
Universal Harem Of the Seggs Cyborg

Jake Flinch was an overly ambitious otaku weeb, that wanted nothing more in life but to clap alien cheeks. Determined to make his dreams come true, he stormed area 51 after training his foot technique the ‘Naruto run’ but unfortunately got gunned down without even reaching the gate. After a time, Jake woke up in a spaceship to discover he was a soldier and his species became altered to that known as a ‘Human Lustron Cyborg,’ in order to upgrade his body and live his life in peace with his ladies, he must travel to dangerous planets, enter unchartered worm holes and fight galactic empires to level up, plus level up by having intercourse with different species due to his unique ‘SEGGS’ system. English is not my native tongue, so might see some glaringly bad errors, and constant editing here and there, also suggestions to fix stuff are welcome. Warning action filled, adventure with occasional smut. Image is not mine Lol. Message me if you want me to take it down.

Archaic_Scribesage · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The Fixer

Jake stood in front of the silver door, staring at a large green painted planet surrounded by 3 rings in a tilted angle, golden word 'Nova' scrambled on the middle of the insignia. He figured it was a company manufacturing logo.

Pressing his hand on the insignia, the door slid open automatically, making the sound similar to a coke bottle being snapped open.

"Welcome to the purification area!" Hearing the high pitched tone 'Is this her favorite room in the ship!?' Well it wouldn't be his first time meeting such an individual that valued a clean bathroom, since that is where they cleaned themselves 'But what does an Ai with no flesh, need to be excited about, regarding a spotless bathroom?'

He got the answer soon after. A miniature camera detached itself from the wall, levitating by his shoulder, "Ria? What are you doing?" the robotic eyeball emitted a red glow followed by a long stretch of awkward silence.

"To make sure you don't do anything dangerous.' Staring at the levitating eyeball, Jake was left speechless 'This Ai likes to watch?!' Not believing her lame excuse for a second he hurriedly shook his head "Nope! Not having it. Stay outside, this is invasion of privacy.' Even though he was still naked while saying this, the image of being stared by this eyeball from nightmares while cleaning himself up, crept him out.

Pushing Ria away, he quickly entered while the door slid shut.

"Wow!" Now surveying the room, A shower head floated above a large bathtub with a large orange crystal floating on top of it, a mounted mirror and to the side was a weird looking seat, that Jake presumed was a futuristic toilet of some kind.

"How do you use such a toilet, though?" He ignored such useless thoughts.

Getting under the shower head, orange liquid poured down his body from the crystal automatically, soaking his body and hair giving a relaxing, warm feel, "Just like I expected from an alien shower,"

After cleaning himself up he, then stared at the mirror for awhile assessing the handsome face in front of him.

Pink glowing pupils, dark black hair trimmed on the sides, smooth tanned skin tone on some remaining fleshy parts, light stubble on his chin connected to his hairline, mechanical Like lines on his entire face towards the back of his head, his left arm silver with small golden disks swirling on each side of his joints and wrists.

"Cool.' caressing his hardcore neatly shredded six-pack abs and his broad well balanced mechanical body, suitable for a futuristic super soldier.

He was now at the Athletic height of 2.5 meters much taller than his previous 1.7 meter height. Tapping his back, metallic sounds echoed all around the room and both his prosthetic white legs reached towards his thighs, revealing his now long and flaccid cock.

"Damn! Such an early Christmas gift?" Lightly jumping up and down he practiced his sword techniques, flaccid chop and helicopter twirl, 'Hehehe with this upgraded sword I have finally finished my sword art techniques, hahaha," finishing his 'practice' the soles of his silver white feet ached slightly.

"I can feel sensations on these prosthetics just like real flesh." Remembering the fullness of Starlight's mounds on his prosthetic hands.

"Just who the hell did this to me?" The answer to that remained unanswered, as he tried to dig deep into his mist covered memories to find the answer. 'Come on think!'

His image in the mirror started flashing, and distorted itself like a old 90's television losing signal, and a grey screen appeared with dark capital letters forming a message, 'DON'T'

"Passenger.. Passenger!" Hearing Rai's familiar voice, "Huh?!" Jake woke up from his daydream.

"You can find appropriate attire by the locker on the side." replied Rai.

"Ah! So you were watching me, you pervy Ai, and also just call me Jake." Still pondering at his strange vision.

"My apologies passenger Jake," He was not sure if she was apologizing for her invasive behavior or if she saw him 'practice' his sword technique, but he ignored it since he was naturally very thick skinned.

Standing by the locker, he found a tight fitting grey dark grey overall, Black space boots with a metal sole and, a orange leather biker jacket with neon lights on its erect collars." I feel great," he said after Downing the attire on and walked out.

"Ria, can you please tell me when, Starlight is going to wake up," said Jake, who was now exploring the ship.

"Evolutions will vary depending on species, rank and magic power, combining all variables, roughly 12hrs, "He was slightly taken aback by the time estimated.

"Okay and will we be able to leave to a nearby, populated space anytime soon?" Surveying a bed room with a small wall mounted white table by the side. "Hmm! Must be a guest room," Grabbing a jelly bean like pill, from the mini table he inspected them but tactical scouting did not work.


Tactical scouting level is to low to scan inanimate objects.

"Who could have thought! But I'm a little hungry when I see this pill." With a shrug he ingested the pill.

Ting !

Processing ingested item for harmful substances. No poison detected. Nutrient value added to body.

+1 stat point

"Wow! I got a point but, that was plain tasting."

"Interstellar star alignment navigation system, has been slightly damaged by the miniature asteroids from back then, I decided to wait for Starlight to awaken to see what she decides." Answered Rai, after Jake's food curiosity.

His ears perked up, "Will it be dangerous?"

"Yes, for those that cannot breathe in outer space, currently all oxygen tanks are empty."


Mission alert!

[The Handy man]

*Make your mates, workload less and help her out with minor tasks to get an impressionable opinion on you and increase chances of making her your life mate,

Rewards: stats points, basic stat points and Title.

Penalty: Locking of random skills, risk of losing a potential life mate, and deduction of 10 genome points.

Mission ends in 12 hours, do you wish to participate.*


"Hmm, I guess the system knows me too well, I can't resist wanting to help out such a smoking hot babe,"



Mission accepted, good luck!

"Rai! I request to fix the navigation system for you,"

After a moment of silence as if pondering about something, the cameras on the corner turned and surveyed Jake closely.

"Request is acceptable, please follow the red line towards the airlock, exit hatch."

And a long thread of red light appeared on the ceiling to guide Jake to where he needed to go.

Somehow missed uploaading this chapter

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