

Bartimus is living as the only last surging dragon. He must complete a task assigned to him by his ancestors of long ago. He lacks most characteristics needed to get along with people and his task seems impossible to him with every passing day. Selene is a princess who has lost all the people close to her heart. She doesn't even have a home to call her own. A broken master makes a dragon weaker so she must heal herself before Bartimus can heal the world. Can Selene and Bartimus bring down the walls that have trapped them for years? Will they be able to save the world and bring peace to the wounded souls roaming the earth? Or will they cave in when they are the only hope left for humanity?

G_Mumba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


"Are you cold?" Bartimus asked her noticing that she was shivering.

"The dress is a little cold." Selene answered.

Bartimus brought her closer to himself and he.warmed her up making Selene feel special. They walked slowly and when they reached the campsite, everyone was already awake. No one bothered asking where they had gone and after packing up their things they continued on their journey.

"So what happened?" Vivian whispered in Selene's ear as they followed behind the men.

"Nothing." Selene replied blushing as she watched Bartimus' back.

The memories of the previous night flooded back to her and she turned pink. Vivian noticed this and smiled. Her smile quickly faded and she stopped walking making Selene stop as well.

"Ahh!" Vivian screamed and the men Infront of them stopped walking as well,"Are you going to die?! Philippe said even his sperm is dangerous!"

Bartimus and Selene looked at each other. Selene couldn't believe that she had not thought about that but even if she was to die she wouldn't regret a moment of their beautiful night together. They continued walking until they reached a clear and large road. Across the road the trees looked sick and yet almost alive. Bartimus was the first to cross the road and when Grand tree tried to cross he felt a strong wind try and keep him away.

"Only dragons past this point." Philippe said proudly walking to cross the road.

The strong wind came and pushed him away and Grand tree burst into laughter.

"I guess it's only useful dragons past this point. Hahaha." Grand tree laughed and Gabriel joined in the laughter.

Philippe looked at the two of them in annoyance and he went to sit down on a rock but to his annoyance they followed him. Selene watched Bartimus' back as he reached the other side and one of the trees moved. Everyone became attentive and they watched him closely. The tree bent closer to him and internally Selene was grateful that it didn't take on a human face. Bartimus spoke to it and it 'looked' at them and Selene waved her hand at it. It looked back at Bartimus and then straightened itself and became the way it was before.

Selene started looking for somewhere to sit when the tree uprooted itself and crossed the road to grab her and Vivian. They screamed in shock and the tree tossed them to Bartimus who looked equally shocked. He caught them but fell with them in his arms.

The three of them got up and the tree stood in the middle of the road as if it wanted to make sure the people on the other side would not cross.

"Is this the city of Hollow?" Vivian asked and Bartimus nodded slightly,"Vancouver often took trips to come here to replenish his energy."

"So there's a possibility we might run into him?" Selene said in a panic.

"I don't know why it chose you two when you cannot defend yourselves." Bartimus said looking back at the tree that still stood guard.

"Is it a forest spirit?" Selene asked looking back at it.

"Yes. She doesn't want to reveal herself." Bartimus answered.

"It's female?" Vivian asked also looking back at the creature as well and she nearly fell after stepping under a root.

"Did you think they are only males? There is actually only one real tree in hollow while the rest are the spirits. They rearrange their order and appearance depending on who discovers it."

"So why does it look this....dead?" Selene asked looking at the trees.

"Because we've encountered many deaths on our way here. They are reflecting what we are trying to ignore and forget."

They fell silent as they started to see some houses and people. Bartimus was pushed in the middle by Selene so that they would both feel safer in the new environment. Many eyes landed on them and they become the centre of attention.

Bartimus stopped walking and so did Selene and Vivian. He looked at an old woman who was shivering on the ground next to what a small hut. She had sunken eyes that made it impossible to tell what color her eyes were. He walked towards her and released his aura fully for a a few seconds and then he withdrew it and stopped in front of her. She looked up at him and smiled weakly but looking better then she had a few seconds ago.

"I suppose Philippe told you about me." she said then stopped to take a deep breath,"All you have to do is heal her trauma, defeat the dragon slaughtering wizard and then give her a child. In that order. You already know the things that hurt her most from the first day you met her so you aren't clueless. Your children will be human though."

"But Philippe said that...."

"You are dangerous for her? You are dangerous on a weaker creature and in this case she is weak because of her trauma but once that is out of the way you will be equals even though she won't be a dragon like you."

"But why can't I kill Vancouver right now?" Bartimus asked.

"With him pursuing you she has fear of losing you and that will make it easier to resurface her painful memories from back then. His death should be the end of fear and trauma and besides, that is the only thing that will motivate you to keep travelling."

"Healing from trauma, death of old self and renewal." Bartimus said and she nodded.

"She must return to her kingdom after you do all that and you will help her reestablish her kingdom. And also.....your companions can't follow you everywhere."

Bartimus turned away from her and looked at Vivian and Selene who were looking at him from a distance. He looked back at the woman and asked,

"What is your name?"


"Thank you Miranda."

She smiled at him but he did not see it as he had already turned around.

"Won't you stay for dinner?" she asked.

"No. The last time I trusted an old hug she nearly killed us." Bartimus answered without mincing his words.

Miranda smiled and looked away from them. Bartimus returned to Selene and Vivian and they started heading back to the road but this time the trees were close to each other. They had to squeeze through some parts and they soon made it to the road. Selene was surprised when she saw that it was already dark in the sky.

"Did we take that long?" Selene asked confused.

"No. Stay close." Bartimus told them and they moved closer to him.

Across the road no one was there and neither was the tree that had been standing guard. "Did I tell you time moves differently in Hollow?" they heard Miranda say behind them,"Your companions are camping further in the forest with Gal."

"Gal?" Selene and Vivian asked.

"The forest spirit." Bartimus said,"Let's go. Thank you for the information."

They crossed the road and left Miranda who was smiling on the other side. Selene looked back at the old woman and waved at her kindly. Just then an arrow flew past them and went straight through Miranda. Selene screamed while Miranda fell to the ground with a smile still on her face. Miranda's power was released and this time Bartimus made sure to absorb all of it and not let Vancouver take anything.

"Run and find the others and leave without me." Bartimus instructed the two women.

They nodded and started running and they run into Gal who almost attacked them thinking they were the ones attacking. Grand tree stopped her and only then did she realize who they were. Grand tree had Gabriel and Philippe on his back wrapped on strong vines. Gal had taken on a more human look but it wasn't easy to tell that she was female. She picked up Selene and Vivian and secured them on her back the way Grand tree had. Grand tree's throat started glowing a bright green as he communicated with Gal and she replied to him in the same way.

The two forest spirits broke into a sprint while increasing in size and covering the people on their backs in thick bark. Behind them, Bartimus' loud cry was heard and lightening brightened up the evening sky.