
Universal Hegemon

What do you do when your world is dying? ... The future of one of the most dominant races in the galaxy is uncertain and they face extinction. None is willing to help, not even the Galactic council... Taking matters into their own hands, they try to change their fate amidst the looming adversity... Meanwhile, a powerful alien race invades, catching everyone unaware... A new era is looming in the horizon.... The era of the Universal Hegemon!

Winged_Nephilim · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Power of the Elements!

It was as if a veil which had previously obscured his vision had been ruthlessly torn off.

Denzel couldn't help but let out a gasp of amazement as huge amounts of information flooded his brain out of nowhere.

A whole new world revealed itself to him as he could sense everything within a five-hundred-meter radius!

He could feel a blazing but surprisingly comfortable fire burning in his mind, allowing his thought and reaction process to increase by several folds!

His eyes stared at the countless bright sparks floating about in wonder.

They had been previously invisible to him but now he could see microbes and wisps of colorful energy dancing about him.

He felt so powerful that for a moment, he believed he could destroy the world if he so willed it!

His whole body exulted and reveled in his awakening, filling him with boundless strength and in wonder, he stretched out his palm.

A red flame, flickering mischievously, danced in his hand, emitting scorching heat which could be felt a hundred feet away!


So this was his element, the blazing flames.

Denzel clenched his fist and threw a punch, sending a fiery missile crashing into the wall.


There was a heavy explosion as the epicenter of the flame's impact was directly destroyed.

Ash and small chunks of what was left of that part of the wall came crumbling down.

'Wow,' Denzel exclaimed in wonder.

'Heh. Check this out!' Jax exclaimed, raising his palms forward.

Blue arcs of potent lightning crackled around his body and a ball of lightning formed in between his palms.

Jax released the ball lightning, sending it into an undamaged part of the wall.


Crackling sounds filled the tunnel as the lightning scorched the wall.

'This is crazy!' Brutus exclaimed.

The very earth underneath him rose, lifting him up on an earthen pillar. Unfortunately, his ascent was cut short as his head rammed into the ceiling of the tunnel.

'Ow!' Brutus winced, rubbing his sore head even while Jax and Denzel guffawed at him.

'We have to inform everyone. This is a game changer!' Denzel exclaimed.

Exchanging grins, the trio took out their army standard containers and began to fill it with the blue stones.

The native they had previously been after was long forgotten.



'Who do those bastards think they are! How dare they!' General Wyndham fumed.

Of all Gaia's generals, General Wyndham was famed for his explosive and irrational temper which made him take offense very easily.

But this time, he had every right to be pissed, and even the other generals and officials shared his sentiments.

How dare the Council!

What did they take them for?

Sheep they easily order about on a whim?

Dogs they could easily call off with a whistle and a snap of the finger?

This was too much!

'President Zhang, under no circumstances will we leave this planet for one given by the Council. We will not agree to such blatant cowardice and idiocy!' General Griffiths exclaimed.

'Let them bring their Imperial fleet! We will gladly meet them in battle and take them down with us!' yelled a government official.

'This planet is of importance to them; important enough to threaten us with the Imperial fleet. They will stop at nothing to regain it back and we all know how their methods are. I think we should take a step back,' mused one government official.

'I agree with Carter. The whole reason why we invaded Gaelen-II was because we wanted land, a planet to call our own.

If the Council is now willing to offer us one, we should take it. We can't afford to embroil ourselves in a long brutal war!' another official chimed in, agreeing with Carter.

'You, sir, are a fucking pussy! You're a fucking disgrace to Gaia and her people! How dare you even entertain the thought of acquiescing to those Council bastards!' General Wyndham slammed his palms on the table in front of him, causing it to crumble to dust.

'Language, General,' President Zhang chided.

'My apologies,' General Wyndham exhaled heavily.

'This is a tricky situation. Though Carter and the others may not have a popular opinion, I'm afraid they are right.

We can't afford a war with the Council… yet.

Already, our population doesn't reach a billion and in terms of firepower and spaceships, they outnumber us a hundred to one!

On the other hand, with how they ignored us in our time of need, conceding to them makes us vulnerable.

Who knows if they go against their word and blow up the planet while we're moving onto it?

This planet is the key to everything.

There's a reason this planet is important to them and it has to do with the natives,' explained General Mathers.

'What's with the natives?' President Zhang asked.

'Apparently, most are able to use the power of the elements, Mr. President. It has led to some injuries but no deaths,' General Mathers replied.

'They use powers? That's not possible!' exclaimed a government official.

With the many gene serums being sold and researched on in the galaxy, everyone was aware that there were many forms of energy out there, some which hadn't even been discovered.

Those who took the gene serum were partially able to sense one of those mysterious energies called qi.

Overtime and as they advanced, they could fully sense and utilize it.

But the ability to control elements was simply unheard of; it was a discovery which was bound to shock the whole Galactic Federation!

'We have to find out how they're doing it and see if it's possible for us to gain such power too. The Council is probably researching on it by now, that's why they're so overprotective of this planet,' said General Mathers.

'Whatever happens, we're not leaving Gaelen-II!' General Wyndham declared.

'Mathers, you've raised solid points there but how do we get these natives to tell us how they use the power of the elements?

We are hard pressed for time and that work normally takes months and years, something we don't have,' said President Zhang.

'Either way, we have to come to a consensus on whether we continue the invasion or not. I suggest we vote,' said General Mathers.

President Zhang nodded and looked around solemnly. 'Very well. All those in favor of leaving Gaelen-II raise your hand.'



'Commander! Commander! We have something extremely important to report!' Denzel, Jax and Brutus surrounded their commander.

He looked at them with a raised eyebrow. 'I recall you three chased after a native. Where is he?'

'He got away, commander, but that's no longer important. We have important news! Commander look at this,' Denzel stretched out his palm and a ball of fire appeared on it.

'What?!' cries of shock came from everyone in the entire unit as they watched the flame in Denzel's palm.

'How is that possible?! How did you do it!? Forget that, come with me right away!' the commander ordered and rushed away from the unit with the trio following behind him.

'I request immediate extraction of three of my soldiers! They have extremely important news to report to the general!' the commander didn't dilly-dally at all.

This was way above his paygrade and only the generals were qualified to hear this!

The importance of this discovery was simply invaluable to everyone!

Even then, his heart was filled with many questions and above all, shock.

Would it be possible for all of us to have that power too? If so, that will be monumental! He said to himself.

Seconds passed and a hovercraft appeared above them. The trio scrambled in.

Fifteen minutes later, they were aboard one of the main ships, standing in front of General Mathers.


In response, Jax's eyes glowed blue and a ball of lightning coalesced in his palm, causing the General to widen his eyes in shock.



'Why did General Mathers leave the conference call?' General Griffiths asked.

'No worries, I'm back! And I have extremely good news!' Mathers was grinning like a maniac, causing everyone to look at him in wonder.

What exactly had he heard that had made him so happy?

General Mathers was well known for having solid control over his emotions. Very rarely did he display them.

'Mr. President, weren't you asking if we could find how the natives use the power of the elements? No need for that anymore!

I've found out!'

'What?!' exclaimed everyone.


This was impossible!

President Zhang's eyes became fervent. 'Mathers, explain.'

'Boys, come here!' General Mathers, called three boys who were previously unnoticed behind him forward.

Everyone watched with agape mouths as fire formed in the palm of the dark haired boy, lightning in the palm of the white haired boy and earth in the palm of the brown haired boy!

'Wonderful!' General Griffiths roared, clapping his hands in glee.

'How did you do it?' asked President Zhang. 

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