
Universal Job Change: Are Mechanic’s Weak? Starting with Optimus Prime

link to the raws: https://b.faloo.com/1299574.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Universal Job Change: Are Mechanic’s Weak? Starting with Optimus Prime ] In a parallel world where the game and reality coexist, ferocious beasts roam, and alien races wreak havoc. Countless dungeons and hidden realms can be found in the wilderness. Humans can awaken to various professions, striving to defeat monsters and level up. Initially, he becomes a Mechanic, widely acknowledged as the least useful profession. Awakening the Dimensional Creation System, he can acquire blueprints of fantastical characters from animations and movies of his previous life. Starting with Transformers' Optimus Prime, he dominates the battlefield. SSS-rank professionals? S-rank professionals? In the face of my mechanical creations, all of them are mere trash. [Artificial Human · Six Paths of Pain]: Rice carrying program activated [Swordmaster Series · Hawkeye]: Few in this world dare to claim the title of Swordmaster before me [Ultimate Maid · Ikaros]: Exterminate on behalf of my master ...... One day, as the alien realms open, divine-level monsters descend upon the world. As the professionals from various countries despair, Zheng Mu quietly activates his latest figurine. Zheng Mu: Well, have you ever heard of the Mechanical Heavenly Court? The whole world is dumbfounded. Are you telling us that all of these are mechanical creations? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I might have have gone a little ham on this side project (-.-)' between the chapters being by far the shortest of anything I've translated so far, getting some really good results with my newer translation prompt, and getting caught up in wanting to read the story that felt like a great change of pace I ended up taking it pretty far. There are still some things that didn't translate properly -so far its been Final Fantasy stuff in the later portion of the translated chapters but I felt it was a really smooth read that was still fairly accurate to the raw text. I still haven't had much luck at getting the westernized names assigned to characters to remain consistent from chapter to chapter so unfortunately it still isn't where I want my translations to be but I am getting closer and closer. Please enjoy.

Read_and_Chill · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 32: The Enhanced Licker "Black Claw"

The [Module Inscription lv1] had a substantial seven-day cooldown.

Moreover, after using [Blood Phoenix Seal], one would have to wait for a month before being able to use it again.

However, if word of these two abilities got out, it would surely cause a major stir among the professionals on Blue Star.

Inside the [Mechanical Nest], Zheng Mu had just stripped the [Dark Abyss] skill book from Xiao Gu's body and immediately summoned the first Licker he had created.

The Licker had always been an assassin-type existence under Zheng Mu's command.

The enemy's first skill, "Concealing Sprint," allowed it to stealthily approach its targets like an assassin.

This skill was particularly useful in the dark.

If combined with the [Dark Abyss] skill, the Licker would become even more dangerous.

Without any hesitation, Zheng Mu cast [Module Inscription].

In the next moment, the hand Zheng Mu placed on the Licker's head suddenly erupted with an intense surge of electricity. As the current flowed through its body, the Licker underwent noticeable changes.

First, its body turned into a matte black that didn't reflect any light.

Then its limbs became longer and its body more streamlined.

The once-ugly Licker now appeared much cooler.

Soon, Zheng Mu saw the words [Dark Abyss] on the Licker's skill panel and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he hadn't failed on his first attempt.

"Since you have a special skill now, I should give you a name."

Zheng Mu pondered for a moment as he stroked the enhanced Licker, and then thought of a name.

"Black Claw!"

A sharp claw emerging from the darkness!

After enhancing Black Claw, Zheng Mu instructed Red Queen to freeze the remaining corpses while he returned to the cockpit.

Seeing the two peacefully sleeping, Zheng Mu was speechless.

The co-pilot's seat had been taken by someone else, and Leng Bingyue had moved to the small bed in the back.

Just as Zheng Mu prepared to recline his chair and take a nap, Optimus Prime suddenly, and inexplicably, turned on the cold air.

In just a short time, the temperature in the cockpit dropped.


Hearing the sound, Zheng Mu looked back and saw Leng Bingyue curled up.

Now, it was clear what Optimus Prime was up to.

"You're a truck, not a wingman..."

Despite his complaints, Zheng Mu crawled to the back and draped his clothes over Leng Bingyue.

He then leaned against one side and started to doze off.

The cold air blew continuously.

In just a little while, Zheng Mu felt something wriggle into his arms.

Opening his eyes, he saw Leng Bingyue's delicate face.

"Awake, you're cold and distant, but asleep, you're quite adorable."

Zheng Mu grinned at the sight of Leng Bingyue in her current state. Carefully, he took out his phone and snapped a selfie, holding up both hands in a "I didn't do anything" pose.


The next morning, everyone woke up to Cai Shengkun's sneeze.

"Damn, Optimus Prime, Poker said you have intelligence. It was so cold last night, and you didn't even turn on the heater?"

Cai Shengkun complained, shivering. Zheng Mu sheepishly scratched his nose.

As Leng Bingyue opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Zheng Mu's teasing expression.

Feeling the sound of his heartbeat close to her ear, she suddenly sat up, staring blankly at the clothes draped over her and Zheng's strange expression. Her face reddened at a visibly rapid pace.

"There are toiletries prepared in the back compartment..." Zheng started to say, but Leng Bingyue had already quickly crawled out of the cockpit.

Feeling the lingering scent of her on his clothes, Zheng's mouth curled into a smile.

There were just over two days left for their seven-day mission to clear the area.

After tidying up, the group immediately dove into the task of eliminating the zombies in the Corpse Town.

[You killed a 50-Year Hopping Corpse (lv19), earning 109 experience points]

[You killed a Ghoul (lv21), earning 187 experience points, and a rare purple material "Twisted Source"]

[You killed a 50-Year Hopping Corpse...]

A series of notifications, like a waterfall, flowed endlessly across the panels of Zheng and his companions.

During the day, Zheng did not use Optimus Prime, but his seven T-800s and three Lickers led by Black Claw were more than enough for the trio to experience what it's like to level up effortlessly.

Of course, the real "effortless leveling" could only be enjoyed by Zheng himself.

"[Twisted Source]: A rare purple material, an extremely rare energy source born from a Ghoul. It seems to contain the secret to the Ghoul's rapid recovery of damaged parts. Can be used for equipment forging, potion synthesis."

The sudden purple light attracted the attention of the three, but after discovering it was a material, Cai Shengkun and Leng Bingyue immediately turned their heads away in disappointment.

Zheng, however, stored the item away, his gaze thoughtful.

Soon, another day passed.

When night fell again, everyone, including Zheng, had leveled up.

Zheng reached lv17.

Leng Bingyue reached lv11.

Cai Shengkun reached lv11.

As Leng Bingyue and Cai Shengkun sat in the compartment enjoying grilled meat, they stared at the gloomy Corpse Town outside, their faces filled with confusion.

"This leveling is too bizarre. When Captain Liu Lei took us to Corpse Town for two or three days, we only leveled up twice, but with your help, Poker, we've leveled up five or six times in just three or four days," Cai Shengkun said with a complicated expression, unsure whether to be excited or disheartened.

At their level, they were considered exceptional among their peers.

Among the rookie professionals in Yun Tong City, they were definitely at the top.


The one leading them to level up, Zheng, was also a rookie professional just like them.

Zheng didn't have any particular feelings about this.

He gave them a mysterious smile.

"Hurry up and level up to fifteen, and I'll give you some gifts."