

Bartimus is living as the only last surging dragon. He must complete a task assigned to him by his ancestors of long ago. He lacks most characteristics needed to get along with people and his task seems impossible to him with every passing day. Selene is a princess who has lost all the people close to her heart. She doesn't even have a home to call her own. A broken master makes a dragon weaker so she must heal herself before Bartimus can heal the world. Can Selene and Bartimus bring down the walls that have trapped them for years? Will they be able to save the world and bring peace to the wounded souls roaming the earth? Or will they cave in when they are the only hope left for humanity?

G_Mumba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Selene felt worried that something had happened to Bartimus. With how Gal was running her head soon started aching and the loud sounds of thunder didn't help either. She couldn't even see what was happening outside because Gal had covered them completely.

"Vivian?" Selene called out after seeing that her friend had been quiet and mostly still,"Are you alright?"

"Yes. I can't see anything." Vivian answered and Selene felt relieved that her friend had not fainted because of Bartimus' aura,"I have no idea how I'm still conscious. I know for a fact that Bartimus is operating at full potential so why is nothing happening?"

"Maybe Gal is helping?" Selene said in a questioning tone.

Gal fell to the ground and even they felt the impact of it. Vivian lost consciousness on impact because the cocoon Gal had made around them broke and Bartimus' aura sipped in. Gal was quick to repair the cocoon and she got up and tried to fight off the witches that had caught up to her.

Grand tree who was in front of her, helped her fight off the witches. Bartimus flew overhead and saw the witches that had surrounded them like flies and he breathed out fire, setting them ablaze knowing that Grand tree and Gal could withstand the flames.

Bartimus used his magic to take them elsewhere and even he didn't know where he had taken them. It was day time in the place he had taken them, a little bit past noon. They had landed in a forested area while a small town was a little far off. The landing of Bartimus and the forest spirits caused the ground to shake and the people had started to panic not knowing what was happening.

The cocoons had broken and the people inside had been thrown out. Vivian was still unconscious and because Bartimus was still in his dragon form and emitting his strong aura it wasn't long before Gabriel and Selene fell unconscious as well.Grand tree reverted to his human form and so did Gal. She was just a child and this surprised Grand tree who thought she was as old as Selene and Vivian. Philippe looked at the girl who looked like she was no more than ten years old and he wondered how she had died.

Gal had bright green eyes and short silver hair. Her small body was covered with a dirty white dress that no doubt belonged to a slave. She even had the mark of where she had been branded.

"Are you alright?" Grand tree asked kneeling in front of her.

"The dead can't be hurt." she.answered in a low whisper and Grand tree just smiled sadly.

"Where is Bartimus?" Philippe asked looking around.

It was obvious that he was no longer in his dragon form but he was no where close to them.

"I'm here." Bartimus responded emerging from a bush. He was looked at Gal and she bowed.

"I'm at your service master Bartimus." Gal said louder than when she'd spoken to Grand tree.

"I am also a servant. Your master is over there." Bartimus corrected her and he pointed at Selene who was lying unconscious on the ground.

Gal turned to look at Selene and then she nodded her head.

"Are we going into the town?" Philippe asked,"We'll need money if we are."

"The money will find us there." Bartimus said picking Selene up in his arms,"Carry the other two."

"What will we say when we are asked why they are unconscious?" Philippe asked carrying Gabriel with much difficulty.

"They got scared by the rumble." Grand tree said feeling like a genius.

"And a child wasn't afraid?" Philippe asked looking at the stale faced Gal,"Is she going as our slave?"

"No. We'll get her something else to wear. Let's go." Bartimus said and they started walking away towards me town.

The town was very organized in how the buildings had been built. On their way, the run into a young boy who was leading a horse to the town. He looked just a little bit older than Gal.

"Hello there." the boy greeted them cheerfully,"Are you visiting for the first time?"

"Yes lad. Do you know any good inns?" Grand tree responded with as much enthusiasm.

"Of course! My uncle owns a renowned inn where wealthy people flock to stay in. But....." The boy stoped and looked at the people who looked disheveled and dirty,"...can you pay?"

