
Unimaginable love: I really can't live without you.

[WARNING: MATURED CONTENT INSIDE THIS NOVEL. IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE, DON'T READ THIS ONE. ELSE, YOU'RE AT YOUR OWN RISK.] She was a simple girl with unimaginable dreams although she has always been looked down upon by the people around her. She emerged from a middle-class family, she lost her mother as a toddler which compelled her father to remarry. Some years after the marriage, Mr. Fazer died, he left the young little girl with her siblings and a stepmother... Annabel was forced to provide for the family since what her father left for them wasn't enough to take care of the family. She often finds herself in adversity that left her in a dilemma. ********* Months later, She met a dying lad on the roadside who was ambushed by his rivals and was left there to die. Annabel froze at the spot when she saw the dying lad covered in cold blood. After she regained herself, she scurried over to help the young man, people who saw the scenario helped her and they took him to the hospital. ********* a year later (scene 1) She was sad, hurt, and depressed. She was a mess and was in her most vulnerable state. "Young Lady, why are you sitting alone in the dark? Don't you know it's unsafe for you?" Derrick Markham said. "What difference would it make? Is it not better to die or be taken advantage of by a stranger than someone close to you?" Annabel said. "I don't know where you're driving at but it's not safe for you to be out here." "Where do you live, let me take you home.?" Derrick inquired "Why do you ask, did they send you here?" She asked. She gulped down the beer she was holding. Most of the beer spilled on her dress, only a few went in. "Well, I will have to sit here with you, if you're unwilling to go home right now." Derrick Markham said and sat close to her. "Hey! what are you doing? Go! get lost!" "I'm not leaving you here." He firmly said "And why is that?" She queried "Because there are many wolves out there waiting for the right opportunity to devour you." He said "And why do you care? you don't know me. What would you benefit from this gesture?" she inquired. "You don't need to know someone before helping them." He said. ********* (scene 2) She was comfortably lying down half-naked on a cozy bed covered with a quilt. The morning sun rays forced their way into the room through the curtain openings and woke her up. "OMG! what happened here?" "Where am I? whose house is this?" "And how did I spend the night here?" She kept asking herself these questions without getting any answers in return... Just then the door was pushed open by a man with a tray in his hands that contains different dishes... She has a conflicted look on her face...

Favour_Udochukwu_4238 · Urban
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48 Chs

I'm sorry, it will soon stop my love.


Sophia who was now lying beneath him half-naked involuntarily wrapped her hands around his neck, pulled him closer to her body, and kissed him back.

He pries open her mouth and impelled his tongue. He entangled it with hers. Savoring the taste and pleasure it gives.

He slowly removed her clothes one after the other. In a jiffy, she was completely lying naked on the bed underneath him.

He broke the kiss and starts to plant small kisses on her neck down to her bosoms that are now exposed to him. His hands went for her bosom, he cupped it and gently squeezed them.

She moans as a result of the sensation, his action impacts her. She inadvertently tugged him up closer to her face.

This time she took the initiative and kissed him. And he obliged and kissed her back passionately.

She moans several in between the kiss. Reluctant to break the kiss, she deepened it. He's almost losing it, he wants to get it done with as soon as possible.

He kept squeezing and tugging her bosoms with his two hands.

Her hands trail down from his neck to his shirt's buttons, she undo the buttons and took off his shirt for him.

She got enchanted by his well-built body, 'oh my! He's hot and sexy both in and out. He is so perfect from every angle.' she thought.

She was tempted to touch and feel those six-packs, he saw her expression and could read it. "Go ahead and feel them if you want to, I can see your excitement and your feel for a touch," he said.

This was humiliating for her and he could tell what she's thinking by merely looking at her face without her saying it out loud.

But she put out one of her hands that was still wrapped around his neck and felt his abdomen. It was strong and vibrant. "You have one of the most perfect bodies in the universe," she said.

"Thank you, but let's not talk right now, you can tell me that later my love," he said and kissed her on her forehead.

He resumed his torment. He squeezed, tugged, bit, licked, and sucked her bosom buds until they turned red and hard.

And she kept moaning all through asking for more. He's driving her crazy, she has not experienced an intense pleasure like this before.

In a twinkling of an eye, he took off his pants and was now naked before her.

He continued kissing her all over her upper body whilst his hand that was playing with her bosom went down to her lower body directly at her pudendum.

As he dipped in his two fingers into her flower she unknowingly gave out a loud moan that made him nearly lose control of himself.

He tried to hold back and spread her legs, she was already wet enough to take him.

He brought his elongated shaft that was as hard as a rock to her entrance and gradually shoved it inward, she felt a sharp pain.

It was undeniably unbearable for her, she screamed on top of her voice and inadvertently pushed him away with all her might but he didn't bulge but tightened his grip on her instead and says, "I'm sorry, it will soon stop my love."

He was shocked to see it was her first time and he was her first man. He halted his movement, lowered his upper body closer to hers, and sowed some kisses on her face, lips, neck, and ear to ease the pain a little.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and he sucked them up with kisses.

He resumed his thrust, step by step he was now completely inside her in a minute. Steady and slow, he starts moving in an up and down movement.

Her screams kept incrementing as he thrust deeper inside her while maintaining a pace.

She couldn't bear it anymore when he hit her G-spot, she pleaded for mercy and asked him to stop but he refuted and entertained himself, totally ignoring her emotions and pleads.

He turned into a selfish beast and hastened his thrusting. He was panting and sweating profusely.

She collapsed out of exhaustion but he still didn't cease. He only stopped when he believed he has had enough and was fully satisfied. He flopped down on her and rolled over onto the bed.

She was fast asleep then, he didn't want to wake her up and covered her with a blanket.

It was Sophia's first intercourse, neither did he use protection nor did he adhere to her plead when she implored.

He mercilessly took her innocence without hesitation. The whole exercise lasted for over an hour.

Sophia woke up some minutes later. She took a while to process her current condition. She has forgotten she was at Robbin's house but when she looked around and saw how unfamiliar the surrounding was, it then occurred to her that she's still at his place.

She removed the quilt he covered her with and tried to sit upon the bed but her aching body couldn't move.

And the pains it exerts were overwhelming but she still forced herself to sit up with gritted teeth and grunts.

Robbin was not in bed with her. She looked around hoping to see him and rebuke him for losing control like that.

She tried to get off the bed and look for him since he's not in the room.

As she placed one of her legs on the floor she could feel the pain in her body. When she placed the other leg and tries to get up, she fell to the ground.

Her legs were weak, she couldn't stand up. He crippled her. Just then he came running towards her as soon as he heard the loud noise in his room that was from her fall.