
Future Plans

Simon was the first to speak up after the emotional outbreak of their sister.

"I am very glad that you openly talk about your feelings. I am sorry for being inconsiderate that something like this might happen if I offer Caroline an opportunity and leave you out of any future plans.

For most of my life you always ever wanted to be a great lawyer and compared to Caroline your commitment towards this craft seemed ever higher.

I honestly would have loved to have you as the CEA of one of my future companies but I just didn't want you to agree only because you cared about your little brother.

To some extent I am even quite happy about everything going on right now, because that means I have a chance to steal you away from Mom and Dad and have you lead one of the companies I will found in the future, because Atari and Red Bull are certainly not going to be the last."

This lightened up the atmosphere in the room and both Alexander and Caroline felt visibly better and started to get very curious about Simon's future plans. Obviously they wouldn't just ask him in a straightforward way though.

While trying to relieve Alexander of his worries Simon continued.

"You can slowly think about what you would like to do in the future, Alexander. I still have many ideas in my head, maybe even more than I can even realize. You are welcome to pick out any one of them if you want in the future, or even work in a similar partnership project like Caroline and I are currently doing with Red Bull.

It is completely up to you and you just need to know that we, your siblings, and the rest of the family will always have your back."

Alexander was visibly moved by Simon's guarantee but his pride as an older brother kept him from shedding any tears. Caroline was very satisfied with her little brother and stood up to give him a large hug too. When the siblings talked through their problems and made sure there were no hard feelings between them Simon continued with his future plans.

"For now I will slow down in the next few months and just make sure the foundations of Atari and Red Bull are solid. In a few months Red Bull will go on the market and Atari will release its second game after improving the production capacity. I am extremely confident in the success of this game.

The capital gain of this new game I will partly invest into the large marketing campaign of Red Bull, but mostly in order to invest into some already existing companies with great potential. This also means I won't be founding a new company this year and most likely not even next year.

I think Red Bull will increase a lot in a very short time when the large marketing campaign starts. How about you join Caroline in her mission to bring Red Bull to success? You can keep working as a lawyer and help our parents, but at the same time try to join Caroline. The experience you will gain from that will be invaluable for your future career, whether you want to create your own company in the future or not. 

Even if you decide to not build your own project you can just consider it quality time with your sister. All your life , both of you just competed with each other which isn't bad, but wouldn't it be fun if for once you join together and try to fight the large industry giants like Coca-Cola?

Show the United States that there are two siblings who can create miracles together."

Caroline was of course extremely excited about this proposal but Alexander still needed some time to make his feelings regarding his career and the projects of his siblings clear. At the end of the day all three siblings were extremely relieved and happy with the progress they made in their relationship. After leaving the Union Club Simon returned to his home near Central Park.

The next few months his life would become rather calm without any special events. He spent most of his time at the production base of Atari talking with Dennis and Tanja regarding their increase of the production capacity and sales channels.

In order to make sure everything would be ready by the start of the release of Tetris they hired some engineers from West Germany to install and check all the production machines. They even hired special quality testers from West Germany and even some from Japan, in order to bring the quality standard of their factory to the highest level.

This brought a lot of inspiration to Simon himself, because he thought about scouting some talents for game development and hardware development from Japan. The first two people that game to his mind were the most important employees of Nintendo. If a company wants to develop rapidly, it cannot do without the support of talents.

Simon knew that the rise of a gaming giant in the 1980s and 1990s would cause huge repercussions around the world, and that was the Japanese gaming giant Nintendo. This playing card factory established at the end of the 19th century has developed into a gaming giant. In addition to the extraordinary ability and forward-looking vision of the business leaders, it is also inseparable from the extraordinary performance of two geniuses.

Shigeru Miyamoto and Gunpei Yokoi, one incredibly talented game designer and one expert in the development of game hardware, led Nintendo to become a world unknown gaming giant that achieved incredible success. Shigeru Miyamoto was still only 18 years old and hadn't even started his college education yet. It was only in 1977 that he would even join Nintendo in the first place.

Simon was not yet in need of a brilliant game developer because he could easily come up with many creative games in the next few years all by himself. There was no need to change the life path of Shigeru Miyamoto yet. He was a lot more interested in the skills of Gunpei Yoko in order to achieve technical hardware development for future game consoles. He immediately hired a headhunting company in order to get into contact with him and hire him at any price.