
Universal Hunter

In a world shaped by interdimensional portals and the emergence of superhuman abilities, everyone aspires to be a 'Hunter', someone who takes down monsters and conquer dungeons. A young prodigy named Issac, a standout student at Regalia University, wishes to be a hunter like many others. But when his trusted mentor and confidant, Head Alchemist Ian Bhryne, mysteriously disappears, Issac finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and perilous intrigue. Strange events and unforeseen circumstances begin to unravel the carefully woven fabric of his reality. Each step further unravels a labyrinthine conspiracy, hinting at a dark truth—one that threatens not only the lives of those within the university's walls but the delicate balance between worlds.

ThunderWarlord · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Study of Change

"Hi, mom," Issac whispered, his voice laden with love and concern, as if his words could reach her even in her state of slumber. Gently clasping his mother's hand, the warmth he felt offered a sense of connection, as though she could hear him. In hushed tones, he confided, "Today, I had a meeting with Mr. Bhryne. You know, the professor who helped me out back when I was stuck in the hospital?"

Issac spoke as if addressing a confidant, Issac continued, "Yeah, it turned out that he did all that to force me into a government program. So, perhaps he wasn't as selfless as I once believed."

A brief pause ensued, during which he took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. "Yet, he did pay me handsomely for my work, which enabled me to afford your treatment, so I guess I'm still thankful to him for that.." Issac rubbed his hands together, his face showing a tinge of frustration and anxiety hidden behind a mask of feigned cheerfulness. "But I don't know, mom. I really don't know what to do.."

After spending some more time conversing with his mother, Issac gracefully excused himself from the room and made his way to meet Morgan Fletcher, the doctor assigned to his mother's care. As he entered the office, he was greeted warmly by the doctor, who extended his hand with an infectious smile that radiated genuine warmth and appreciation.

"I heard you paid the money for a whole year's worth," Dr. Fletcher exclaimed, admiration evident in his words, as he meticulously flipped through a stack of medical documents. "You are not just a good son, Issac; you are a great son. Your mother is truly fortunate to have you by her side."

Issac responded to the doctor's accolades with a casual shrug. "I'm lucky to have her as my mother, Dr. Fletcher," he replied, a hint of humility coloring his voice.

The doctor's laughter rang through the room, a warm and genuine response to Issac's humility. "Wow! And you're humble as well!" Dr. Fletcher remarked with a brief chuckle, his appreciation for Issac's character evident. He continued to flip through the pages of the medical documents before him, fully engaged in his professional duties. "Now, you're here to inquire about your mother's condition, right?" he inquired, turning his attention back to the matter at hand.

Issac's nod was earnest, his eyes reflecting a mix of hope and concern. "Yes," he affirmed, the weight of his emotions evident in his voice. "I just want to know if, at some point, there will be a visible form of improvement in her condition."

Dr. Fletcher's demeanor turned serious, his gaze steady as he addressed Issac's question. "I did mention earlier, Issac, that the extent of improvement now lies in your mother's hands," he began, his words carrying a sense of empathy and understanding. "As doctors, we have utilized every available medical intervention to optimize her physical well-being. However, the mental and emotional aspects, such as the imbalances in energy levels she's experiencing, pose a challenge beyond the reach of modern medicine—at least for now."

"I know, doctor," Issac looked down at his feet as he spoke. "It's just.. I didn't know what else to ask you."

"I know, kid.." Dr. Fletcher's expression softened, appreciating Issac's determination to be involved in his mother's well-being. "Support from loved ones, like you, is invaluable," he said, his voice gentle yet resolute. "Your presence, encouragement, and understanding can make a significant difference in her journey to recovery."

Issac took a deep breath. "Thank you, Doctor," he said sincerely. "I appreciate your guidance and understanding. I'll do my best to be there for her in every way I can."


With heavy steps, Issac returned to his apartment, greeted by the chaotic mess of clothes and delivery boxes cluttering the entrance. He couldn't help but click his tongue in irritation as he kicked the obstacles aside, clearing a path towards the sanctuary of his bedroom.

"Ugh..." Issac's exasperated groan filled the air as he collapsed onto the bed, his face buried in the soft sheets. Frustration and annoyance permeated his tone. The events of the day had taken their toll, leaving him feeling drained and disheartened.

