
Unique class wielder

Zane is your average high school kid, except if you disregard the fact that he can use magic. YES, magic, actual magic. It has been this way since his birth. He knew he was special, and he didn't fit into the norm. Ever since his mother requested him to not use magic too much before passing away, he has stopped using magic. But can he stay true to his words of not using magic when a few men in cloaks come from a different world to hunt Zane down? Come, follow Zane on his interesting journey filled with unprecedented adventures in a different world. With all that said, I hope you enjoy reading this novel. I beseech you to read the first few chapters of the novel before deciding if you want to read it or not. Original novel.

LEGENDARYTroll · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


'That purple flame is going to be troublesome. I just need to buy time before his magic runs out, and I also should conserve my magic power as much as possible, ' thought Zane while pondering over his next move.

The man used 'scorch burst' which looked like purple fireballs. Zane quickly dodged the fireballs and shortened the distance between them. The man got ready for a frontal attack as he saw Zane coming towards him with great speed.

Zane was confident he can take on the man with his combat skills. He got closer to him and punched him on the right. The man dodged it by moving left. But Zane used his gravity manipulation ability to pull him to the right and punch him in the face. The punch hit him directly in the face, removing the mask.

The golden skull mask fell on the ground, revealing his face. The man had burn marks on his left cheek to this mouth, revealing a few of his teeth. He looked in his thirties and had a sharp jaw.

"Not bad, not bad at all. Didn't think you had it in you, you are a hart all right. Now, shall we continue?"

Zane tried taunting him. "Are you sure you can fight, old man, you couldn't even stop a punch from a kid?"

"You seem to be in a bit of confusion, kid let me clear it for you. You have a unique ability that is true, and you were able to catch me off-guard, so I didn't expect that. Secondly, I ain't an old man brat. There is a time difference between our worlds, time runs faster here on earth than Ediria. So I am a lot younger than I look. But tell me, do you have time for a conversation kid when you are about to die," he got in front of him in a matter of seconds.

The man heated his hand, which glowed purple color now without the flames. He tried to use it as a sharp spear to cut Zane in half. But right at the moment, the man was about to strike, Zane used 'eternal push' which pushed everything away from him. This caused the man to be thrown a few feet away. But he quickly got back on his feet as if it never happened. He had a smile on his face and looked like a battle-hungry man.

'I have to quickly get away from him, I don't have much mana left. Should I use that move, but I won't be able to use any other moves after that.'

Zane was thinking of using his most taxing and advanced move but thought better of it. He concentrated gravity on his fists and went running to land a straight punch in the face. The man was also running towards him with great speed increasing the heat of his hand which made it glow even more. Both of them punched each other on the fist, an immense shock shook the entire forest.

The man was pushed behind by the pressure that was emitted from Zane's gravity-incited punch.

Zane was panting on the ground at this point. He almost used up all his magic power. If he used another move, it would be over.

Suddenly black roots came out of the ground and entangled Zane's leg. Slowly his entire body was covered with black roots leaving only his face. The two other men seemed to have recovered as both of them came from the forest. The broad-looking man seemed to be in a hurry as he quickly got near the 'old' man.

"We have little time left sir, the portal is about to close, we have to go," he said with urgency in his voice.

"FOX, pick him up, we take him with us," said the man to the thin-looking man. He picked me up and started to walk inside the forest following the two men. Right after we got near the portal, 'FOX' tangled everyone in his vines and jumps inside the portal.

Suddenly the surrounding color was changing faster than my eyes could process. My insides felt like they were getting squeezed inside out. 'I am definitely going to die if I go with them. The moment we land they are going to get rid of me. I have no choice but to use that.'

Zane used his magic to create a space where he can freely move his hands. He concentrated his magic on his palms and create a small white ball that glowed ever so slightly. After a few seconds, his hand glowed in bright white color as he pointed his palms towards the men and released the most advanced move in his arsenal "Singularity". The while ball after going near the men started to suck the space and the men inside.

The old man created a portal and left while getting sucked to get out of its range. The other two-man were caught in the range and were being pulled in the ball. The broad man was sucked in, though he tried to conjure multiple hands to move from its trajectory. But the problem was I am still stuck, covered with roots.

'Definitely should have given this plan more thought, F*ccccccccccccck,' he cursed himself as he was squeezed inside the singularity.

