
Uniqueness King

In a world where all the people have an ability, there's a kid named Seichi Tetsuo who has been bullied because he didn't seem to have one... Alternative Title: Why Is My Uniqueness so OP?

STNove · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Overprotective Father

"F*ck, I can't be late the first time that I go to a girl's place" Seichi exclaimed, as he saw the time on his phone. Only five minutes remained until three p.m. and her place was quite far. So, he put all the Genetic Energy that his body possessed on his legs and sprinted towards the adress at max speed.


One hour before the set date, at Hina's villa.

"Come on, dad!" Since Hina came to school, she tried to persuade her father into letting Seichi coming over, but all that her father gave her were constant refusals.

"Please, only this time" Hina tried once again, but the same response was given by the red haired man "I said no"


"No, my little ember, there's no way that I would let a guy enter my house and stay with you, that won't happen even if my life depended on it"

"But..." Hina didn't know what to say, when fortunately a idea struck her "If you'll let Seichi come ever, I'll began practicing your martial arts"

The Flame Emperor's eyes lit up, his thought confused by the too much excitement 'She'll learn my martial techniques? Finally, mines are definitely better than her mother's, but..."

The light covering his eyes slowly dimmed "...letting a guy come close with her doesn't seem worth it, what if that bastard hurts her? Or drugs her? Or..." and then his overprotective thoughts continued, imagining all of the possible scenarios.

"It's definetely not worht it" this was the coclusion that the Flame Emperor came up with after thinking so much and then his mouth spoke "No"

"Father, please, I already said to him to come over and we're just going to train, nothing else" Hina insisted as she leaned towards her father and used her puppy eyes techniques again.

And the Flame Emperor couldn't resist those eyes "Fine, but if he even dares to just touch you, i'll burn him into as-"

A hug from his daughter interrupted him "Thanks, dad!"

"Thank you a lot!" The strength of the hug gradually increased, making the red haired man fly back to the past "The last time that she hugged me this tightly was when me and Chiharu gifted her a pendant for her fifth birthday"

"Now, she wants to bring a guy home. Chiharu do you see this? Our daughter is growing..."


"Shit, i am going to be late at this rate" Seichi said. He had been constanly running at maximum speed for atleast five minutes now and he still didn't reach her home.

But, when he turned to the left, a giant villa revealed itself before his eyes. It had a very japanese traditional style with his main color being red. A giant scarlet Torii gate marked the entrance inside the walls, sorrounding the house, and then he passed through it.

Immediately, he stepped on an astonishing pathway made with peebles and as he looked around himself, he saw an enormous garden, which was sorrounded by majestic walls, and, all around it, there were two giant pond, where countless Kois swimmed in peace. And Seichi couldn't help himself, but be amazed by the beauty of this place.

But the only thing ruining it was the fact that countless bodyguards were spread through the pathway, the entrance, the garden and everywhere Seichi could lay his eyes on.

"Does the Flame Emperor really need this much safety? Who would even dare to attack one of Japan's strongest Uniqueness Users?" Seichi said, before deciding to overlook the bodyguards and looked straight to the entrance door.

And there, on top of three steps as well as in front of a beautiful door with a dragon carved on, a charming Hina, dressed with traditional kimono, was waving at him.

[Image Here]

Looking at her, Seichi was amazed by her beauty, but his amazement was immediately cut when he noticed an ominous figure with red hair behind Hina. He knew that man, after all, who in Japan hasn't seen the Flame Emperor atleast once in their life?

And that man was looking at him with killing intent. That couldn't mean anything good, so Seichi immediately bowed down "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Miyazaki"

"...tch...not for me" the Flame Emeperor arrogantly said, making Seichi's nerves bulge a little.


"Ok, ok, my little ember" the red haired man reassured his daughter, before approaching Seichi "Now stop bowing and leave my sight together with my daughter, before i change idea and make you return from where you came from"

That made the already bulging nerves of Seichi bulge even more, but he couldn't just show negative emotions to one of the strongest in Japan, so he had to keep all in.

...but something managed to come out anyway "Yeah sir, i might as well change idea and bring your daughter to my place instead"

"..." nobody dared to speak as they too amazed by Seichi's behaviour. It was the first time that someone talked so disrespectfully to the Flame Emperor in years and they feared that the latter would have burned to ashes the handsome lad on the placem

"Hahahahahaha" the Flame Emperor burst out laughing instead, surprising everyone, except Hina, who knew what that laugh would have brought to "I have to say that It was a very good joke"

"But..." soon from his eyes killing intent was shot at Seichi"...if you dare to even touch a strand of my daughter's hair, i'll make sure that you'll suffer more than any human has ever experienced, before burning you ashes, only for then to crush even your soul, so that you won't have to opportunity to reincarnate or either go to hell or paradise. And id you manage to enter one of the two, i'll follow you there and make you suffer even if already dead. Did you understand?"

'Well, that was a good threat' Thought Seichi after hearing the Flame Emperor's threats to his life, but for some reason, he wasn't scared at all by them.

...to be continued



I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I hope all of you are having a good and amazing day.