
Chapter 2

I groan in pain as my consciousness returns to me. My neck is throbbing relentlessly, my legs feel like they're on fire, I have a killer headache, and my whole body feels as if it's screaming out in pain. I open my eyes to find a dimly lit room. Did I really get taken back to that wretched place or was it a horrible nightmare?

"Oh good, you're finally awake. You were out so long I was worried that those idiots overdosed you. Jeff really would have lost it then," I hear a familiar voice say with a sigh.

That voice…. As soon as it hits me on who it belongs to I try to shoot up into a sitting position, but I'm stopped by something tight over my chest keeping me in a lying position. They strapped me to the damn bed. I try to move my arms to find that they too, were restrained, same with my ankles.

"Just kill me, say I didn't wake up, whatever you have to. Please E.J., don't make me have to go back to him," I plead with the beast watching over me.

I feel all of my emotions hit me at once. I frantically pull against my restraints.

"LET ME GO OR KILL ME! I DON'T CARE!" I scream out in full hysterics now. "Please… Please... E.J." I whimper as I begin to sob, unable to contain my emotions.

He sighs loudly and I hear him move around. I hear him pick something up and flick it a couple of times. He's going to sedate me.

"NO! NO! PLEASE! JUST LET ME DIE, JUST LEAVE ME BE!" I screech out as I hear him draw closer.

He grabs my arm and inserts the needle, the sedatives take effect almost immediately.

"E.J…..Please…. Don't make me….go back to him..." I make one final plea before slipping back into a dreamless sleep.

Unsure of how long I've been asleep I startle awake, my eyes snapping open. To my dismay, I'm still in the dimly lit room. I let out a discontented sigh as I realize I'm still strapped to the bed.

"Could you at least undo the restraints on my chest and wrists?" I ask looking up at the ceiling, just assuming the E.J. would be there.

"Ah, you're awake. Sorry Kora, no can do until Jeff sees you," E.J. responds. "I'll go let him know. He's been outside this room since he heard that you were moved here," He adds.

I hear him move away and open the door. I can hear him talking to someone right outside. So, he really was right outside. A moment later I hear two sets of footsteps. One set approaches the bed and I turn my head away before they come to a stop at my bedside.

"Kora," a deep, gruff voice that is all too familiar sounds out next to me.

I stay silent and don't even give him the gratification of looking at him. He grabs my face roughly and forces me to face him. I look up at a face I know all too well, the source of my neverending torment. A young man, at least that's what he appears to be, though all the residents of that wretched estate stopped aging long ago. His skin pale white and a permanent, grotesque smile forever etched into his face. His long charcoal black hair framing his face. I'm forced to look into his deep blue, unblinking eyes. I squeeze my eyes shut as an act of defiance. I feel him let go of me, but seconds later feel the force of a slap sting across the right side of my face. I grind my teeth, suppressing a yelp of pain. I will not give him the satisfaction.

"Just fucking kill me already," I spit venomously now opening my eyes to look at him, gifting him a deadly glare.

He lets out a low, angry, almost demented laugh.

"No, that wouldn't be punishment enough, dear. I don't ever plan on disposing of you Kora, so you better prepare yourself. No matter how many times you run, we'll track you down and just drag you back," He growls threateningly while leaning in so our faces are inches apart.

After a short staring contest, I finally give in first and look away.

"You better rest up well because once Eyeless Jack gives you the all-clear, I'm going to make you regret ever leaving my side," He says and I hear his footsteps fade away.

After Jeff's departure, E.J. undoes the straps holding down my chest and arms. I sit up for the first time in probably days. I rub my wrists in an attempt to rid them of their tenderness.

"Thanks," I mutter looking down at my lap.

So the only way out is death? I think numbly, though deep down I always knew this fact. It's not like I'll ever age again, not after what they did to me. He'll probably throw me back in that room again once we get back. He'll make sure I don't see the light of day for a while.

"Here get real food in you, I can tell you haven't eaten properly in a while. You need to gain some of your weight back," E.J. says gently while setting a tray of easily digestible food in front of me.

I don't say anything as I gingerly eat my food. When I first arrived at the mansion a few years ago, I was always paranoid that the food I was given would be poisoned. If only I were so lucky. I should have known better…

"You know when I heard you escaped, I wasn't that surprised. You've always been a defiant and resourceful woman. I was more surprised that you were able to outwit and avoid the proxies for so long," E.J. says plainly.

Of course, probably no one was surprised when news spread around the mansion that I had gotten away. They all knew too well what kind of human I am.

"It wasn't exceptionally hard. It took them too long to realize they had to come at me more than one at a time," I explain blandly, picking at my food.

He gives a light chuckle "Don't let that lot hear you say that."

I just nod back in agreement.