
United powers

Country’s have come to life and units divisions to and are seeking to kill nazi Germany. The Wehrmacht has turned on his father to fight him along with kriegsmarine luftwaffe and heer have turned in this book there will be chaos but no matter what they will kill him (btw there are countries me and my brother came up with FYI so you don’t get confused)

Panzerlord_1 · Others
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FATHER!!!! Yes? STOP TALKING LIKE NOTHINGS HAPPENING!!! What you can't handle a little combat? AHHH!!! RATH OF THE KRIEGSMAC-AH! Wehrmacht wakes up. You ok Wehrmacht? Yea I'll be fine hehe.... another nightmare? Yes..... don't worry that much! Thanks Australia. ALL WAYS HERE TO HELP! Better start the day... but why did I have THAT dream in particular Wehrmacht says to himself. Privet comrade. Hey Russia. Are you ok? I'll be fine don't worry about me. Ok good bye. Bye! Anyway the day what to d- CRASH!!! Huh? DAD!? Wehrmacht your alone perfect. OH NO HES NOT! America hits Germany on the head with a cast iron skillet. Knocked out cold better dispose of this scum of the earth. Well never expected that to happen well I guess I should start expecting the unexpected Wehrmacht said. And that's Wehrmacht daily life trying to kill nazi Germany....