
United but Apart

The story of two persons who are not meant to be together, fall in love. The Gods themselves come down to seperate them, but at the end, they keep meeting each other and fall in love again. What is the reason for which the Gods had to come to seperate them? Why can't they be together? UPDATE EVERY TUESDAY!?

Trixie25 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


  I woke up on my spongy bed gazing into the ceiling of my room with a hanging crystal-like chandelier. I sat on my chair near my study table and looking through the book shelf and deciding which book to read. I stood up, took out my favourite book placing it on my study table. I walked through the soft and furry rug and went out of my room but I first stopped to gaze out of my window seeing the snowfall sparkling like glitters, it was 9 in the morning, the roads and houses were covered in snow. I put on my warmest coat and rushed downstairs in excitement of going out. I took my best gripped boots as I was often clumsy and I didn't want to fall in front of bunch of people. I told my mom that I was going for a walk but my mom refused that it was a bit early for having a walk. My mom did not like me going out of the house because my dad passed away in a car accident two years ago, so she made such excuses to keep me at home but I told my mom "it will be alright, you don't need to worry about me. I will be right back", "but be careful while crossing the roads" mom ordered me "did you take your phone Trixie?", I replied "Yes, I took it. And don't wait for me, I'll be at Hannah's house." and then rushed outside.

The scenery was an eye candy for me, there were fresh trees just like if they were washed recently through each branch and node. I kept enjoying the scenery while walking. The kids were about to play in the garden, they were calling out their friends to play and the birds were chirping like an alarm for there kids, the pups were running in the snow and chasing the falling snow flakes which were falling from the trees dancing with the cold breeze carrying the smell of bakery and with their mom right behind them. People living in nearby houses were opening their windows and the working men were leaving for their office while their children waving at them and then running off to the playground to play.

Well.. it was an eye candy till I saw plenty of people trying to unload a bunch of meat packets from their trucks. I don't like meat, I don't even like people harassing the animals. If they don't harm us then why do we have to eat them, we don't even have teeth like carnivores who only eat only meat. I just went past them and stopped thinking about it so that I can enjoy my walk.

I went to my best friend, Hannah Stone's house who lives three blocks away from me, I felt lucky that my best friend's house was not so far so that I can talk to her face to face anytime. Her house was like an old mansion, a huge one, there was a beautiful passage decorated with big frames of some paintings and their family photos, which went from the main door to her living room. Her house had royal wallpaper which gave the house, well, more royal look. She was rich enough like me but I certainly didn't like being rich as it had me carrying burden of the company for two years and was also boring as my day mostly went in doing company work and not anything extra. So I had to stay up late at night to do the things I want to and it also gave me some lack of sleep. Yes, I was at my friend's home and I rung the doorbell, her mom greeted me and invited me inside. I ran, gracefully as I was a guest at their house indeed, to Hannah's room which was up at the 2nd floor and it was so tiring for me as I was already so much lazy. I bang opened the door and shocked Hannah, giving her a surprise because I was at her home after a long time. She jumped one me to hug me and I barely managed not to fall.

"What is up with you?, Why didn't you contact me?, Where were you?, What were you doing all this time?" Hannah started investigating me in a haste,

"Slow down Hannah, I will answer all your questions. Let's sit down first, and do you have something to eat? Because I came in a hurry." I told Hannah ,

"Yeah, sure. Just wait a bit, I'll be right back." Hannah told me and left the room.

While she was gone, I was looking at the posters she had on her wall. The posters were in a different language, so I translated it through my pnone. The posters were in Hindi language and they were about some serials, I was wondering "When did she became a fan of Hindi cinema?" I asked myself

and sat down on her bed. Hannah entered the room with her hand full of chocolate cupcakes and juice, which made me droopy because of how much I loved chocolate cupcakes and she knew it. She sat down beside me and placed the tray on her glass table, she started glaring at me but I decided to just concentrate on my cupcakes. Then Hannah started asking me one by one and I answered her one by one.

"Where were you?" Hannah scolded, "I was on a buisness trip." I replied innocently.

"A buisness trip!?, This long?" Hannah growled, "Well yes, it was for collaborating with a company in Tokyo." I told her.

"In Tokyo! Seriously?!, And you didn't even bother telling me about it?." Hannah asked me in even more angry tone, "Yeah, I am sorry about that, the trip was finalized suddenly and I didn't have the time to pack. I wanted to tell you but I was so busy." I replied honestly.

"This is one of many disadvantages of having my best friend running a big company. You are only 18 Trixie why don't you leave this job?."Hannah sounded a bit consoling, "I know, and I am really sorry for that but I can't just leave this job, this company holds my father's many efforts, and I can't just neglect them.", "Ok I understand.. ugh, I can't even say anything when you get all sad, let's do something.. umm, let's go to arcade, or a movie?!" She asked in an excited way, "Let's go to arcade then." I told her my opinion, "No, I want to go to movies." She sounded like she was finalising the plan, "Then why did you even ask me?!" I told her in kind of sarcastic way, "Then let's get going!" She was really excited and ran downstairs after putting on her favourite sky blue bodycon dress and white wedges like she was going to walk on runway. She told me to change my outfit, "What's wrong with this?" I asked unknowingly, "Oh my god, thank God you have me, otherwise you will wear your pajamas to a shopping mall." She was sounding like a boss. And we were off to movies.

We took Hannah's BMW, her father had good choice in cars. We drove to the cinema, there was still half hour left in movie so we were just buying popcorn and roaming in the mall. There were so many gorgeous dresses and Hannah ran right towards them after seeing them so I had to hold her tight so that she doesn't run away. We then entered the cinema hall and took the middle rows, the movie had started and ended in a blink for me because it wasn't interesting enough for me but Hannah was watching the movie with great interest and also her eyes were sparkling like it was the best movie she had ever watched, ofcourse as it was some Hindi movie but dubbed. I don't know how did she even find that movie here.

Then we went out of the cinema hall, had some food and yes, had so much to talk so we gossiped so much and loudly that almost everyone in the restaurant were watching us. We then drove back to Hannah's home and we talked more and then I took my way back home.

While I was walking, I was just wondering that what would happen if my life was complete opposite of the way it is right now?. Well.. there's no way to find out, I replied to my curiosity. It was already night so I was a bit scared of crossing the road. I had to do it anyway because I had forgotten most of the routes, and there were plenty of routes to my home which didn't require crossing the roads. So, I was crossing the road and suddenly, out of nowhere a car came, I couldn't judge weather it was a car or truck but by seeing the two gleaming lights, I just decided it was a car. It was about to hit me but someone saved me by pulling my hand towards itself. The car went by and the driver was scolding me to walk with a flashlight at night, I ignored him. I stood up to thank the person who saved me but no-one was there, I couldn't understand, someone did save me, then where did he/she go?. I found a broken men's watch which was on the ground, "So, it was a man who saved me." I was a bit electrified knowing that I was saved by a man. As soon as I picked up that broken watch, a sudden thing, something flashed in my eyes, it looked like two persons were holding me and trying to capture me or stop me, I couldn't see who the persons were because it was a bit blurry vision. It gave me a headache, a headache like someone is hitting my head with pins. I took the watch in a rush and dashed way back home.

I entered my home and ran upstairs to my room. My mom asked me if something had happened, I told her that I was sleepy and I wasn't hungry. I entered my room took some medicines and rested on my bed while thinking about what had just happened.