

Bartimus is living as the only last surging dragon. He must complete a task assigned to him by his ancestors of long ago. He lacks most characteristics needed to get along with people and his task seems impossible to him with every passing day. Selene is a princess who has lost all the people close to her heart. She doesn't even have a home to call her own. A broken master makes a dragon weaker so she must heal herself before Bartimus can heal the world. Can Selene and Bartimus bring down the walls that have trapped them for years? Will they be able to save the world and bring peace to the wounded souls roaming the earth? Or will they cave in when they are the only hope left for humanity?

G_Mumba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Early the next morning Selene woke up to find Bartimus sitting on the floor next to the bed. His hands were folded on the bed and his head was buried in them so she guessed he was still asleep and she didn't wake him up. A small smile appeared on her lips as she stared at his vulnerable state. In that moment he wasn't a dragon to her nor was he a fighter; to her he was her husband. She tried to stealthily sneak out of the room but he caught her before she could even step on the floor.

"Where to?" he asked looking at her.

"Outside to see if papa is awake." she said.

"You don't want to greet me? What is so interesting about the old man?"

"You were sleeping so I thought I'd come by later."

"You didn't check if I was asleep. Are you afraid of speaking to me now that I've killed people in front of you?"

Selene smiled sheepishly and looked away from him because she was only shy. She could remember faintly that she and Bartimus had kissed and hugged last night and the thought made her face turn red out of embarrassment. She didn't know who intimated the kiss but she had a feeling it wasn't him.

"Are you feeling sick?" he asked getting up from the floor.

The mattress sunk where he came to sit making Selene's body bend towards him. He brought his hand up to check her body temperature but then he stopped Midway when he remembered that she had kissed him three nights ago. He brought his hand back to his side and Selene wondered what she had done for him to suddenly retreat. She became worried at this. Did he not like her anymore.

"I'm fine." she said,"Are you?"

"Good. I'm fine too. Vivian wanted to talk to you but you were sleeping so I sent her away." he responded getting up from the bed to go look out the window.

Selene thought that she had woken up very early but it seemed like she was the last one to wake up. From the light noises coming from outside she could tell that the houses were not empty anymore.

"I'll go and speak to her. Is Gabriel alright?"

"Why would I know if he is alright?" he asked turning to her. His face holding annoyance.

"You brought him here?" she asked in response to his question.

Bartimus stared at her like she had said something he didn't want to hear what she just said then he went back to looking out the window.

"He wants to leave. Maybe that's what Vivian wants to talk about." Bartimus said bluntly.

"You know she likes him?" Selene asked in a whisper, her tone disbelieving,"How did you know?"

He turned to look at her curious expression and smiled saying,"She also turns red when he's around her."

"Have you seen her much to say so? I mean we just got back together and now you're speaking like you have known her for long."

"Selene," he called her realising that she thought it was just the next day," you've been asleep for three days now."

"Three days?" Selene asked surprised.

She had slept for that long. She nodded when the information sank in and noticed how Bartimus looked sad. She wanted to ask him why he looked sad but she didn't know how to do so. Before she could say anything he got up to leave and said he was going to get her some food. At the mention of food her tummy grumbled silently. She placed her hand on her belly and nodded even though he didn't see her and when the door shut she got the blankets off her and down from the bed. She walked to the window and drew the small curtains to let in more light. She took deep breaths with her eyes closed and smiled remembering her kiss with Bartimus.

"What are you doing?" Bartimus said behind her.

Selene jumped in surprise. 'That was fast. Had he prepared in advance.' She looked away when Bartimus moved closer. She would have moved away from the window but Bartimus was standing too close to her and she ended up settling in his chest. She stilled herself to avoid rubbing against his chest and he didn't move either.

"Will you answer me, Selene?" he asked her stepping back to leave her space.

"I was getting some fresh air." she said in a whisper.

"What was wrong with the air in here?" he asked again taking her hand to lead her to the bed.

Selene sat down on the bed and watched him dish out some soup for her to drink.

"The air was stale." she said and he glared at her,"That's what it felt like...to me."

