
Universal Harem Of the Seggs Cyborg

Jake Flinch was an overly ambitious otaku weeb, that wanted nothing more in life but to clap alien cheeks. Determined to make his dreams come true, he stormed area 51 after training his foot technique the ‘Naruto run’ but unfortunately got gunned down without even reaching the gate. After a time, Jake woke up in a spaceship to discover he was a soldier and his species became altered to that known as a ‘Human Lustron Cyborg,’ in order to upgrade his body and live his life in peace with his ladies, he must travel to dangerous planets, enter unchartered worm holes and fight galactic empires to level up, plus level up by having intercourse with different species due to his unique ‘SEGGS’ system. English is not my native tongue, so might see some glaringly bad errors, and constant editing here and there, also suggestions to fix stuff are welcome. Warning action filled, adventure with occasional smut. Image is not mine Lol. Message me if you want me to take it down.

Archaic_Scribesage · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Gun-Fu Skillz part 2

Jake's synchronization with his battle suit allowed smoother circulation of magic power similar to a super conductor. He activated skills faster thanks to it, and it had caused a tremendous spike to his altered cyber brain's learning curve.

The battle suit kept him in his prime state at all times by using lustron regeneration, and slowly allowed its master to take over on his own during the demo mode. Which was one of the suits many functions; To accelerate the learning of whoever wore it by double, boost skill casting, formation of weapons, and help those inexperienced in battle to Annihilate enemies with it's demo, while training its master to pull the trigger by their own volition.


Collected free points: 13

[Suggested distribution]

[6 points to magic, 5 points to Stamina, and the remaining to Agility!]



After that command had been received Jake felt lighter, and easily dodged a green oozed spike that aimed at his head.

The swarm flew to a distance in order to encircle Jake, thereby forming a miniature tornado, and blasted projectile slimy stingers aimed towards his presumed blind spots, since the swarm did not know his suit made him close to invulnerable to something as primitive as a blind spot.

[Do you wish to Activate aerial skill.]


[Rocket magic jet. Activated]

*With the consumption of your magic energy turn on the four thrusters attached to your back, to be able to fly, direction governed by your cyborg brain. Careful not to overheat due to not paying attention to your jet heating meter*


"Come on! Such a high heat limit. I wonder if I can somehow reduce it?'

Four thinly made booster throttles formed on Jakes back and combusted with pink magic flames, propelling him into flight escaping the miniature bug tornado.

Flying above them Jake then released a hail of pink magical bullets, and tore the bugs apart, accurately avoiding damage to the navigation system core below.

[Shrieking Space critter has been shot! Minus 76 HP] × 6

[Shrieking Space critter has been shot! Minus 45 HP] × 6

[Shrieking Space critter has been shot! Minus 39 HP] × 8

[Targets Terminated! Exp gained]

[Level up!]

Psstshh! Psstshh!

After cleaning them off the way, a familiar warmth traveled up his hands, together with *click* sound.


[Gun tactics Rapid assault gun over heat limit reached!]

[Firearm Switch]

[Gun tactics, Wide Area Effect shot gun].


In an instant, the machine gun assault rifle, dismantled and turned into a silver white shotgun with two large barreled tubes, and a pink colored glass-like 5 bar charging indicator to its side, producing *Beep!. Beep!* sounds.

"Damn It! Why are you even charging?" Frustrated, he tightly choked the one handed shot gun, attached to his left prosthetic arm.

The suit then choreographed him to stretch out his free right hand. "What now?" he said glancing toward his hand which formed a white rectangular handle.

A pink colored neon blade held by a silver white backside appeared, similar to a Japanese katana.

[Saber tactics]

*Sever apart your enemies, with this blade made from highly compressed thin magic power and held together by micro nanites. It has two passive effects namely:

Mutilate: Bone Deep wounds, gouged flesh muscles and stabbed vital organs will inflict passive Bleed effect per given time, till enemies vitality is drained.*

Another swarm arrived and dove toward Jake and the nova core. He then spun like a tornado, the glowing saber at hand, and ripped the shells of his aggressors as easy as a hot knife cutting butter, which caused them to shriek in agony.

"Keee!" A critter cried in pain as green ooze gushed out from its ravine carved neck shell.

[Shrieking Space critter is mutilated Minus 84 HP].

[Saber mutilate passive effect induced].

[Bleeding Effect! 2HP per 1 sec].

"All riiight! I love this saber," said the green blood smeared Jake.


[Shot gun fully charged]

"About time." Said Jake who had then carelessly pulled the trigger, aimed toward the swarm.

Releasing one devastating shot, Jake was blown away by the recoil, his suit torqued itself into a optimal position hitting the metal ship's floor and caused it to concave slightly under his feet, while hurriedly re-attaching itself with the magnet boots.

[Tactical Magic jets deactivated].

