

Bartimus is living as the only last surging dragon. He must complete a task assigned to him by his ancestors of long ago. He lacks most characteristics needed to get along with people and his task seems impossible to him with every passing day. Selene is a princess who has lost all the people close to her heart. She doesn't even have a home to call her own. A broken master makes a dragon weaker so she must heal herself before Bartimus can heal the world. Can Selene and Bartimus bring down the walls that have trapped them for years? Will they be able to save the world and bring peace to the wounded souls roaming the earth? Or will they cave in when they are the only hope left for humanity?

G_Mumba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Selene looked Bartimus with an aghast expression. What witch?

"What?" she asked almost in a whisper.

"Don't worry, Selene. She can't hurt you if I'm here with you." he declared boldly.

"What are you talking about? What witch are you warning me about?"

"I'll tell you when I get back." he said those words as he walked to the door.

"Are you going out half dressed?" she asked in a state of total confusion.

He put on her coat and walked out of the room. When he went outside, Vivian was outside as he had predicted. She seemed to be vibrating in some sort of way like the power she was containing would burst out at any second. He had anticipated that she would attack him but she managed to hold it in as if nothing was wrong. She looked at him like she expected applause from him for fighting back her natural urge for distraction as a witch. Bartimus frowned as she walked towards him and she nearly placed her hands on him but he turned around and walked away back to where Selene was.

Selene was fast asleep when he checked on her. He hair was ruffled up and was covering most of her face and when he pushed the hair aside he noticed she had some dry tears on her cheeks. He watched her sleep for a few hours and then got on the other side of the small bed and squeezed himself next to her. He woke up in the middle of the night because she was asking to go relieve herself.

"Just hold it in until morning. You can do that." he said sleepily.

"I can't?" she whispered enraged," If I don't go now then who knows what I'll do on this bed."

"Why didn't you go before sleeping?"

She watched him sit up half naked because he had used the coat to cover her. She swallowed down some saliva nervously and felt her throat pinch.

"I didn't want to go with Eli's wife. And now I even need some water." she answered looking down.

Bartimus fell back onto the bed and dozed for another minute before getting up seriously. He didn't bother to put on anything as he was certain everyone was sleeping at this hour. He took her by the wrist and led her to the back of the house the were sleeping in, to some bushes then he told her to hurry up. Selene asked him to turn around but he gave her a hard glare that prompted her to do as he had said. She urinated quickly as her cheeks became warmer and warmer due to embarrassment. He started looking around for some water for her to wash her hands and some for her to drink. He didn't find any so he told her she would have to wait till morning.

"Bartimus, I'll die." she complained.

"Place your hands in mine." he instructed her as he extended his hands.

"Why so? I hope you don't plan on doing anything bad to me."

"You idiot! Do you want water or not?"

"Can't we go to the well?"

"No. The well is locked and the keys are probably with Eli."

She put her hands in his and watched as a small pool of water appeared in his hands. She washed her hands quickly and then he spilled the water. He put his hands forward again and this time he let the water overflow and create a small stream from which Selene drank. The Hem of her dress was now muddied and she hoped no one would notice it in the morning. They quietly went back to the room and Bartimus knew he wasn't going to fall asleep again thanks to her. He took the small stool to the corner and sat on it. He lay his head against the wall and shut his eyes. Surprisingly, he started drifting off to sleep almost immediately. He forced his eyes open only to find Selene watching him. She blushed knowing that he had found her staring at him. She turned to the wall to avoid his gaze but she could tell he was still looking at her.

"Are you having trouble getting back to sleep?" he asked.

"No." she lied.

"My mother used to give me a tight slap or....claw to get me to sleep at times."

"I don't want that. I'll start crying."

"That's the point. You cry yourself to sleep."

"No thank you. I'd rather stay up till morning."

He laughed and then rested his head on the wall again and shut his eyes. Selene watched his resting countenance and admired him. He was still uncovered but she noticed he was shivering slightly. She got up and took the coat to him. He opened his eyes but closed them just as quickly. She smiled and covered his naked upper body as well as his posture allowed. She stayed awake till the first rays if light entered the room. Her eyelids started feeling heavy and in no time, she was asleep. Just as she was falling asleep, Bartimus woke up. He looked at her face for a while and smiled. He left the room after a brief stare at his supposed wife and felt if she really was his wife then he would truely be the happiest man alive.

When Selene woke up again, Bartimus was long gone. He had, or someone else had, arranged the scarce items in the room. She got up from the bed and saw him standing in the doorway, speaking to Grand tree.

"I just learnt that we have to find our own food. Old Eli seems cross today and so does his wife. They ain't even looking me in the eye. Ohhh! Morning Selene."

"Morning Papa. What's going on?"

Grand tree's heart warmed at her words but Bartimus grunted and scoffed at it.

"We're leaving, that's what." Bartimus answered turning away from the pair.

"Where will we go?" Selene asked looking at Bartimus who was now packing up their things.

"Any where that is not here. Unless of course you want to marry Elijah." Grand tree said.

"What does this have to do with him?" she asked genuinely confused.

"They were hoping to marry you to their son. Didn't you notice the smiles they threw at us up till Bartimus' appearance." Grand tree said even though he could see one villager walking by.

The woman quickly ran to Eli's house to inform him that they were planning to leave without paying. Vivian also left the house she had slept in looking healthier than last night. She stared at the father and daughter thinking about how it was possible for a forest spirit to have a human child of royal bloodline. Eli came out of his house and walked straight to Willy as the villagers watched the scene. He shot Selene an accusing stare then looked at Bartimus who was walking to the door. His wounds were gone. Eli was surprised at this and looked at Willy for answers but the latter stared at him innocently with a smile.

"If you want money, then here it is." said Bartimus holding out a bag of coins.

"Where did you get it?" Eli asked as he took the bag.

"That question is like asking a man where he got his authority from. It's just common sense. Now move from the door and we'll be on our way." he answered back.

"What happened to yar wounds, boy?" Mrs Eli asked coming to stand next to her husband.

"Gone." he said as he pushed through the pair holding Selene's hand tightly.

Grand tree followed them out quietly and stood with Selene.

"I thought you said your son-in-law is abusive but now you're leaving with him?" Eli asked.

"They have sorted out their differences. They love each other dearly."

"How can we trust this man when we witnessed how he killed two panthers with his bare hands? You might be next Willy."

"At least you know we won't die from a wild animal attack at any point in our journey. Don't worry Eli, we'll be fine."

Eli looked at Selene and Bartimus loathingly but his gaze softened when it fell on his friend. He then let his eyes trail to look at Vivian who had also packed her things.

"Are you going with them too?" he asked her. Bartimus looked at the woman who looked back at him pleadingly. He still needed her for information on the dragon Hunter so he would let her come along.

"Yes I will. They are my only family now." she said shifting her gaze from Bartimus to Eli.

'I need more information about this last dragon to report back to master.'

Eli noded and they started walking down a path leading to the forest. As soon as they were beyond the people's view lines, Bartimus detoured from the road and his companions followed without a single protest.