
Universal Awakening

Aena never wanted to be special. She just wanted to live a peaceful life far removed from the turmoil of society. However, nothing goes as planned as she finds herself in the midst of peril. Unexpected relationships. Desperate circumstances. Mysterious affairs… It all started, with the Universal Awakening.

Dreamseeker · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Walk After Teatime

They stood there awkwardly alongside each other, looking at each other at eye level since Aena was on a higher step.

The only sound that could be heard was the whir of wind blowing past. Cassidy stared at her, her hands frozen at her sides; Aena stared uncomfortably back.

"I said it's fine," Cassidy shuffled her feet, intending to continue on her way.

"I would feel guilty otherwise," Aena insisted. Cassidy cocked her brow and finally shrugged her shoulders.

"If you insist."

So that was how the two girls came to walk together on a fine evening. Contrary to the first time when Aena had walked behind Cassidy, this time they were side by side, although with a significant distance maintained between them.

Aena had been ardent when she invited Cassidy out impulsively, but now her normal behavior had returned, and she couldn't help but feel nervous. What had she done?

She tried to make small talk to shatter the awkwardness that hung in the air, but due to either Aena's social incompetence or the combination of their personalities… it didn't go as intended.

"So what hobbies do you do in your free time?"


"That's not a hobby though?"

"It is for me."

"Um. Well, that's very cool," Aena grimaced. This was failing abysmally. She was starting to feel embarrassed.

"So what class are you in?" Aena said, trying to keep the conversation alive. She just said the first thing that was her go-to phrase when making small talk with a stranger, but in her nervousness, she forgot Cassidy wasn't exactly a stranger.

Cassidy gave her an amused look, pursing her lips.

"Class 1-C"

'Wait a minute.' Aena remembered. They were in the same class. She cringed.


Aena quickly looked away quickly but couldn't keep the burning shame from reddening her face. She hoped the approaching darkness hid her blush. Had she really made such an embarrassing blunder?! She restrained the impulse to bury her face in her hands.

From that moment onwards, Aena made the wise decision to leave her mouth shut. Instead, she tried to let her mind wander by concentrating on the beautiful surroundings, but she was still very conscious of the girl next to her.

As they walked along the pathway, the fixed-interval interludes of light from nearby lampposts illuminated even the nighttime beauty of Astral Academy.

Since Astral Academy was the largest and most prominent in the nation, it covered an expansive area of 400 square kilometers. Astral Academy was a city in and of itself. This wasn't only to support the various resources such as training fields, simulation labs, and research centers, but also to serve as an overarching safety feature.

Since the current political environment was rife with tension, any important facilities maintained a high level of security. And a location that housed the brightest minds of the generation could very well be painted as an alluring target.

There was a whole army's worth of defense systems situated in and around the Academy grounds, and a security barrier enveloped the entire premises. It detected any foreign or internal threats, and security or the defense system would be activated to respond.

As a result, Astral Academy was an oddity in the realm of technological advancement. While it was bejeweled with stunning two or three-story buildings, the perimeter around it juxtaposed a stark contrast.

Massive skyscrapers pierced the clouds, and holographic billboards and signs were crammed into every possible cranny. The academy was also a highly restricted area, so even unauthorized celebrities couldn't simply enter without due process.

As a result, the skies of Astral Academy were always calm and empty, whereas the city was not only usually bustling on the ground, but numerous hovercars and drones also buzzed above like bees in a colony.

The high-rise structures surrounded the Academy, giving it an even more mystical aura. Like a sacred place exempt from the practicality of uniform buildings, the Academy was a circle of divine teaching, protected by the jutting buildings surrounding it.

From her place on the pathway, Aena could faintly see the vibrant lights of the holographs encompassing the distant edifices. Although she herself was not long ago another being existing in that world, it felt so far away now. Academy life brought its own business, and its isolated nature made it hard for her to be reminded of the past.

Students usually never went out since almost every amenity and service imaginable was situated within the boundaries of Astral Academy.

Passing another halo of light, Aena peeked at Cassidy's expression. Inscrutable, as always, but her eyes shimmered with amusement. What was she so amused about? Was it a bad type of amusement? Hopefully, Aena didn't inadvertently do anything wrong. Perhaps she shouldn't have made the offer.

She was already regretting her decision.

Well, there was no backing out now.

"Is there anything you would like to eat?" Aena asked, now realizing that she didn't know where the hell she was even walking to. They were now in the midst of the night city, and a myriad of lit restaurant signs beckoned them in. The pleasant aroma of cooking meat wafted to her nose. It didn't contain the usual stench of sewage and drugs that Aena had grown used to.

"Western? Korean? Chinese?"

Seeing that Cassidy didn't respond, she darted forward since she was lagging behind slightly since she had shorter legs.

"Mediterranean?" she drawled, trying to find out what the girl preferred.


Cassidy abruptly stopped, and Aena crashed into her back, a lungful of air escaping her. She hurriedly pushed herself away and righted herself, but when she looked cautiously at Cassidy, she didn't see annoyance or displeasure.

Possibly even worse, there was a small, teasing smile playing along her lips. She wasn't looking at Aena. Instead, she was looking forward to one of the restaurants ahead. She raised a finger and pointed.

"How about there?"

Aena followed the direction of her finger and stared. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief. Man, she really needed to get glasses. She looked again, paying attention closer, but Cassidy's finger was unwavering.

"Um, you can't mean that one, right?" Aena said meekly.

The corner of Cassidy's mouth tugged upwards slyly.

"Yes. I would like to try that one."

"The Etoile Haven."

O shit guys I just realized I set my timers all wrong, meant to publish it yesterday >_<

Dreamseekercreators' thoughts