
Universal Job Change: Are Mechanic’s Weak? Starting with Optimus Prime

link to the raws: https://b.faloo.com/1299574.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Universal Job Change: Are Mechanic’s Weak? Starting with Optimus Prime ] In a parallel world where the game and reality coexist, ferocious beasts roam, and alien races wreak havoc. Countless dungeons and hidden realms can be found in the wilderness. Humans can awaken to various professions, striving to defeat monsters and level up. Initially, he becomes a Mechanic, widely acknowledged as the least useful profession. Awakening the Dimensional Creation System, he can acquire blueprints of fantastical characters from animations and movies of his previous life. Starting with Transformers' Optimus Prime, he dominates the battlefield. SSS-rank professionals? S-rank professionals? In the face of my mechanical creations, all of them are mere trash. [Artificial Human · Six Paths of Pain]: Rice carrying program activated [Swordmaster Series · Hawkeye]: Few in this world dare to claim the title of Swordmaster before me [Ultimate Maid · Ikaros]: Exterminate on behalf of my master ...... One day, as the alien realms open, divine-level monsters descend upon the world. As the professionals from various countries despair, Zheng Mu quietly activates his latest figurine. Zheng Mu: Well, have you ever heard of the Mechanical Heavenly Court? The whole world is dumbfounded. Are you telling us that all of these are mechanical creations? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I might have have gone a little ham on this side project (-.-)' between the chapters being by far the shortest of anything I've translated so far, getting some really good results with my newer translation prompt, and getting caught up in wanting to read the story that felt like a great change of pace I ended up taking it pretty far. There are still some things that didn't translate properly -so far its been Final Fantasy stuff in the later portion of the translated chapters but I felt it was a really smooth read that was still fairly accurate to the raw text. I still haven't had much luck at getting the westernized names assigned to characters to remain consistent from chapter to chapter so unfortunately it still isn't where I want my translations to be but I am getting closer and closer. Please enjoy.

Read_and_Chill · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 38: The Sunset of Southwest Martial Academy

[Detected that the host has chosen the path of promotion, the system releases a promotion mission]

[Please apply for the Southwest Martial Academy, and achieve the best results in the Dragon Nation's top university assessment]

[Reward: Red Hero Blueprint*1]

Zheng Mu glanced at Beiwu University, which had been hastily rejected without him even saying anything, as if they were afraid he would speak up.

As Zheng Mu's face darkened, unsure of how to deal with the unexpected situation, a sudden voice appeared in his mind, leaving him slightly taken aback.

The system had pointed him to a path?

Southwest Martial Academy!

This university was also a top-tier institution in Dragon Nation, but it was mainly responsible for providing talent cultivation, equipment upgrades, and more profound matters for Dragon Nation's professional army.

However, the situation at Southwest Martial Academy had been declining year by year.

Before coming here, when the students from the next class were discussing, the protagonist of the "reshuffling" topic they mentioned was none other than Southwest Martial Academy.

It was said that after this year, Southwest Martial Academy would face the fate of being downgraded.

Turning his head, Zheng Mu could easily spot the Southwest Martial Academy's enrollment booth.

It wasn't because of their past glory in the top universities, but because… it was practically deserted.

Looking back at the other top university enrollment booths, several pairs of eyes were focused on him.

As Zheng Mu looked at the other universities' booths, those in charge quickly averted their gaze.

Seeing this, the bald-headed man in charge at Sacred Purity University sneered disdainfully.

"Get going, don't hold up the students behind you. What's an A-rank professional mechanic? Just an ordinary person with a professional panel."

Zheng Mu clenched his fists.

He hadn't given much thought to his ideal school choice, as he had the system, and his future as a mechanic would undoubtedly reach the pinnacle of the world.

The choice of which school to attend wouldn't make much difference.

So naturally, he had chosen the best, Sacred Purity University, as his goal.

Now it seemed...

Zheng Mu didn't say anything about the bitterness of fortunes changing after 30 years.

However, in his heart, all the schools that rejected him today and didn't even give him a chance for an assessment were remembered one by one.

