
Unique Love! Book 1: Omega's Curse!

Werewolves live in packs. There are three positions of a Werewolf, Beta, Alpha, and Omega. An Omega is an outcast, an Alpha who lost their position or took a life. They are meant to be alone, to never find love or be part of a pack, but what happens when an Omega is forced to join a Pack? What happens when he falls in love with a human, how far will he go for his love?

Sora_Galaxy · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: The Alpha's

Luna's P.O.V

Both Sora and I were looking at a male Werewolf, this male Werewolf's ears and tail were pure black, his hair was pitch black and his eyes were a shade of dark brown. He would glare at us, I heard him growling slightly, causing me to notice his eyes were facing Sora. "Well, do I have to repeat myself?" I sighed as I faced him, my arm still around Sora's shoulder. "Well Kevin, this is our new classmate. His name is Sora." This caused Kevin to growl loudly. "A Human in a Werewolf class? Ha, funny. Now seriously who is he?" I growled at Kevin my eyes flashing a bright red. "Like I said he's our new classmate." I said in a serious tone, causing him to sigh in defeat. "Okay, fine, but why is he sitting next to you?" He said stepping forward and growling at Sora. "You are an Alpha! A Human shouldn't be allowed to be in your presence like this!" I growled moving my arm away from Sora, facing Kevin growling loudly. "Who I choose to sit with is my choice, not yours!" I flicked my fingers, causing them to sharpen up into claws. "Your right though, I am the Alpha, and so are you… So act like it." His eyes glowed a bright red like mine, I was about to charge at him, till I heard Sora. "I-It's ok, I'll move. So please don't fight." I noticed him standing up, sighing. "Hey, it's ok Sora you do not have to mo-" Before I could finish, Kevin pushed me to the side grabbing Sora's arm. "You think you can talk to us so casually?! You filthy human… Know your place!" Kevin raised his left hand, swinging it at Sora. He hit Sora in the face, if Kevin wasn't holding his arm he would have been knocked down. Kevin had flicked his fingers causing his nails to turn into claws, he was about to slash Sora's face. I quickly rushed over grabbing Kevin's arm, but right before he could make contact he paused. I was slightly confused, till I saw Kevin shaking slightly. I heard a light growling, but it wasn't coming from Kevin it came from Sora. I slowly turned to face Sora, quietly gasping seeing what looked like a wolf's aura, a dangerous one. The wolf's aura surrounding Sora wasn't like any other aura I felt from the Werewolves here, it felt… deadly. "Would you please kindly let go…" I heard Sora say, as he glared at Kevin. "I-Is this Sora? His aura is so much like a Wolf's, yet he's only human… How is that possible?" I thought, with Kevin refusing to let go, only tightening his grip. "Yeah right, you think you can tell me what to do?! You damned filthy hu-" Kevin couldn't even finish, because I would quickly grab his left hand and threw him at the wall. I faced Kevin as he hit the wall, growling slightly. "You damn idiot, you know fighting against humans is against school rules, and you call yourself an Alpha!" I could hear the other Werewolves whispering about me defending a Human, as I faced them. "You all have something to say?!" I yelled, instantly silencing the whole room. I looked at Sora, noticing the Aura around him fading. I sighed thankful that it didn't get out of control, next thing I knew was Kevin getting up and slashing his claws at me. I would grab his wrist, turning my head to look at him. "What do you think you are doing?" Kevin growled loudly. "I should be asking that! Why are you defending a Human?!" I sighed, tightening my grip on his wrist and hearing his bones crack, causing him to slightly cry out in pain. My eyes once again turned red, I was slowly breaking his wrist. It looked like he was about to yield, I was about to break his wrist till I heard Sora's voice. "Luna stop!" I looked back to see Sora, I could see some kind of fear in his eyes like this has happened to him before, or something similar to this. "Fine, I'll stop." I let go of Kevin's wrist causing him to quickly pull it away, holding onto it. "You bitch!" I scoffed walking away from Kevin. "So are you three done back there?" We all turned to face the front of the classroom seeing our teacher. He was a Werewolf as well. His ears and tail were a kind of pure white, with some gray patches mixed in. "I seriously hope you are, I rather not give you three detention. Especially you sir, since you just started here." He said looking at Sora, causing us all to look at him as well. "Well, before we start class, Luna, Kevin meet me outside." I nodded, but of course, Kevin had something to say. "What why!? Why only us, and not this Human!" Our teacher sighed. "This doesn't have anything to do with him, just get outside so we can talk." Kevin grumbled as we both had no choice but to go outside the classroom.

