
Unidentified Class Type Hunter

The young lad, dedicated to swinging his sword for years, had a noble purpose: to become a hunter and support his ailing sister in the hospital. However, everything changed when a dungeon break occurred, rendering him unconscious. When he finally regained consciousness, he was greeted by the presence of a mysterious system that couldn't identify his class. Confused and intrigued, he pondered, “An error?”and questioned, “Unidentified Class?”And thus, his extraordinary journey as a hunter commenced.

Arthur_Lumabao · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 12- Insects

Unidentified Class Type Hunter

'What are these ways for? Should I go left or right? ' Arthur is talking with his mind.

'Wait. I sense an overwhelming aura just now'

He immediately took the right direction, but the atmosphere seemed unsteady. There was a rotten smell stuck inside of the cave. As he was walking through the darkness, he passed through the corpses of a Minotaur creature. Its size was like the two combines of a normal cow, having its horns and muscular body. Its skin was thick and filled with furries, having a brownish color. The Minotaur creature can stand between its two legs and carries a big hammer, they use the hammer to smash their enemies and prey in an instant. Ahead of them, there was the overwhelming aura lurking through the deepest part of the cave. Arthur continued to walk until he reached the deepest part. As he was about to take a single step, the cave in front of him suddenly illuminated by the torches inside of a metal lantern at the edge of each side, except the spot of a large door made with a metal. The light of torches was completely blue, and the light consumed the tall and wide cave.



The system suddenly popped up in his eyes and continued to approach the large and tall door. The door has a weird ancient language sticking with it. As he was about to touch the door, the system suddenly popped up again.



'To be his opponent? Is there a person behind this large door?' Arthur immediately held the rounded stone beside the door and imbued his magic energy. The ancient languages on the door suddenly glowed in a golden light, the glint made his eyes closed. The door started to move inside and opened slightly. The cave shook after the door bumped the wall inside. As he started to venture inside, he gazed at the darkness.



'Sage? What was that? It seems like this system is filled with mystery' As Arthur thought while walking through the unknown dark place.

As he was walking through the darkness, he sought a bright light ahead him. As he reached the light, the glint made his eyes closed again, which he blocked with his right palm. He entered a completely different world. The intense source of heat and light covered the dried World. Besides him were trees that filled the entire land.

Every single tree has been dried up like a dead tree and there's no single leaf he could see, excluding a bee nest on each tree. The bee's nest is provided as a fruit of the dried trees.

The land was flat and dried like a chocolate, having cracked marks. The atmosphere of the land was made of a poisonous scent. The occasional blow of the wind carries a palpable scent of insects.

'What is this place, the heat of the sun are killing me' As Arthur blabbering in his mind After he felt the heat of the sun.

Ahead of the multiple number of dried trees, there's a single majestic tree. Each bough of the trees has a large bee's nest. In the center of the tree, there was a human-figure sitting on a chair. As he started to take a step on the land, he felt the heat of the sun above him. Upon walking through the chocolate land, the ground beneath him shook violently, made him jump backwards and took out his dagger.

'This poisonous scent of insects is dangerous'

As he was thinking while covering his mouth and nose with his right hand.

Not even a minute a dust suddenly occurred when a large centipede started to appear beneath the solid surface of the ground. The centipede was standing between its multiple legs, its size was like a train, and sleek scales sticking with its back. The color of its scale was dark, and the red legs kept moving.

Its rounded redhead has two pairs of long mustaches sticking beside the pointed fangs of its mouth and use its long legs to move quickly and hard mandibles to capture prey

'Seems like this creature was a tough one'

The centipede was standing in front of him, while the two pairs of mustaches wagging along with its multiple legs. Arthur eventually wielded the dagger and jumped at the centipede's head at a height of 7 feet. As he was in midair, he drew his dagger and struck the centipede's head, but the centipede blocked the attack with its hard fangs like steel. As the centipede blocked the attack, Arthur suddenly disappeared from the midair.



The air split into multiple lines and suddenly glowed. The centipede's body sliced into 5 parts as Arthur made a continuous strike in an instant. Each part of the body fell to the ground with a green poisonous blood spread.