandit stumbled back from the force of the barrier almost falling over. Seeing this Lucas repositioned himself and launched forward. He moved his barrier behind the bandits feet to cause him to trip as he stabbed him in the chest.


The bandit spit up blood as he hit the ground. The dagger slipped through his ribs managing to cut his lung and his heart.

"You b*stard!" The bandit said as loud as he could with his dying breath.

[Lv 2 Bandit Killed] [100 exp] x3

[Lv 4 Bandit Killed] [200 exp]

[Trap Kill] [50 exp] x2

[Multi-kill] [200 exp]

[Quick Learner multiplier] x2

[Total experience: 1,600]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Skill points gain: 150k]
