
Forty-seven : Privacy

"I am here." I heard Veronica's voice in my head.

"What took you so long?" I asked her without saying anything.

I am sure that Lizzy, Genevieve and Raymond did not understand or notice what was going on inside my head. I was trying my best to act normal so that they wouldn't suspect anything.

"I was giving you time to talk to your friends." She said and was about to giggle when I quickly stopped her from giggling by saying,

"Hey, don't. Don't even think about it." I said as I hastily began shaking my head unknowingly.

"What is it?" Lizzy asked worriedly.

"Nothing," I said and forced a smile on my face.

"Are you sure?" Lizzy asked again, worried.

"Yes," I replied, nodding at the same time as I forced another smile.

"Are you sure?" Veronica asked but didn't giggle this time.


Just, wow.

"I have got your raw steak and I am losing my patience. It's time to pause your friends." Veronica said she didn't giggle this time, again.

Has she forgotten?

Thank goodness and good for me.

Pause my friends.

What does she mean?

Does she mean time freeze?

"Yes, that is what I mean." She said and still didn't giggle.


She has stopped the giggling.

Finally, no more headaches.


"What about my friends?" I asked.

"Don't worry, they will be fine. You will return to the position you were in before the time froze and trust me, they won't even notice anything." She said,

I nodded and said,


"Why are you nodding?" Raymond asked.

"What have you been nodding at?" Lizzy asked.

"Are you still feeling any pain or anything, my Lady?" Genevieve asked.

"No, not at all," I replied to all of them at once.

"Do, what is it?" They asked in unison.

"Nothing," I replied to them and shook my head at the same time.

"Are you sure?" Raymond asked.

"Yes," I replied and nodded.

"Okay, if you say so, I shall go and join Hale now before he finishes all the food in the house," Raymond said, stood up, stretched and walked out of the room.

"My Ladies, if you don't mind, I will go join them and leave you too alone so that you can talk," Genevieve said, curtseyed and walked out of my room, gently closing the door behind her.

"Thank goodness, they are leaving," Veronica said.

"Yeah, they are leaving," I said to Veronica.

"Shh! There is something Elizabeth has to say." Veronica warned.


How did she know her name?

But I never introduced Elizabeth to her.


"Is that what you are pondering about?" Veronica asked.

"Yes, of course," I replied and exhaled quickly without Lizzy noticing.

"Remember that I am a vamp. Being a vamp is very cool. Don't worry, you will understand what I am saying right now when you finally learn how to use your powers."

"Okay, I get it. Whatever." I said, shook my head and rolled my eyes at the same time.

"Eunice, are you sure that you are okay?"

"Yes, I am very much okay," I replied.

"No, you are not." She said as she reached for my other hand and held unto it.

"Uh?" I whimpered as I turned my head in her direction to see her face.

"Yes, there is something you are not telling me. Tell me, now." She ordered.

"It's nothing much and you already know about it. I am a vampire." I said with a broken voice and cleared my throat.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I just nodded without saying anything to her.

That was my response.

"I still feel like there is something you are not telling me. Come on, remember you can open up and tell me anything, everything that is bothering you." She said to me in a very low tone, almost whispering.

"Okay, let me be honest. I haven't eaten anything since the last time I ate." I said to her and cleared my throat again.

She reached for the bottle of water, opened it and handed it to me,

"Here, have some or all of it." And shrugged.

"Thanks," I said to her as I collected the bottle from her and drank the remaining content.

"You are welcome. Are you feeling better now?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied and shook my head at the same time.

"So, where were we?" She asked as she placed her palm on her jaw trying to think.

I giggled and said,

"We were talking about how long I haven't had any food." I reminded her.


"Yes, that's true, so continue." She said as she removed her hand from her jaw and resumed holding onto mine.

"I thought I just told you everything. That's all." I assured her and smiled at her.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded.

"I don't know why, but I am not satisfied with your reply." She said and smiled.

"That's all," I said to her,

"Okay, if you say so. I shall be in my room if you say so." She said as she bent over to kiss my head, stood up and left, gently closing the door behind her.

"Yeah!" I whimpered and nodded, but it was already too late, she had already left the room, and I replied too late.

I stood up from my bed to go and lock the door properly, then,


"Tada!" Veronica said as she appeared out of nowhere, right in front of me.

I was terrified and lost my balance and luckily for me, I fell on top of my soft bed and not on the floor like the other times.

"You scared the hell out of me," I said as I was winded, trying to catch my breath as fast as possible.

"I am sorry. I just wanted to surprise you." She said and started to pout."