"Yes." Bartimus answered and he pulled out a purse heavy with coins,"Take us there. Three rooms."

Philippe was surprised to see Bartimus with money but he didn't say anything. They started following the boy who looked very happy to have found wealthy guests for his uncle.

"What happened to them? Are they sick?" the boy asked pointing at the three people who were unconscious,"Is it because of the rumble as well? Many women fainted after the rumble."

The boy didn't even leave room for them to answer any of his questions. The walked was longer than anticipated because the inn was closer to the heart of the town. People stared at them like they were pests as they walked by, especially Gal.

The young girl paid no attention to their reactions when they saw her as she was busy looking at her new master who seemed to be a nice person. The little girl was holding onto Selene's dress like she was afraid to get lost and Bartimus did not try to stop her.

When they reached the inn, they entered the properly built building that had three floors and proper furniture unlike the other places they'd seen. Bartimus was now curious to know what kingdom they had found themselves in but he had no way of asking.

"You brought me paupers boy?!" yelled the inn keeper at the boy who had led the group to the inn,"We don't need more servants!"

"No Mr Wilburn, this man has a bag full of coins! Show him sir!"

The man looked at Bartimus who looked cross and a smile came to settle on the man's face.

"They are only like this because of the turbulence earlier. They need to bath and rest as well." the boy continued to say.

"Is that so?" the man asked to himself in a lowered voice then he cleared his throat to now address his guests,"I apologize sir. I had no idea that you were people of such high standing. I hope you can forgive this man for the misunderstanding. As a way if showing you I'm sorry I will invite a doctor over to check your wife and servants."

"Family." Grand tree mumbled and the man looked at him confused,"We are his family not servants."

The confused man looked down at Gal and saw the branding mark on her shoulder and he became even more confused but he didn't say anything because Bartimus already looked upset.

"How many rooms?" Wilbur asked trying to smile.

"Three." the boy said before any of the guests could answer.

Wilbur glared at the boy and handed them three room keys and he gave Bartimus the key to the beat room available. Bartimus gave Wilbur two gold coins and the smile that came to settle on the man's face was one that wouldn't fade anytime soon. The boy escorted them to their rooms and he was worried about the two old men carrying people up the stairs.

Bartimus went to the room he would be sharing with Selene and when he noticed Gal was following him he frowned down at the small girl.

"You are sharing a room with that lady." Bartimus told her using his head to point at Vivian who was being carried by Grand tree.

"I can't sit alone. I want to be with master." Gal said sounding breathless.

"You can stay until the wi...." Bartimus stopped himself from calling Vivian a witch in front of the boy,"Until Vivian wakes up."

Gal nodded and she followed him into the room.

"Are the old men and the man they are carrying going to stay in the same room?" Gal asked and only then did Bartimus realize that he had forgotten about Philippe.

"Go and tell the little boy to fetch another key for another room." he instructed her and she run out of the room so she wouldn't find the boy gone.

She saw him heading towards the stairs and she run towards him like a bolt of lightning to stop him.

"Little boy!" She called out and he turned around with a questioning look.

"I am no little boy to you. I'm older."

"But I am, apparently, more wealthy." Gal retorted and this had the boy smile making her wonder why he looked so happy being insulted.

"Alrighty then milady. What can I do for you?"

"We need another room for the extra old man. Bring up the room key at once, says my....my brother."

"My name is Quinton Dunbar by the way." the boy said starting to walk down the stairs.

"Hurry up Chinton." Gal said and he burst into laughter,"Why are you laughing Chinton?"

Quinton laughed even harder and he practically wiggled down the stairs in uncontrollable laughter for her folly. When he came back up she was standing in the exact same place waiting for him.

"I would have taken the key to him." Quinton said and Gal turned to start walking away,"Wait! I don't know what your name is."

Gal stopped walking and turned to look at him with a blank expression on her face.

"Gal." she said in a whisper and she run back to the room where Bartimus was speaking to the now awake Selene.