
Universal Ascendant: Alon Dela Cruz's Odyssey

In "Universal Ascendant: Alon Dela Cruz's Odyssey," Alon, a timid high school student from the Philippines, discovers a mysterious system that grants him game-like powers. With the rise of Alon, a power struggle ensues against Dante Mercado, a rebel leader, as they compete to dominate the Philippines. The series follows Alon's journey of training, uncovering secrets, forming alliances, and engaging in epic battles, culminating in his ascension as the guardian of the universe. Brace yourself for an action-packed adventure filled with supernatural abilities, romance, and the fate of the multiverse at stake.

BATZMEN · Action
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20 Chs

Chapter 4: Unexpected Apocalypse

The typical humdrum of daily school life was abruptly shattered when an unusual tremor swept through the building. The school immediately evacuated students onto the grounds, confusion and alarm rapidly spreading among them.

The once clear, azure sky abruptly darkened, an ominous shadow spreading across it as if to foretell the calamity that was about to descend. Suddenly, a gigantic portal emerged, ripping open the fabric of reality like a monstrous wound. From within, a wave of horrifying creatures poured out, their deafening roars creating a symphony of terror that echoed through the city.

Panic ensued as the monsters wreaked havoc across the city, their path marked by destruction. Everyone watched, paralyzed by fear. This wasn't a movie or a nightmare they could wake up from. It was reality; an unexpected apocalypse had begun.

Throughout this chaos, Alon remained strangely calm. His mind raced, analyzing the scene before him. His instincts, honed by years of arnis training, screamed at him to fight, but he held back. His father had taught him the importance of observing the enemy before making the first strike.

He noted the way the monsters moved, the patterns in their attacks. He assessed their strengths, their weaknesses. He glanced at Sofia, who was watching him, her eyes wide with fear and anticipation. Alon gave her a small, reassuring nod. He wanted to protect her and everyone else, but he had to do it without revealing his true potential.

Carefully, he reached for his arnis sticks, their familiar weight a comforting reminder of his training. He moved cautiously, managing to blend into the panicked crowd. He observed as the city's defense forces began to confront the monsters, their weapons doing little to impede the beasts.

Alon used the chaos as a cover, subtly taking down smaller creatures that broke away from the main horde. His strikes were swift, precise, almost invisible to the untrained eye. He did not show off his strength, conserving his energy for potential threats. His father's words echoed in his mind, "Always have a reserve, son. You never know what's next."

Just as he had predicted, the chaos was far from over. A larger creature emerged from the portal, heading straight for the school grounds. Alon watched as the behemoth advanced, his grip tightening on his arnis sticks. The world had changed, and so had the rules.

The unexpected apocalypse had marked the beginning of Alon Dela Cruz's odyssey. He was ready, cautious and observant, concealing his true strength. In the face of this terrifying new world, Alon emerged as an unseen guardian, prepared to face whatever came next.