
Universal Ascendant: Alon Dela Cruz's Odyssey

In "Universal Ascendant: Alon Dela Cruz's Odyssey," Alon, a timid high school student from the Philippines, discovers a mysterious system that grants him game-like powers. With the rise of Alon, a power struggle ensues against Dante Mercado, a rebel leader, as they compete to dominate the Philippines. The series follows Alon's journey of training, uncovering secrets, forming alliances, and engaging in epic battles, culminating in his ascension as the guardian of the universe. Brace yourself for an action-packed adventure filled with supernatural abilities, romance, and the fate of the multiverse at stake.

BATZMEN · Action
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Alon's Crucible, Part 6

With the relentless march of time, the world's descent into chaos was nearing its zenith. Alon, through his unwavering dedication, had honed his powers to an unparalleled degree. The system was now an integral part of his existence, aiding him in mastering his martial prowess and other newly acquired abilities, all while maintaining a discreet profile.

His focus never strayed from the critical goal of maintaining his stealth. "The most potent weapon is the one your enemy doesn't know about," he often reminded himself, a mantra that echoed in his disciplined regimen. His power to steal abilities remained his most potent and guarded secret.

In the solitude of his training, Alon found moments of comfort in Sofia's company. One evening, under the fading twilight, Sofia held his gaze, her voice barely above a whisper, "Alon, no matter the trials you face, remember, you're never alone."

His heart swelled at her words, a promise ringing true in his mind. "I won't forget, Sofia," he responded, a warmth blooming in his chest. Her unwavering faith was a balm to his weary soul.

The tension in the world outside was palpable, the fear of the unknown gripping the hearts of many. Each monstrous emergence and mana surge further propelled society towards a breaking point. Alon, however, maintained a composed exterior, his resolve unbroken.