

Bartimus is living as the only last surging dragon. He must complete a task assigned to him by his ancestors of long ago. He lacks most characteristics needed to get along with people and his task seems impossible to him with every passing day. Selene is a princess who has lost all the people close to her heart. She doesn't even have a home to call her own. A broken master makes a dragon weaker so she must heal herself before Bartimus can heal the world. Can Selene and Bartimus bring down the walls that have trapped them for years? Will they be able to save the world and bring peace to the wounded souls roaming the earth? Or will they cave in when they are the only hope left for humanity?

G_Mumba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Gal continued to cry and she continued even after they had reached the inn. Having no experience as a parent Selene could only try and calm the girl down. Bartimus had to chase Quinton away so they could have privacy away from the boy's curious eyes and ears. Selene sat with Gal on her lap and she slowly rubbed the girl's back.

"If you continue crying this way then you won't be able to keep your true side hidden." Bartimus said making Selene turn a little worried.

Bartimus took a seat next to Selene and gestured for her to put Gal down. Selene did so and Bartimus made Gal look at him. She already had root like projections on her forhead and thus made Bartimus frowned deeply. He wiped away her tears and waited as she gained control of herself and the projections disappeared.

"I know they hurt you and killed you...but they are gone now. They can't hurt you anymore." Bartimus said gently patting Gal's head. She looked into his eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek. He hugged her and then she broke down in tears once more. An hour later, Gal was fast asleep in Selene's arms. Selene was barely awake at this point and Bartimus had left the room to check on the others. Selene was disturbed by a knock on the door and she quietly got up and left to check who it was. She frowned slightly when she saw Gal sit up sleepily.

"Sleep." Selene said and Gal fell back onto the bed like a log. Selene smiled and opened the door to see Quinton standing sheepishly outside. He looked past her to try and see Gal but Selene blocked his line of view. Quinton smiled and then started to walk away like he was never there. Selene watched him for a while then she sighed and closed the door.

"Wait!" Quinton came running back,"Is she alright?" "Yes. She just needs a lot of rest right now that's all." Selene answered and she surprised herself because of how mature she sounded. "Why was she crying?" he asked curiously,"Did she have and accident at a hot spring as a child? A Younger child?"

"I don't want you to know." Gal's little voice came from behind Selene,"Mama, I'm hungry." "But you ate just before leaving." Quinton said and he instantly regretted having said anything because of the glare he received from her,"I can still get you something if you are still hungry."

"Are you still hungry?" Selene asked smiling down at Gal but the girl was still glaring at Quinton.

Selene felt a sharp pain in her chest but she didn't not show it for fear of alarming the children. The pain persisted and she hissed in pain while fisting her dress. Gal immediately started pulling Selene to the bed and Quinton took advantage of the open door and he followed them in. This time Gal was quiet and she did not even spare Quinton a glance. She still had the duty of protecting Selene and having the title of a daughter did not deter her from her true purpose. It wasn't long before Bartimus walked in with Grand tree. Quinton stood afar and watched as Bartimus seemingly caressed Selene's forehead. He was soon joined by Grand tree and Gal and the three of them just watched Bartimus take care of Selene.

"Bartimus?" Selene asked breathlessly as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Bartimus remained quiet but he held her hand so she would know he was there. He could not understand why she wasn't feeling better even after he had used his magic. His eyes were fixated on her chest as if he was watching something but in reality he wasn't. "Am I dying?" she asked. "No. Don't even say such a thing. You are fine." Bartimus answered climbing up on the bed to join her.

He placed her head on his chest and patted her head gently. There was a long silence spent I thought and it made Quinton uncomfortable and he felt out of place. He looked at Gal where she was already looking at him pointedly as if she wanted to make him disappear only with her gaze. Quinton looked away quickly and then cleared his throat ready to ask if he should call a physician but he felt Gal slip her little hand into his and it made him remain quiet. She took him away and stood with him by the door. She had her back facing him while she listened to the conversation inside that Quinton couldn't hear. "Are we going to call the Physician?" he asked in a whisper even though they were outside. "No. She's fine." Gal said weakly and Quinton immediately registered the worry laced in her voice.

"You shouldn't be here." Quinton said trying to liven up her mood,"I want to show you something."

"I'm not your friend." Gal interjected seriously and she finally faced him. "You'll love it, I promise." Quinton said cheerfully as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him.

Quinton's words resounded in her mind as she recalled the words of the woman who had bought her as a sex slave; 'You'll love it, I promise.' she had said as she dragged Gal to a hot spring having six men.

"I said I'm not your friend!" Gal repeated hoping he was going to listen. "And I said you'll lo....."

Gal screamed so Quinton would not repeat his words and she was relieved when he let go of her hand. She looked at him with teary eyes and though she wanted to run from him she remained in her place. Not knowing what to do Quinton said nothing and just stared at her in silence.

"Are you afraid of me?" Quinton asked concerned. "Not you....Someone else." Gal answered sounding apologetic. "I'll keep you safe." Quinton said with determination,"I won't let anyone hurt you while I'm here."

He extended his hand for her to take and she shed a tear before finally letting him take her away. He led her out onto the streets again and this time he made sure to not take any paths close to hot springs. Because it was sunny outside, Quinton had stolen his uncle's hat and given it to Gal. The hat was big and it made her look even smaller than she was and he thought it was very cute. Her steps were much smaller than his own so he slowed down for her sake and she smiled at him gratefully. "I'm getting tired. Are we not there yet?" she asked after seeing that they had walked for a while.

"It isn't too far now. Look over there." Lazily, Gal looked in the direction that Quinton was pointing and there she saw a large impaled

pig being cooked over an open fire while people around where cheering and been served. "I don't eat meat." Gal said frowning as she looked at the smiling Quinton and she watched as his smiling face turned worried,"You lied. I didn't love it."

"It's not over, milady. I'll make it up to you." Quinton said quickly recovering from the shock. He smiled brightly and grabbed her hand again this time making her run. Gal held on to the hat and run as fast as she could and her face slowly brightened up when they reached a public garden with flowers in full bloom. Quinton was pleased with this reaction and he stopped running in triumph. Gal thanked him and handed him the hat. She played and run around with him and they only started heading back to the inn when the sun was about to set.

Gal was smiling as she walked alongside Quinton who was pleased that she was happy. "I told you you would love it, didn't I?" he asked with pride and Gal rolled her eyes at him making him chuckle,"There is a shorter route here." Gal followed him and turned to the alley with him. They both stopped walking when they noticed a group of boys standing in a circle while pretending to be hitting someone. Quinton made Gal stand behind him knowing he was the one they were pretending to be hitting and he did not fail to notice that they had knives with them. Before he could moved to a place where they wouldn't be seen he was spotted.

"Run milady!" Quinton shouted but to his horror she stepped in front of him as if she was going to protect him and in front of her came Bartimus and he looked very upset.

The boys did not try to advance and they immediately left. Bartimus turned around to look at Quinton and then at Gal. In contrast to Quinton Gal was calm and relaxed. She took Quinton's hand and then started to lead him away. "Your father looks furious." Quinton whispered looking behind at Bartimus who was following them.

"He is. Don't be afraid. I'm your safety."