
Unique Or Different?

"The more I know, the less I live..." Moonlight Crystal, the fifth princess of the Crystal kingdom, and the tenth in line for the throne. “Remember this, your master is a pitiful cowardly 'princess', with no power whatsoever, and has no interest in that power.” Was something she said, but... "Your destiny is to sacrifice yourself, it is your fate." Was what her father announced, once she set foot in the palace's ground. Little did she know this was the start of a never ending nightmare... Could her peace continue? Will she be able to tear down her destiny? ===== -Errors were made. -Update: very very slow

xShwGirl · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Ball; The End of the Party

I looked at his face.. Deep eyes that could sink one's body… A voice with a playful tone, a shameless attitude...And red crimson hair… It.. It was the gardener!! I called the neighbouring prince a gardener, and a butler… Is this treatson?! Will I be executed? I even showed him an embarrassing play! Calm down, Moon. He hasn't made any signs of remembering the incident. Wait.. He came towards me first, so he definitely did! In the first place why will anyone approach me when I'm a nobody?

"Ah, it just so happened that I kind of forgot, that I had an aching ankle! I'm very sorry Prince Edward. I'm not in the best state for doing high movements activities. If I dared do such an impulse, I'd be afraid of embarrassing your highness."

Actually, I did everything I could to avoid dancing. Reason number one, I can't dance properly. Born a commoner, luxuries such as these were far from useful, even with high end clases, I seem to have not mastered the mouvements. It would only embarrass him.. And me. But mostly me. I have a non-existent reputation to live up to! Reason number two, if ever people see us dancing, it would attract a lot of attention. I plan on staying low, and barely noticeable. That action would blow my cover. Reason number three, I just can't… It's just.. My first time being invited by.. A boy… I'm embarrassed…flustered.. All my life.. This is practically my first time talking to a boy of 'my age' and… handsome.. And also, I would like to have my first dance to be some sort of special...

Arghh! Get it together Moon! This must be hormones acting up… And the sign of you growing up! Oh yeah, you'll soon be an official teenager! So you just feel a bit embarrassed and shy...

But, but, but wait! If I refuse this dance, the prince might get angry and make a fuss about everything! What if I make a bad impression of the Crystal kingdom? Even worse, what if I spark a bad relationship between the two?! Ah. I knew it! I should've just accepted my fate!

"Oh, I see. Then shall I help you to the 'rest' room?'' Prince Edward gently asked. "Unfortunately, I do not know the way, but could offer my arm for support."

"Ha…" Well well well. I'm doomed. Neither do I, know the way. But could I possibly say that? "Hoho..Oh, how could I possibly trouble you, your highness, with such a trivial problem?"

"But how could I ignore an injured lady and let her stumble on her own? It would simply be inacceptable.." He intervened.

Eeek! Critical hit! How can I fight back when my health bar is at its lowest and my opponent is way more leveled up than me? He's way too overpowered! Think, think, think, Moon!

Maybe I should just give up and speak the truth?

No no no! What's done is already done, I cannot go back!

A figure suddenly loomed around us, getting closer and close. Is this my saviour?

"Brother?" A guy with red hair and yellow eyes asked. "What are you doing here?" This is Prince Edward's little brother, Prince Emmanuel. "Oh, hello there young miss!"

He gave the signal to make an introduction! "Greetings Prince Emmanuel Noah El Khador. My name is Moonlight, the fifth princess of the Crystal Kingdom."

"Pleasure to meet you Princess Moonlight!"

"Likewise…" This is my perfect chance of escape! "It seems I'm interrupting, I shall get going then." I bowed and quickly retreated to a far away location. While retreating, I happened to hear whispers : "Found anything relevant, useful?" I think I'm hearing things.. Maybe they are looking for the latest gossip? Though… I don't think they are the types to do that.. Anyways, I shouldn't judge people...

"Big sister Moonlight!" Who-..? I turned my head and witnessed cuteness in body form! It was Ava!!!

"Hi Ava!" I gave her a big hug. I feel old, I feel like an auntie visiting her niece. I really want to pinch those cheeks and that baby fat!! …..? I'm not a perv… right? "You're in this ball too! Are you enjoying it?" Normally, children aren't invited to balls, and parties. Unless the host is also a child, celebrating (showing off) their birthdays per example, or just joining a casual tea party along with their mothers. Since this was an 'important' announcement/celebration, certain noble children were invited. Although, most weren't present ; I'm suspecting that parents didn't want their child embarrassing their reputation because their child was not 'educated' enough.

"Yesh! People are very nice to Ava! I made a couple of friends! Their mothers said they were going to invite me to their tea parties!"

"That's great!" I feel bitter and jealous, how come it's that easy to make friends!! Maybe I'm not as cute as her? "I'm sure Ava will be very popular! Everybody will want to befriend you!"

"Hehe! They said to make sure to tell mommy about the friends I made today!"

"....????" Oh no.. Danger danger! Shameless nobles alert! Please report any strange movements made towards innocent and naive children! Those people really want to get on Queen Ece's good side! How dare you try to leech off our precious Ava!!

"Ava… Um.. Maybe you shouldn't be friends with anyone who asks for your mother.. Directly or indirectly, either way…"


"Er… Because they are greedy people with bad intentions. You might get hurt if you get involved too much. Just promise me you'll be cautious around such humans."


"Ava, there you are, mother is calling for you." I see Ava's older sister approaching us.

"Greetings Princess Alice." Her green eyes squinted a bit and returned to normal. Princess Alice was an exact copy of her younger sister ; but unlike Ava, Alice had green eyes and not blue.

"Hello Princess Moonlight." Another difference was that she was less friendly than Ava. I know I shouldn't compare the two by their personalities.. But Alice gave out a to-be-wary feeling or a don't-stare-at-me sentiment. It was not comfortable. I may be overthinking : I know how bad my intuition is…

"Let's go?" Alice grabbed Ava's hand gently and led her towards a sitting booth where their mother was. "Until next time, big sister Moon!" I nodded and waved back.

Wait… Why does this feel déjà vu… Ah.. It's because I've been left out two times already. Why do people get led away from me?! Snif..

Plates of food were now distributed, and I settled down on an empty table. I ate my share as elegantly as I could, savouring each piece : the food was so delicious!

When I finished, I realized that it had become late, so I hurried my way to the front door. Along the way, I crossed paths with Princess Kyra Chantelle Crystal, a green haired girl, who has a small mental problem like Ruby; Prince Karl Crystal, a prince, aka a sibling of mine in which I had no idea I did; Prince Bernard Crystal, again, a prince that I have no idea who he is; and a certain 22 year-old Princess Lephia Rosemary Crystal, the previous empress' daughter…

The end of this chapter was rushed,...

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