
Universal Connection

The universe is crumbling, and my mind was going blank. I wasn't sure what to do. I held my lover's wrists. I loved him so much. Although; I wasn't sure if this love could last forever. A GAY FANTASY NOVEL BETWEEN REINCARNATED LOVERS.

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BEFOREHAND- The Beginning

This is a book/novel meant for my friends. G and K <3

I could hear the sounds of dirt cracking. Rocks tumbling down plateaus, and sounds of grass being ripped out from below me. Lava now poured up instead of down, and the water floated within the air. My legs ran as fast as they could, my panting breath getting harsher with each step I took. The gravel beneath me made me slower; and all of the grandfather clocks chime every minute. Before I knew it, my feet were lifted from the decaying ground into space. I was now; officially; standing in space? Or could it be something else? I screamed, "Xie? Xie! Where are you?" Where was my lover; the one who was full of integrity and sympathy?

There was no response to be found; not even the tiniest whisper. Nor was there any movement I could sense. My every nerve and move felt dreadful, for I, could feel my hair getting plucked out and my blood escaping my arms. I wanted to keep on running far away from something; although, I wasn't too sure what that something was. It was like I was pedaling a bike to reach the end of a race. Except instead of a race with people cheering me on, it was the sound of crackling mixed with dead silence. Whenever silence came I could hear my heart beat. I could feel my feet pulsating at the same rhythm of my hands. I was left with nothing but myself and dying nature.

"Krys! I'm right here! It's Xie!" He yelled, his face half crumbled to dust and hands gone.

I turned my head and body at the same time. But I couldn't merge a smile. I couldn't even give a slight one. I knew it was the end of this universe; I knew. Could there be another way to stop this from happening? Perhaps even.. I knew what I had to do. My chest grew heavy, and my eyes felt weary. It felt like air was being sucked right out of my lungs. It felt like I was smoking a cigarette; but my body felt like it was burning. I held Xie's thin wrists, grabbing as hard as I could, afraid to let him go.

"Xie, you must remember me." I whispered, letting out a raspy voice. I don't think I could talk much longer. In return, I saw Xie clenching his teeth. His canines pressed against each other; and if he had gone on much longer his tooth would break from pressure. This time, I could only squint to mimic myself smiling.

"I will. I swear I will." He muttered, and although I could not see his eyes; tears still flowed from what was left of his face.

I could not bear this separation, and although we have spent over 40,000 years together I still could not withstand it. I needed a better goodbye. Was it a need or a want?

"I will teleport us somewhere else." I groaned with pain.

"Where? There is no guarantee that we will spawn in the same place."

I looked at the planet we used to live on. It was, inevitably, about to turn into dust.

"I cannot explain as of right now Xie."


My hands held a tighter grip onto his wrists.

"I'm sorry. But all we can do is hope," I explained with a strong tone of sorrow, "I love you."

Before Xie could manage to muster a sentence, I cut him off. I let go of him; let him float away in this darkness filled with stars and dim white light. It was a beautiful sight; but that beauty didn't distract me. I grabbed a knife that floated mid-air and grabbed its black handle. I slit my palm and watched my golden blood drip out, tiny dots rolling down my fingers. I took the deepest breath I could even though my lungs were at its limit. I put my hands together, raised them up, and put my palm full of blood onto my face. With the last ounce of power I had left, I teleported Xie and I somewhere. I wasn't even sure if we could be together or remember each other. All I knew is that we were going to be safe. Safe.