
Universal Ascendant: Alon Dela Cruz's Odyssey

In "Universal Ascendant: Alon Dela Cruz's Odyssey," Alon, a timid high school student from the Philippines, discovers a mysterious system that grants him game-like powers. With the rise of Alon, a power struggle ensues against Dante Mercado, a rebel leader, as they compete to dominate the Philippines. The series follows Alon's journey of training, uncovering secrets, forming alliances, and engaging in epic battles, culminating in his ascension as the guardian of the universe. Brace yourself for an action-packed adventure filled with supernatural abilities, romance, and the fate of the multiverse at stake.

BATZMEN · Action
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20 Chs

Chapter 9: Alon's Crucible, Part 2

Weeks blended into a monotonous tapestry of training and hiding, each day pushing Alon's patience and resolve. The holographic interface of the system was a constant companion, a secretive whisper guiding him through the labyrinth of this new world order.

One evening, while practicing his arnis moves, he noticed an option in the system interface, "Stealth Upgrade." An idea dawned on him. It was possible that the system could provide him abilities that would help him keep his powers hidden from others.

"Activate Stealth Upgrade," Alon whispered, his words swallowed by the solitude around him. The system acknowledged his command, and he felt a subtle shift in his aura, a sort of shroud that seemed to envelope him, making him less noticeable, less remarkable. A perfect tool to keep his secrets safe.

Alon trained tirelessly, using the cover of night to push his boundaries further, his every action mindful of the Stealth Upgrade. He needed to ensure his powers remained unnoticed until it was time to unleash them.

Meanwhile, Sofia watched Alon from a distance, her heart aching for him. She approached him one day, her eyes resolute. "Alon, whatever it is you're doing...just know that I trust you."

Alon interrupted his exercise, surprised and gratefully looked at her. "Thank you, Sofia," he murmured gratefully. "Your trust...it means more to me than you know."

In the crucible of his training, Alon was forging himself anew, not just as a survivor, but as a silent guardian. He understood the weight of his secret, the power he held within him. And he was ready to use it when the time came.

Little did he know, the world outside was rapidly devolving into anarchy, and it was only a matter of time until Alon's carefully kept secret had to be revealed in order to restore order