He took his application form and headed straight for the empty Southwest Martial Academy booth.

"Hahaha, a sunset university is a perfect match for a student with no future," the bald-headed man from Sacred Purity University laughed from behind.

Zheng Mu didn't respond, but he had made up his mind.

From now on, all Sacred Purity University students he encountered would suffer.

Seeing Zheng Mu suddenly leave, Leng Bingyue, who was about to register, quickly stopped the staff.

When she heard Zheng Mu had been turned away, Cai Shengkun, who was standing next to her, tried to explain something, but was stopped by Leng Bingyue.

"Sorry, I think I need to reconsider. Let's forget about registration for now."

With that, she ignored the stunned staff and went straight after Zheng Mu's retreating figure.

Seeing this, Cai Shengkun glared angrily at the bald-headed man in charge of Sacred Purity University and left without hesitation.

"Hello, I'm an A-rank mechanic. Will Southwest Martial Academy accept me?"

A sudden voice came from behind, startling the Southwest Martial Academy enrollment officer, who was wearing a Dragon Nation military uniform and discussing enrollment anxieties with a colleague.

The officer saw the sharp-eyed Zheng Mu standing in front of him and hesitated for a moment. Then, without any further hesitation, he took the application form from Zheng Mu's hand.

"We follow the rules here. If you meet all the requirements, you can certainly qualify for the top university examination. But whether or not you can enter our Southwest Martial Academy depends on your own efforts and skills."

There was no hint of disdain for Zheng Mu's profession as a mechanic in his words, which somewhat eased Zheng Mu's mood. Without any hesitation, Zheng Mu changed the information on his application form to Southwest Martial Academy.

As he was filling out the form, an arm suddenly draped over his shoulder.

"You didn't say a word when you left, Poker. Good thing Leng Bingyue was quick to act, or we'd have completed our registration already."

Turning around, it was none other than Cai Shengkun and his group. Zheng Mu raised an eyebrow.

"Saint Clear Academy has a big reputation. If you enter, the Cai family will surely provide you with more resources. But if you come here, you've heard the situation. Southwest Martial Academy isn't doing well."

Despite this, Cai Shengkun didn't hesitate to pick up a pen and start changing his information. As for Leng Bingyue, she didn't wait for Zheng Mu to speak, and directly dismissed the idea.

"My mother asked me to apply to the same school as you."

A warm current flowed through Zheng Mu's heart, but on the surface, he rolled his eyes.

"Well, Aunt Qing has unknowingly taken the blame for something again."

When the three of them handed their application forms to the officer, the latter's eyes nearly popped out upon seeing the information.

Leng Bingyue, A-ranked Gale Swordsman. Cai Shengkun, B-ranked Golden Gun Shooter. Zheng Mu, A-ranked Mechanic.

Now, the officer's gaze towards Zheng Mu became more serious.

Regardless of how great Zheng Mu's potential was or what his future would hold, the fact that he could convince two powerful friends to willingly follow him into a risky situation demonstrated his charisma and leadership qualities.

However, Leng Bingyue and Cai Shengkun's change of allegiance did not go unnoticed by the officers from Saint Clear Academy and other schools.

They shook their heads, lamenting the impulsiveness of youth. The bald officer from Saint Clear Academy sneered and gestured for his staff not to intervene.

"Heh, it's just an A-ranked and a B-ranked practitioner. We've already recruited SSS-ranked professionals at our other recruitment sites in the major cities. These two will regret their impulsive decision."

In his words, the A-ranked professionals who were hailed as geniuses and rising stars in Cloud City were no different from ordinary D-ranked practitioners.

The news also reached the principal of Cloud City Middle School and Zheng Mu's homeroom teacher, Xu Chengguang, who were conversing with the leaders of the education department. Upon hearing that Zheng Mu had led the school's promising students to abandon Saint Clear Academy for a soon-to-be-downgraded Southwest Martial Academy, they felt their blood pressure rise.

Rushing over, they saw the three students handling the paperwork. The principal of Cloud City Middle School, as if witnessing his own mother's demise, urgently shouted.


(To be continued)