
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


"In that case, I'll take it," Seichi said as he accepted her lunch and began eating it.


The man was writing on the blackboard with chalk, saying, "Then, if you apply the root of seven point eight-" before being interrupted by the sound of a bell.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. The teacher turned to the students to bid the a goodbye, only finding there Seichi and Hina, who were engaged in conversation as their classmates had already left.

The teacher jokingly remarked, "Hey, are you two going to flirt all day or help clean the class?" Seichi and Hina blushed at his words.

Observing this innocent interaction, the teacher thought to himself, "Ah, Youth..."

Seichi spoke up, "Mr. Uemura, we will leave right away," as Hina was too embarrassed to respond.

Taking Hina's hand gently as she couldn't move due to embarrassment, Seichi led her out while bidding farewell to Mr. Uemura.

As they exited the building, Mr. Uemura realized that that white haired kid resembled a lot the Null User of his class but, since it was impossible to change that much in a couple of days, he thought it was just a coincidence.


Outside of the school's main entrance gate:

Tetsuo, now that we are here, could you please release my hand?" She stuttered slightly embarrassed as the confident boy was holding her hand, though she didn't mind it much.

"Ah, sure, Miyazaki-san," he responded as he let go of her hand.

"Also, would you mind calling me just Hina without any honorifics? I feel more at ease that way," she said timidly.

"Of course, Hina. In that case, you can call me Seichi," the charming young man replied with a smile.

"Well then, Seichi... see you tomorrow," she said almost slipping up and using his surname before quickly correcting herself with a bright smile.

"Yes, see you tomorrow, Hina," he waved goodbye as she left through the main gate.


"Ms. Hina, please step into the car," a tall bald man with glasses and dressed in an elegant black suit instructed her while opening the door of a luxurious black limousine that had been waiting for her since before her farewell to Seichi.

She complied and entered the vehicle; the bodyguard closed the door for her before joining her in the limousine to drive off.

"Miss Hina, who was that young man?" The bald man asked as he drove.

"He's just... a friend, Okumura-san," she stuttered in response to which her bodyguard remarked, "The way you were looking at him suggested otherwise."

She fell silent unsure of how to respond due to feeling embarrassed by the situation.

"Ah... you're young, miss. Don't allow yourself to be easily swayed by someone who is somewhat attractive. Besides, it's possible that he is trying to get near you just because of your father," the bald man attempted to rationalize with Hina, but his efforts were unsuccessful.

"I believe Seichi wouldn't do such a thing. Furthermore, I sense a uniqueness in him that surpasses mine," Hina responded.

"Stronger than your Holy Flames? It's hard to believe that the evolved version of the great Flame Emperor's uniqueness could be weaker than this boy's ability!" Okumura exclaimed in shock at what he had just heard.

"Yes, I've heard rumors that he has the ability to permanently nullify others' powers or something similar," Hina confided in her bodyguard, who then raised his voice in concern, saying "Young miss! If he decides to harm you, your future could be jeopardized. It would be best for you to keep your distance from him!"

"But..." she tried to interject before being cut off by Okumura's firm statement "No 'buts.' This conversation is over."

"Understood, Okumura-san..." sighed the orange-haired girl.


"Wow, Hina truly leads an extraordinary life," Seichi thought as he watched her depart in a luxurious limousine. "Being the daughter of one of Japan's SS rank Uniqueness Users must be quite remarkable."


The Uniqueness Users are categorized based on power levels ranging from the lowest F rank to the highest SSS rank, which only a select few individuals worldwide belong to.

Toshida was around E rank, Ken was E- rank, so Seichi likely fell somewhere close to E+ rank level of power.


"I think I should go home-" he said before hearing voices approaching from behind him.

"You're not leaving!" a stern voice declared, causing Seichi to turn towards it.

As he turned, he noticed a group of youths, among whom he recognized Toshida.

"What are you all up to? Do you all want to become Null Users so m-" he started to say but was abruptly struck by a whip of water that sent him crashing into the school wall.

Trying to grasp what had hit him, Seichi was puzzled until he saw the man drawing near with water swirling around him.

"This is for my brother's sake!" the man exclaimed as he conjured another water whip and directed it at Seichi.

"Ahh," Seichi gasped in pain from the forceful impact of the whip.

"Is this Toshida's brother, Tominaga Takeo?" he wondered while enduring repeated strikes from the water whips. "Yes, perish, you insolent individual! How dare you turn my brother into a Null User?!"

"So stupidity is in their family genes," remarked the majestic white-haired youth in a composed manner as his Glutton Aura, emitting black and red hues, surged vigorously around him.

"Brother, it's unsafe here; please move away!" Toshida shouted in fear from a distance as he observed the unfolding situation without getting too close to Seichi as he feared the latter, especially that aura of his.

"I have no reason to fear him-" Takeo started confidently, but was abruptly overwhelmed by a surge of intense pain when Seichi's dark aura brushed against him, causing him to collapse on the grass in the school courtyard.

Seichi continued to project his aura around Takeo as he approached the now agonizingly screaming boy, stooping down to speak softly into his ear.

"This is the consequence of excessive arrogance..." Seichi whispered to Takeo, who then lost consciousness upon hearing those words and with Seichi retracting his aura.

Afterwards, Seichi stood up and glanced towards Toshida. "You asked for your brother's help, such a pussy. Take him now and leave before I change my mind," he stated calmly.

Toshida quickly attended to his unconscious brother with the help of other students who had accompanied Takeo and they swiftly departed from the scene.

...to be continued


This is the rewritten version. Please tell me if you like more this one or the previous one.