'Time felt like it had slowed down. I don't know how long I had been here. It felt like an eternity had passed. The other man was stuck with me in this space though I can't say if he is alive or not, he hasn't moved an inch for a very long time. This place or pocket of space I don't know looked weird. The surrounding space looked like the sky at nighttime. I don't know what is happening anymore. Anyway, I don't have any regrets I would have died by their hands after reaching outside the portal. Now I can at least tell myself I tried.'

After a very long time, the space around Zane seemed to act up on its own. It was now moving fast, slowly increasing its pace. It happened for some time when the surrounding space started shattering apart. Both of them started spinning fast at an untamed speed.

'Seems like this dude was alive, seeing the way he is trying to compose himself'

They span for some time until a small pocket in space opened which was sucking them inside with tremendous velocity. Zane didn't notice the root connecting them together, tearing apart. Just when they would enter the shattered space, the root connecting them broke apart, throwing them in two different directions.

*A few moments later*

Slowly, Zane's eyelids started to open as his vision soon returned. He had an immense headache and his head felt heavy. His body hurt all over which caused him to flinch from slight movement. He tried to get up, but noticed the black roots stuck around him.

Zane screamed 'help' for some time until he could no longer. His body felt weak, his head hurt, he wanted to scream because of the pain he did not have the energy to do so. Unable to maintain his consciousness, he passed out. He could hear voices of people sometimes, while unconscious. All he wanted to do right now was to rest and sleep as long as he could.

*A few moments later-2*

Zane slowly opened his eyes and met with an unfamiliar ceiling. He looked around him and found himself inside a room. The room looked pretty normal, and it was made of wood. There was a desk beside his bed and a table on the other side of the bed with a few books. There was also a chair beside him which led him to believe that someone took care of him while he was sleeping. He felt relieved at that.

He was covered in bandages, with how things looked, Zane was thankful that he was still alive.

Zane heard the door to the house he was staying open with a 'cling' sound. Must be because of a bell he thought. He sat himself up to greet and thank the person who saved his life. The door to his room opened, and a man followed by two children and another girl his age came. The man looked in his forties and had a professional look to him. His eyes were black and he had sleep bags under his eyes, probably due to overwork. He had little hair in his head which was dark orange colored. The girl standing right next to him looked like natural beauty. She had long black hair beautiful ocean pink eyes, and soft but sharp cheeks. She had a slender figure, which added to her beauty. And the kids that followed them were just adorable.

"I can't thank you enough for all the things that you have done. I am truly grateful. I would have died if it weren't for your help. Thank you for bringing me to your home and treating me", he did a bow right after saying that. He truly couldn't be more grateful towards them. They saved his life, treated him, and brought him to their home. He wanted to repay them in any way he could.

'It kind of feels like an isekai scene where the protagonist is rescued from danger and he decides to stay with the one who saved him protecting them from any harm. And get a free beautiful and hot waifu while he is at it', he thought looking at the girl.

"--------------------------", said the man looking a bit bewildered. "------------------------", said the girl who was standing beside him. "You can't speak English, oh come on," said Zane while having a depressed face. 'There goes my isekai fantasy.'

"-----------------------", suddenly said the man while getting near Zane. Zane backed away a bit but calmed down when the man indicated he wanted to check his wounds. The man bandaged Zane again after checking his wounds. Zane noticed that he had a large cut on his chest that he got from the old man, 'This is going to take a long time to heal' thought Zane. The man got up and told him to drink the medicine while gesturing at him. Zane understood what he meant and he nodded at him with a bow, to show his appreciation. All of them got out except the girl, she stayed.

The girl tried to communicate with her hands, which Zane understood. She asked if he was okay and all that, Zane replied to all her questions with hand gestures which she understood. 'Finally, a way to communicate', thought Zane with a smirk on his face. She left soon after, asking all that.

The girl came back after some time with food and water and kept it beside his bed. She indicated Zane to eat the food while it was hot and left after saying that.

The food looked nice, and it smelled good, which made Zane hungry. So he quickly finished the food, which tasted like soft meat with salad. Zane enjoyed his food and thought of asking the girl a second plate along with her name. 'I wonder how I showed ask her name', thought Zane while the door to his room opened.

Few men and women entered the room hurriedly. Zane was a bit overwhelmed by the number of people that entered the room but composed himself soon after. They were talking among themselves and laughing for some reason. They must have really liked him and his behavior. They soon left after trying to talk with Zane for a bit. The girl also left with the plate and the mug and he didn't get to ask her name because of so many people.

Though his body was in pain it was bearable so he got up from the bed to go to the washroom, to wash his face.

As soon as he looked at the mirror Zane couldn't help but scream, "What the F*ck!!"