"It's okay," I said as I stood up to go and lock the door again.

"Don't worry about that." She said as the door locked by itself, or should I say, she did it.

Was she the one that did it?

"Did you just do that?" I asked surprisingly as I was glaring at her as if she did something very wrong.

"Yeah, any issue?" She asked, smiling.

"No, but how did you just do that?" I asked as I pointed at her and then at the door.

"Yes, you can do it too if you learn it. In Fact, every vamp can do it." She explained and laughed softly.

"Really? You mean I can do it too?" I asked and she nodded in response.

"Oh!" I exclaimed and shrugged.

"Now it is time to eat. Here's what I got for you." Veronica said and handed me a bag that smells so good.


I was about to take the bag from her but she quickly hid her hand and the bag behind her.

"Wait!" She said as she raised her other hand in front of her with her index finger pointing upwards.

"Why? What is it again?" I asked as I sat down on the bed looking up at her.

"I am about to teach you how to bring out your fangs on your own without any help." She said, smiling at me.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yuppy." She said as she walked closer to me and stood in front of me.

"So, how are you going to do that?" I asked curiously.

"Just watch and see…. And learn." She said as she stretched out the bag in front of my face.

"Is this it?" I asked and she nodded.

She continued to move the bag in front of me, then around my head, making the smell of the blood entice me.

It was savoury.

I began to salivate.

Just then, just like the way it happened in my dream, my gums began to pain me.

After that it became itchy, it felt uncomfortable, new, and odd at the same time.

I just grew fangs in a matter of seconds or should I say they came out?

I was bleeding too, my blood was just tasty.

I was being extra careful not to eat my tongue.

"Yeah! You did it. I am a good teacher, aren't I?" She asked excitedly as she clapped for herself.

I rolled my eyes and turned forced a smile on my face and said,

"Yes, you are. Can I have the meat now?" I asked and stretched out my palm in front of her.

"Yeah." She replied and handed me the bag.

I opened it and saw the meat nearly packaged with foil paper and a bag of blood.

"What part of meat do you like best?" I asked her as I brought out the meat and began to unwrap it and removed the foil paper around it.

"Any part, as long as it is fleshy and fresh." She replied and sat beside me and placed her jaw on her palm.

Her side profile speaks of perfection. Her ear was nicely folded and attractive. Her nose bridge is high and nicely curved, she is such a beauty.

I took my first bite from the meat and asked,

"Why are you dressed as a human today?"

"Because I chose to." She replied as she began to look around my room.

She doesn't look like a vampire at all today.

No red eyes or wings, no tail, no fangs, no longer scary nails and pointy ears.

Her human beauty outshines perfection.

"Did you freeze time?" I asked curiously as I continued to munch on my delicious raw meat.

It was dripping blood like the one I and Lizzy bought the other day and it was super delicious.

I don't know if it was spiced, they don't spice raw meat, right?

Is it tasting like that because I am now a vamp?

If someone should have told me a year ago that a year later I will be feasting on raw meat, I would not have believed it.

Who knows tomorrow?

I might even become a herbivore tomorrow.

"No." She finally replied with a smile and then laughed softly.

"What Is funny?" I asked.

"Nothing." She replied and shook her head, still smiling.

"So, why did you chuckle?" I asked as I began to eat the remaining meat I was holding, the last piece of it.

"You really care about your friends, but you didn't ask how I got the meat." She said and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, of course. I am supposed to care about my friends, especially now that I am a hundred times stronger than they are together." I squeezed the foil paper and put it back into the bag Veronica gave to me.

"Point of correction, you are now a billion times stronger than all of them put together." Veronica corrected me and giggled.

"Okay, a billion times stronger but still, it's now my turn to protect them, just like the way they have been protecting me, right?" I asked and shrugged as I began to lick my fingers one after the other.

"Yeah, I know. In fact, that's what every friend should do. What about me? What about what I just did? I bought you the most expensive, neat and fresh meat in town." She said as she rolled her eyes and started to pout.

"Are you jealous?" I asked mockingly.

"Jealous?" She asked and looked at me as her eyes changed to red which got me a bit terrified.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a broken voice as I slightly shifted back away from her.

She drew herself slightly towards me and asked,

"Do I look like I am jealous of you and your friends?" She giggled revealing her fangs and redrew herself away from me and returned to her former sitting position.

Her eyes turned back to white, and her fangs withdrew back inside and disappeared.

I cleared my throat and replied,

"No, you don't look like one who gets easily jealous over nothing."

"Thank you." She said and smiled.