[Saber tactics deactivated]

Shrills of agony echoed inside Jake's ears.




Mini explosions accompanied by a wide range of blooming pink blasts, covered around 8 meters of distance, incinerating large numbers of the shrieking space critters into grey ash floating in space mixed with green gemstones.

[Shrieking Space critter has been shot! Critical hit! Minus 180 HP]

[Shrieking Space critter has been shot! Critical hit! Minus 155 HP]

[Shrieking Space critter has been shot! Critical hit! Minus 175 HP]

[Shrieking Space critter has been shot! Critical hit! Minus 167 HP]

[Shrieking Space critter has been shot! Critical hit! Minus 155 HP]…

[17 Targets Terminated! Exp gained]

[16 Low quality Shrieking Space critter green cores, collected!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[2000°F Shot gun over heat limit reached]

"Just one shot huh?"

Calibration completion percentage rate.



[Oxygen level bar less than 40 digits! Reduce muscle exertion].

"I'm almost there! The Magic power is low, I don't have the ability to regenerate back to peak condition now." Said Jake. after trying to tell his suit to regenerate energy for him.

[Tactical Magic jets reactivated].

Flying towards the navigation system with the brief break he bought himself, he deployed his magic shield, and expanded it into a 2 meter sphere that made a pink transparent wall which blocked the path of incoming shrieking space critters from going further. Preventing them from snatching the magical navigation core.


[Magic shield deployed (80%) durability left]

"The durability is enough," His helmet then defused to expose his handsome diamond shaped head.

He then Silently watched a critter he slashed a moment ago shriek in agony calling it's mates with its last breath.

[Shrieking Space critter has been drained of vitality!]

[1 Target is Terminated! Exp gained]

Buzzing wasp like mosquitos arrived and attacked his shield, he concentrated to hold up the magic shield as warm sweat dripped down his face from the burden.

Calibration completion rate [88%...89%...90%].

"It was a good idea to massacre first to reduce their numbers and wait them out like this. In the end my guns are cooling down now, and I'm using less oxygen."

[Magic shield durability (50%)]

"Prepare for hyper drive in 30 seconds, After calibration is done hurry up into the ship." Warned Ria, to Jake's communication device.

Calibration completion rate!



The navigation core lit up and got encased by back into the ships metal sphere.

Seeing the magic shield durability at (30%) and its pink color fading away. Jake who had been desperately holding it together heard laser projectile sounds enter his ear and the strain to his magic shield lessened rapidly.

"Nova Security Countermeasure system, back online. Remote tail blasters deployed."

Red colored mounted cannon shaped blasters formed from the ships tail fired at the alien bugs turning them to grey ash.

"Hurry up and enter the ship now!"

[Rocket magic jets activated]

All four jets on his back got activated releasing hot pink magic flames from his thrusters.

And the number of space critters kept increasing in numbers, that even the added mounted blasters could not finish them off.

[Magic shield fail! (0%)]

The shield produced spider-web-like cracks and shattered into pink specks which signaled Jake to propel away in a stream line motion, along a path made by the tail blasters toward the opened airlock door.

Accelerating into frightening speeds, Jake crashed into the airlock room's walls and shook it slightly, as the door behind him closed shut.

"Hyperdrive jump in 3…2..1."

Jake got swept of his feet, his body mounted to the wall. His organs pressed hard by Immense pressure of the hyper-speed as he was too low leveled to with stand it.

This had lasted for mere milliseconds till he was released from the pressure.

"Hyperdrive successful! Destination reached; Port City Paradisium."


[Handy man! Mission complete!]

[Congratulations you have gained New Talent, Skills and Title.]

Charm: A ruthless killer is an attractive mate, your sex appeal to the opposite sex will match their ideal standards no matter the species. Passive lustron Talent charm unlocked. Works well with pheromone active talent to attract the opposite sex, effects reduced on targets with strong willpower.

Bug Exterminator: When this title is installed it Increases 5% critical hits on exoskeleton bug related species and Fear effect debuff on bug related species levels by 6% ineffective on enemies 10 levels above you.

Magic power + 5 increased

Intelligence +5 increased

Perception +8 increased

18 Free points gained

[Congratulations! You completed the Demo.]

You have unlocked [Auto Takeover] *Use this skill to allow battle suit momentary auto-pilot in any situation. Adds Perk; Cyber intuition of 10% increase in subconscious brain muscle memory learning.*

You gained cyber upgrade point; Which skill do you wish to upgrade ?

You have acquired! [ 33 Low quality Shrieking Space critter green cores!]

[Do you wish to absorb cores?] Yes/No

Countless notifications flashed in the periphery of his blurred vision, as Jake fell unconscious.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, trying to make an action packed smut with this, will see where it goes.

Any support is welcome plus a review would be awesome, what would you like to see more of?

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