
Unimaginable love: I really can't live without you.

[WARNING: MATURED CONTENT INSIDE THIS NOVEL. IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE, DON'T READ THIS ONE. ELSE, YOU'RE AT YOUR OWN RISK.] She was a simple girl with unimaginable dreams although she has always been looked down upon by the people around her. She emerged from a middle-class family, she lost her mother as a toddler which compelled her father to remarry. Some years after the marriage, Mr. Fazer died, he left the young little girl with her siblings and a stepmother... Annabel was forced to provide for the family since what her father left for them wasn't enough to take care of the family. She often finds herself in adversity that left her in a dilemma. ********* Months later, She met a dying lad on the roadside who was ambushed by his rivals and was left there to die. Annabel froze at the spot when she saw the dying lad covered in cold blood. After she regained herself, she scurried over to help the young man, people who saw the scenario helped her and they took him to the hospital. ********* a year later (scene 1) She was sad, hurt, and depressed. She was a mess and was in her most vulnerable state. "Young Lady, why are you sitting alone in the dark? Don't you know it's unsafe for you?" Derrick Markham said. "What difference would it make? Is it not better to die or be taken advantage of by a stranger than someone close to you?" Annabel said. "I don't know where you're driving at but it's not safe for you to be out here." "Where do you live, let me take you home.?" Derrick inquired "Why do you ask, did they send you here?" She asked. She gulped down the beer she was holding. Most of the beer spilled on her dress, only a few went in. "Well, I will have to sit here with you, if you're unwilling to go home right now." Derrick Markham said and sat close to her. "Hey! what are you doing? Go! get lost!" "I'm not leaving you here." He firmly said "And why is that?" She queried "Because there are many wolves out there waiting for the right opportunity to devour you." He said "And why do you care? you don't know me. What would you benefit from this gesture?" she inquired. "You don't need to know someone before helping them." He said. ********* (scene 2) She was comfortably lying down half-naked on a cozy bed covered with a quilt. The morning sun rays forced their way into the room through the curtain openings and woke her up. "OMG! what happened here?" "Where am I? whose house is this?" "And how did I spend the night here?" She kept asking herself these questions without getting any answers in return... Just then the door was pushed open by a man with a tray in his hands that contains different dishes... She has a conflicted look on her face...

Favour_Udochukwu_4238 · Urban
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48 Chs

Accident (1)

Fazer was speechless, he couldn't believe that his wife has been harboring such things in her heart.

He took her pebble hand, took a deep breath, and said to her, "Darling, I would never differentiate between our kids. I gave Annabel the extra pack because she's the eldest.

And as for the other day at the mall, I bought that dress as a birthday presence for Annabel, it was her birthday that week and you were there when I gave it to her.

You could also bear me witness that I bought birthday presents for the twins as well on their birthday. So, how could you think that I'm treating our children unfairly? Please erase such thoughts because it's what brings enmity to families. I wouldn't want our perfect family to experience rancor." he gently soothes her hand to calm her down as he reasons with her.

She nodded slightly as a sign of agreement. He gave her a warm smile, starts the car, and drove towards her workplace.

But still, she couldn't stop thinking otherwise, 'how could he say that to me? he made it sound as if I am being unreasonable and I am the one trying to bring enmity in the family when it was him.

He indirectly called me a peace breaker as well. Even after giving him a son which his first wife couldn't do. He still fancies Annabel like a goddess.

If he wanted a perfect family, he should start treating the children equally. I have devoted my time to this family at least I deserve this much...' she was brought back to reality from her thought when the car halted abruptly in front of her workplace.

She took off her seatbelt went for the door handle with her right hand, opened the door, and stepped out of the car.

Just as she was about to crossover, she was hit by a speedy car, she fell to the ground and was unconscious. Fazer saw the scene jumped out of the car and ran towards the unconscious lady.

He picked her up in a bridal style, took her to his car, and drove off as fast as he could.

On his way to the hospital, he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number, as soon as the latter picked his call, a worried voice came through, "Hello doctor Leo, this is Mr. Fazer on the line, a car just hit my wife and we are on our way to your hospital, please prepare for her treatment. I will soon be there." he hung up.

Right now, it was as if he's seating on needles, he couldn't help but ask, "why is nature so cruel to me, what did I do wrong that death always came knocking at my door. I lost my first wife a few months after she gave birth to Annabel. Presently, the same event wants to iterate itself again."

He used his left elbow to wipe off the beads of sweat that formed on his forehead.


At the hospital, doctor Leo was busy preparing the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with the nurses.

He was heading to his office for his lab coat when he heard a car horn. The nurses rushed outside with a stretcher.

As Mr. Fazer drove in, he opened the driver's seat door and stormed outside to open the backseat door and pulled his wife towards his arms, took her out of the car, and carefully laid her on the hospital stretcher.

The nurses wheeled the emergency stretcher towards the Intensive care unit.

As they were about to enter the ICU, Mr. Fazer was stopped from entering with them, he was asked to wait outside, he was reluctant at first but finally gave in and waited impatiently at the doorway.

He kept wheeling around, to and fro, his world was inverting at that moment, he doesn't know where to go or what to do. He just hopes that she makes it out alive, he incessantly kept asking God for help.

An hour later, doctor Leo came out of the ICU with a broad smile on his face and said to Mr. Fazer, "We were able to save her life, she's out of danger you can go in and see her." With teary eyes and out of excitement he embraced doctor Leo, thanked him for saving his wife's life.

Doctor Leo returned his hug and patted his back and said, "it's nothing, I was just doing my job." He released doctor Leo from his embrace and sauntered into the ICU to see his wife.

Immediately he saw his wife lying unconscious on the hospital bed, he couldn't stop the tears he has been holding for a while now from falling.

He ambled towards her and sat by her bedside, took her hand into his palm, and gently soothes it.

He looked up and saw that her hair covered half of her face, he reached out his other hand to tuck a few strands of her hair in behind her ear.

Finally, he calmed himself down, and said, "Dear, why would you scare me in such a way? Do not even think for a second I would let you leave me and the kids just like that. Our kids need you more than ever, so, how could you even think of leaving them when you haven't fulfilled your responsibility as a mother to them."

"And what would become of me in this wicked world that kept rubbing me of my happiness whenever it pleases it. Olivia, you've made a place for yourself in my heart.

I thought I would never be able to love again when I lost my first wife. Then, I thought my world was coming to end I almost gave up living but knowing that Annabel will be left all alone in this cruel world, I couldn't do so." he paused for a minute and continued.

"She became my reason to live until you walked into my life and gave me amazing children, and a reason to love again.

I love you, Olivia, you mean the world to me. Please, do not leave yet, our small family will be incomplete without you, let's raise the kids together and fulfill our duties as parents before leaving the world."