"Eat. I'm not interested in the quality of oxygen you think you were inhaling." he said seriously as he scooped up some warm soup in a wooden spoon and blew on it.

Selene pouted her lips and then opened her mouth when he brought the spoon close to her lips. She swallowed the hot soup and felt the burn as it slid down her throat to settle in her stomach. He fed her until she finished the soup then he gave her a piece of steak to eat. She ate half of it and felt she had eaten her fill.

"Have it." she told him.

"Why? I already ate." he answered bringing a small piece close to her lips.

Selene pressed her lips together and shook her head to refuse the meat. Bartimus raised his brow at her action and then ate the rest of the steak.

"Should I call Vivian in?" Bartimus asked.

"No. I'll go out."

She received a glare from Bartimus because of her answer. She smiled at him like a child trying to get out of trouble. Before he could figure out why she was smiling, Selene walked out of the room like she wasn't talking to him, leaving him alone. He blinked a few times to incorporate what had happened and then smiled because she had tricked him. 'How silly. Why was he smiling." he thought as he looked around out of embarrassment.

"Selene." Grand tree called out to her when she stepped out of the house.

"Papa!" Selene exclaimed starting to run towards Grand tree.

Before she could get far from the house she felt someone pull her back forcibly. She knew it was Bartimus so she didn't turn to face him and just started to complain.

"Leave me alone!" she complained trying to pry his hands apart as he was holding her waist,"I'm not your child! I want to go to papa!"

"You're still unwell and I don't trust him." Bartimus whispered into her ear.

"Please. I won't be long." she tried to persuade him.

Bartimus loosened his grip on her waist but he didn't let her go. Selene frowned because now people were watching them. After what felt like an eternity to Selene, Bartimus released her. He walked past Grand tree with a death glare and went towards Gabriel who was standing by a tree.

"I want to talk to you." Bartimus said to Gabriel.

"What about?"


Gabriel pursed his lips and followed Bartimus into the forest. Before they completely disappeared behind the trees, Bartimus looked back at Selene who was talking to Grand tree and Vivian. At the same time Gabriel looked at Vivian then turned back quickly to Bartimus who had caught him staring.

"You can leave with her." Bartimus suggested sensing Gabriel's reluctance to leave Vivian.

Gabriel blinked a few times in shock

"But... what about Selene?"Gabriel asked."They're quite close."

"The witch is a danger to Selene. She'll lead Vancouver to us. And I can't let that happen before we reach Jezim."

"Won't Selene be sad?"

"Shut up. I will make her happy again." Bartimus answered confidently.

Gabriel hesitated a bit if whether or not to speak

"But they're like sisters."

Bartimus' lips twitched at this. He couldn't believe Gabriel's stupidity. He rolled his eyes and simply walked deeper into the forest. Gabriel followed haughtily and made sure to remain two steps behind Bartimus.

"She needs to have someone to talk to. A fellow female to make her comfortable." Gabriel said.

Bartimus turned to look at Gabriel and realised that somewhere deep down in his heart Gabriel was still spiteful of witches.

"You haven't completed your task so no pay." Bartimus said,"You can return home after that. If you go right now you will lead Vancouver to your family and believe me when I say this, you haven't become stronger since your childhood."

Gabriel felt the prick in his heart because of how Bartimus pointed out his weakness. He pursed his lips and thought of what he would say to Bartimus to escape the situation he was in.

"So Vivian stays?" Gabriel said finally.

"Not necessarily. She can remain here. There's no one to endanger as these people are all witches and wizards."

"You want to leave her?!"

"Yes. She'll stay back with the old man."

"Then I won't go."

Bartimus' eyes narrowed down at Gabriel and he walked towards the shorter boy who stared back at him confidently. Bartimus remembered his and Selene's kiss because of how Gabriel was standing up for Vivian even though he hated her kind.

'Love is weakness, care is pointless.' Bartimus told himself.

"You are our escort and not hers." Bartimus said in a low voice.

"She was there when I accepted to take you to Jezim so she should be there even now. I won't leave her behind especially now that she is a normal human."