
Mount Vernon, Virginia

December 20, 1785

Uncle George... I mean King George, cannot return to Mount Vernon. It was decided apon that Philadelphia would become the Capital of the United Kingdom of America. It seems that Washington, DC. would not arise in this world, unless I decide to raise it.

I had Read over what was named the Rex Article, and It was for the most part the same as the Constitution, only that the President or Congressman could be removed by the King if there was a Justifiable and Legal reason. I had wormed a few things through myself, as the Right to Bear arms needed a revision, I helped fix that so that no morons in the future decide to take the arms of good American's.

Of Course, most of what I tried to push forth was considered wrong, and promptly ignored. The only way I could get anything onto the paper was by suggesting it to James Wilson, Uncle George and John Adams. Uncle George agreed with me on many things, such as equal rights for men and women, however he declined pushing them forward, as many congressmen would shut the idea's down within moments.

Obviously quite perturbed at the fact almost everything I suggested was shut down, I brought up that I had something to show Uncle George, obviously he had to go stabilize the nation, and said that he would have to wait to see it. I was saddened, but decided that since we will be returning to Mount Vernon, I decided to show father and Aunt Martha the Bessemer Process, and have Aunt Martha relay it unto Uncle Washington.

Which brings me to where I am today, infront of a giant Barn I had built, with slaves Uncle George had bought me milling about. I hadn't liked it, and Uncle George knew I hated slavery, but he told me that it was better for them to have a kind and understanding master, than a harsh taskmaster. I made a deal with each and every one of my slaves. They would serve for ten years, unto which I would cloth them, feed them, and educate their children, and then after that they and their children would be freed.

That of course caused them to work hard to earn their keep. I gave them plenty of food, and they only had to work a seven hour shift at the max. Of course they enjoyed plenty of rest, getting Saturday and Sunday off, and were taught how to best take care of their body's, through exercise, which something I find many lack in this period. You were Either rich and plump or poor and lame. With the exercises I, and my slaves have worked to being moderately Muscled, a few of my slaves had even gotten really buffy, with biceps the size of my head, Neari was a beast capable of lifting a whole damn tree. Hell, he could probably at this point be considered one of the strongest in America at this point.

"By Jove! Bushrod how are all of your negro's like this my boy?" my father, John Washington asked, as I turned. "I had instilled into them a need to Exercise, Neari there simply enjoys it to its extremes. Why, I've seen him lift a tree over his head once. Not a large one, but a decent sized oak." I said, as Aunt Martha put a hand over her mouth with a 'Oh My!' being let out. As we walked about, we passed a smaller building with the name "Storage" written on it, with an Ingot logo attached under it.

"Ah, masta'! It bes' a pleasure to see you on such a fine Tuesday mornin'! Yous here to take stock? we got fifteh ingots out last nigh' mista' masta'" Crooks called out. He was once a normal man, but after a horse kicked him in the back a week after getting him, and ever since he had a hunched back.

"I shall check inventory later Crooks, I am merely here to show my Father and Aunt the Bessemer Process and the Steam Engine. after showing them I want everyone to take a day off, if you wouldn't mind ringing the bell when I leave the ferro." Crooks nodded his head, and opened the door to the Storage area, letting Aunt Martha and Father get a glimpse at the steel within. After that I directed them to the plant, or Ferro, as I liked to call it.

It was a large area, a giant walled in building, with a roof made of wood that could be moved, so that the fumes would not stay within the building. It took many months for the building to be made, and I took out a hefty loan from Uncle George to build. It's walls of stone, were blank, but held a hidden beauty. On one side, walled in by wood, was the break room, it was designed for cooling off, and some slaves were there. It was a giant room that had a large box of iced water in it, with a wooden fan atop it, as a crud e AC. It was loud, with the steam Engine on the other side of the back wall constantly shaking. Every slave would spend forty minutes working, before turning in for twenty in the cooling room.

Next on the list was the actual Steel Plant, some slaves melted steel into ingots, others mixed the ingredients into a vat, before pouring it into the converter, others did the many other tasks that were necessary, such as raking out the badly minted steel for reuse, or the slaves I had on deck for making sure no accidents occurred. Aunt Martha had to use her hand as a fan, as it was so damn hot in here that I myself was already drenched with sweat after going over the twenty minute walk through on the place.

After which we went to the Area that housed the majority of the Steam Engines. This was where a few conveyer belts were, which is harder to make than you would imagine, as I needed many small iron plates stitched together, as wood would burn when touching the hot ingots. The Conveyer belts would take the Ingots and drop them into a large room at the back, where they would spend a half hour cooling off, before being taken to Crooks and his storage area.

easily to say, I had made a splash with Aunt Martha and Father, as instead of the months it took to make steel, it now took merely a week or two. That Afternoon Aunt Martha left with two Carriages full of Steel.