Sora's P.O.V

I watched both Luna, and… Kevin? I think that was his name. Well, I would watch them both walk out, so I just grabbed the closest seat I could find and sat down. I looked at the clock seeing that we only had about maybe five to ten minutes left of class. "Class is almost over? Well, we all were distracted by what had just happened. So it makes sense." After about three minutes they walked back in, Luna just seemed happy. While Kevin just seemed pissed off, he just looked at me glaring. Luna sat down next to me, with Kevin on the other side of the classroom. The teacher sighed, he was facing the class. "Ok class, since we don't have much time left, why don't we go over the ranks of a Werewolf?" Everyone would nod, with the teacher turning to face the board and grabbing a marker. He would start to write these words. Beta, Alpha, Omega. "Now these are the three ranks of a Werewolf." He would write Beta to the side writing under it. "Beta is the most common rank of a Werewolf since not all Beta can become Alpha's. The most common way to know if it's a Beta is its eyes. They would glow a bright Yellow." He turned to face us, as he had finished writing under the word. "Now for a Beta to become an Alpha, it must either kill the Alpha or make it surrender, causing its power to be transferred to the victor." He said as everyone just nodded like they already knew everything. I was confused so I raised my hand, and the Teacher noticed. "Yes, Sora?" I slowly stood up. "Um, I thought if a Werewolf took a life they would become something called an Omega. So why wouldn't that happen when they kill the Alpha?" The Teacher just smiled. "Before I answer, how did you know that?" he responded, quickly responding with. "Oh, my friend Kade told me. He only had time for the ranks, and telling me how an Omega is made." I heard the Teacher chuckle softly. "I see, well then to answer your question. You are almost right, if a Werewolf kills they become what's known as an Omega, but some conditions must be met for it to happen." I would tilt my head softly, even more confused. "What are those conditions?" He would look at us all, holding up one finger. "Well, one condition is the fact that if an Alpha gives up its position, or loses a fight and survives it loses its power as an Alpha and it's transferred to the victor. Though letting them live doesn't always mean that they will take the power." He would raise another finger. "Second condition is that by taking an innocent life, it doesn't matter if it's Human or Werewolf. If they take an innocent life they become an Omega." He looked at me slightly, raising yet another finger. "Third and final reason is, they have given into their inner wolf. Meaning they let it take control, even if they are to regain control they shall forever remain an Omega." He lowered his hand, sighing. "Even if they were to kill an Alpha, it wouldn't change anything. It would be a rare thing because if they were to become an Alpha it would drive them crazy and cause them to kill themself."

