
2. Fruitful exploration

After some time -around a hour or so, thankfully watch on Marks arm still works- Mark finds some wildlife. "Thats definitely a deer, im definitely in a branch of my universe". But the deer felt slightly different, like it was doing or using something.

After another hour he stumbles opon a path."Yep definitely earth, now its time to find humans and see how advanced they are". Mark goes north, why? Because Mark has seen in the distance, if he went south on the path he would arrive at some mountains, which probably dont have any cities, which he is after.

Its afternoon, -Mark arrived in this universe at 9AM- and he sees a city, and a castle. And it looks like its not from early medieval but middle medieval. Not wooden but a stone one, but no double walls and exterior defences.

Mark grins at the idea that popped into his mind. "This is perfect for my plans, but first i need to explore, i hope i dont get shot down immediately, just because im in green uniform".As soon as Mark approaches the gates, guards give him a suspicious look but dont attack him *Thankfully they are not shooting me down* thinks Mark.

"Hello" says Mark hoping that guards understand modern English, and they do! 'Good day, may we know who you are and where you from?', "I'm Mark and im from far away kingdom, not from here", guards exchange looks and say 'So you are a traveller of some sorts, what is the gear you are wearing, we never have seen something like this', "This is my protection gear and this is my weapon", guards almost start laughing. 'This flimsy clothes are your armor and this weirdly shaped black stick is your weapon?', 'I see this stick has a blade at the end but i didn't know you went from some nation that doesn't even have proper spears!' guards burst into laughter, but after some time they stop and regain their composure. 'To enter this city you need to pay 10 copper but for entertaining us we let you pass'. And after that Mark finally enters the city.