A heavy sigh escaped Issac's lips, punctuating the air with his weariness. He turned around, his eyes fixated on the ceiling, a serious expression etched on his face. The apartment itself seemed to resonate with his emotions, as if mirroring his inner turmoil. The distant hum of the city outside served as a haunting backdrop, amplifying the weight of his thoughts. Lying there, emotions churned within him.

"God damn it!" Issac's frustration erupted, his tongue clicking in annoyance as he propelled himself up from the bed with a surge of energy and rushed to the living room where he retrieved his phone with swift determination. Without hesitation, he dialed Beaver's number.

"Yo, man," Beaver's cheerful voice echoed through the phone. "What's up, bruv? Why didn't you show up at class today? All the teachers have been asking about you, you know?"

"Yeah, I've- I've just been busy with something else," Issac responded evasively, careful not to divulge too much information to Beaver. He didn't want his friend to get any inkling of his recent endeavors or whereabouts. Changing the subject, he inquired with genuine interest, "So, what've you been up to?"

"Oh, well, me and Enrique decided to hit up this famous new club in town called 'Dragon House'," Beaver explained, his voice filled with excitement. He playfully turned his phone to capture the lively atmosphere of the club, allowing Issac to hear the loud music and raucous chatter in the background. Bringing the phone back to his ear, Beaver continued with a hint of amusement, "We're trying our best to pick up some girls, but it seems luck's not on our side tonight. Enrique's been downing drinks like there's no tomorrow."

"Oh, really?" Issac's asked, a hint of curiosity present in his voice. "Send me the location then, would ya?"

"Uh, sure..." Beaver seemed taken aback by Issac's unexpected interest, but he quickly complied, sharing the club's location with Issac's smartphone. "Dude, are you seriously going to come tonight?" he asked, genuinely surprised by the prospect.

"I mean, I may have been considering it," Issac replied as he made his way back to the doorway and sat down at the entrance, slipping on his shoes with a sense of determination. "Why are you so surprised?"

"Cuz it's been forever since you last joined us on a night out!" Beaver's voice erupted through the phone with an exuberant fervor, causing Issac to instinctively draw the device away from his ears, momentarily shielding himself from the boisterous volume. Unperturbed by his friend's reaction, Beaver persisted with his heartfelt sentiments, his words brimming with both excitement. "Ever since you got that job working for Bhryne, you've never been doing much stuff with us."

An understanding sigh escaped from Issac's lips, his response a mingling of acceptance and explanation. "Yeah, I know, man..." he acknowledged, a tinge of wistfulness coloring his voice, "But you know how it is."

Beaver's voice brimmed with sincerity as he replied, "I know, I know. I wasn't intending to complain, mate. I just wanted to share my reason for acting surprised, that's all!"

Acknowledging his friend's perspective, Issac gave a nonchalant shrug, signaling his understanding. Rising from his seat, he grasped the doorknob, pulling open the door. "Fair enough," he responded, a spark of determination evident in his voice, "But tonight, count me in. I'm going to be there, and we're going to have an absolute blast."

Beaver's enthusiasm was infectious, his unbridled excitement seeping through the phone's speaker as he exclaimed, "Hell yeah, we are!" His exuberant proclamation resonated so loudly that the people nearby instinctively flinched back, shooting curious glances at the spirited individual. Undeterred by the attention, Beaver remained unabashed, his determination unwavering. "Let me go and fill Enrique in on the plan," he declared.

After a brisk fifteen-minute journey, Issac arrived at 'Dragon House,' where the eagerly anticipated duo awaited him. The familiar figures of Enrique and Beaver came into view, and they greeted him with warm waves as he drew near.

"There he is, the man, the myth, the legend!" Beaver proclaimed with infectious exuberance, his voice resonating loudly as he offered a hearty high-five to Issac. Chuckles of amusement escaped both of them, their friendship effortlessly rekindled. Issac reciprocated the gesture with a playful grin, delighted to be in the company of his boisterous friend. "What's up, man!"

"The prodigal son returns," Enrique proclaimed, his arms open wide as he embraced Issac in a hug. "Hope you're staying the whole night."

A smile graced Issac's face as he reciprocated the hug. "Of course I am," he replied, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "It's a night out, for Christ's sake! How can I not stay the whole night?!"

The energy of the moment was contagious, and Beaver couldn't contain his excitement. He swiftly produced a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. "Give me one," Issac requested, extending his hand. Their surprise evident, Beaver asked, "I thought you didn't smoke."

"I didn't," Issac confirmed with a glint of determination in his eyes. "But I now want to."