I gulped at hearing that, scared for some reason. "Though, if one did manage to survive the power of an Alpha, it would be the most powerful Werewolf alive. They would be called the… Hell Hound." I would look around at the students, quickly asking. "Ok… um, how would I know if I see an Omega or the Hell Hound?..." The teacher turned to look at me. "Oh, that's simple, their eyes. The Omega's eyes would be Bright Blue, while the Hell Hound would be a mixture of both the Omega's and Alpha's eye color, so Bright Purple." I would once again look around slightly worried, till I felt Luna bump me. "Hey it's ok, as far as I know, there is no Omega here, and don't worry about the so-called Hell Hound." I slowly calmed down. "So any more questions?" I shook my head. "No sir." I said, sitting down with the teacher clearing his throat. "So as I was saying, since we just explained both Beta's and Omega's, why don't we move onto the Alpha." He turned to face the board, writing facts about Alpha's. "As we all know, an Alpha is the leader of the Pack. The more Pack Members they have the stronger they are, so if you decide to want to take on the Alpha, go for the whole Pack before the Alpha." He turned to face us, with him finished writing. "Now can anyone tell me how to identify an Alpha?" He asked as a male Werewolf raised his hand. "Hmm, Yes Cody?" The male Werewolf named Cody would stand up. "By its eyes. An Alpha's eye color can change to a Bright Red." The teacher smiled at him nodding. "Correct Cody, good job." He walked to his desk smiling. "If you see a Werewolf with Red eyes, be careful because if they bite you. You might turn into one and you will be part of their pack." He would sit down once at his desk, with the bell ringing at the exact moment he sat down. "Well, that's the bell. Class dismissed." He said as all the Werewolves would get up and leave, I would stand up noticing that Kevin was pissed while leaving the Classroom. I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to look back noticing Luna was behind me. "Oh hey, Luna!" I'd say, smiling softly. "Hey, Sora." She said smiling, I noticed that there was someone behind her, so I would look behind her to see two people. "Um, who are they?" Luna turned her head looking at the two people behind her. "Oh, them? They just wanted to greet their new Classmate is all." I tilted my head, smiling. I held out my hand to them. "Well then, my name is Sora! It's a pleasure to meet you both!" I said as they both looked at my hand, not shaking it. "Um, did I do something wrong?" Luna chuckled softly. "No no, these two are special. They aren't like ordinary Werewolves." I'd lower my hand, looking at Luna confused. "What do you mean by that?" I was honestly confused but curious. "Some Werewolves lose a part of themselves when they are turned. These two happened to be one of them." I looked at the two behind Luna, walking up to them. The moment I got near them they quickly hid behind Luna. Luna chuckled once again, rubbing their heads. "You see what they lost is their free will. They are bound to their Alpha's, while they can want something to do something, they can't do it without one of our permission." I looked at them and Luna, feeling bad for them, getting on my knee a bit and holding out my hand. "Hey… It's ok. I won't hurt you." They both looked at me and then at Luna who just nodded. "It's ok, go greet him." She said smiling as they both faced me slowly walking towards me. I smiled, watching them gently shake my hand. "My name is Phoebe." The girl Werewolf said with the boy Werewolf saying. "My name is Jace." I patted them on the head, seeing them smile and hearing them slightly laugh at each other. "I do my best to keep them safe and happy, but as you saw with the other Alpha. It's nearly impossible, he just does whatever he wants." She would sigh, looking at both Phoebe and Jace. "We really need a new Alpha Male, but no one here can take him on." She said like she was hinting at something. "Look I wish I could help, I really do, but I'm only Human." I said as Luna had a serious look on her face but quickly started to laugh. "Is that what you thought I meant?" I blushed slightly, embarrassed. "While you would make a nice Alpha Male, there's a slight problem." She said still slightly laughing, causing me to grumble a bit. "Yeah I know, I'm human." She nodded, while both Phoebe and Jace looked at me. I would look back smiling softly, rubbing their heads softly. They would both laugh softly, causing me to keep smiling and Luna to smile. "They really seem to like you. I'm glad." I would look up at Luna, noticing the clock and seeing that the next class was about to start. "Shit, I have to get to class!" I quickly stood up, turning to run out the door. I would run around the corner once again running into someone. We would both fall down, looking forward to seeing someone familiar. "Ow, that hurt, watch where yo-" The person I ran into looked at me, seeing those familiar eyes. I would quickly get up and go to them, holding out my hand. "Cheryl, are you ok?" She would look up at me, gently grabbing my hand. I would help her up, with us both smiling a bit. "You know you really need to watch where you are going Sora." I laughed slightly. "Yeah, I know. I was just in a hurry." We both smiled softly, though the next thing I know I'm being pinned to the wall by a Female Werewolf. "W-What the hell?!" I'd look at her, seeing her growl at me and grip my shirt. "Who the hell are you?! What do you want with Cheryl?!" I was about to say something, till I noticed something about her. Her eyes were like mine, except they were dark purple and black. I felt her tighten her grip on my shirt, with Cheryl quickly said. "H-Hey stop Hazel!" The girl named Hazel looked at Cheryl, my eyes widening. "Hazel?... As in Hazel Shouko?" Hazel quickly looked at me glaring and growling slightly. "Yeah, what's it to you?! Who even are you?!" I gulped softly, not out of fear, but because I was nervous. I would slowly move my hand towards the arm gripping my shirt. She would notice and quickly grab my hand growling more. "What do you think you're doing?!" I would look at her for a second before saying. "Do you really not recognize me?" She would tilt her head looking at me closely till she noticed my eyes. "Wait… you're not… who I think you are… are you?" I noticed that her grip loosened on my shirt as I smiled softly nodding. "Yes, Hazel I am." Cheryl would look at me, with Hazel letting go of my shirt and backed up. "Hazel, are you ok?" Cheryl asked, with her nodding slightly. "Y-Yeah just wasn't expecting to see him here." I would tilt my head confused, so I would walk towards both of them slowly. "S-Stay away you Monster!" I froze in my tracks, very confused. "Monster? What are you talking about?..." I asked, noticing a slight bit of fear in her eyes. "Is… is she scared of me?" I noticed that Cheryl was also confused. "Don't act as if you don't know!" I was even more confused till it slowly came back to me. "Hey… we both know that it wasn't my fault… I don't even remember anything about what happened…" Hazel growled, with me slowly trying to approach her. "So you are saying that you remember being the one to cause our mother to die!?" I stopped again looking down, clenching my right fist. "I… I didn't do anything… you know that!" I yelled as this caused her to flinch, but she stood her ground growling as it seemed like her nails were sharpening up. I looked at her eyes noticing that they glowed a different color. After seeing that I noticed that Hazel ran down the hall, with Cheryl chasing her. "S-Sorry Sora, we'll talk later ok?" I nodded as she took off after her with me just standing there. "Her eyes… they were… but she couldn't be one of them, right?..." I thought to myself, looking down at where they were running. "If she is though… that means she's an… Omega…"