

Tempers flair, chests heave with anger One loves and the other despises... Head over heels.. heart trampled upon, Forgiveness isn't as easy an option as it sounds and hate flowed sweetly through his veins yet left a bitter aftermath He had given up the one he truly ever wanted, craved, desired and loved silently Yet when he thought it was all over, the tables turned and now he becomes the prey again!! Only this time the predator would devour him whole! Things are never what they seem to be for a secret revealed at the wrong time could cause things to fall into caos. Similarities with people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Aftermath{21}

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. Mike stirred awake, his body heavy with weariness and his mind clouded with remnants of the previous night's heartbreak. He blinked his eyes open and found himself enveloped in the warmth of Sandra's embrace. She had stayed by his side throughout the night, offering her unwavering support in his time of need.

His heart ached, and his chest felt hollow, but he knew he had to put on a brave face for his friends. They had been there for him since the beginning, and he didn't want them to worry too much. Slowly, he extricated himself from Sandra's arms, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber.

With a sigh, Mike made his way to the bathroom, the memories of his painful breakup with Lucian still fresh in his mind. He brushed his teeth and took a long shower, hoping the hot water would wash away the lingering ache in his heart.

After brushing his teeth and taking a soothing bath, Mike made his way downstairs to join his friends for breakfast. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of their laughter filled the air, momentarily easing the ache in his heart. But as he sat down at the table and engaged in conversation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. The painful memories of his breakup with Lucian continued to plague his mind, making it difficult to fully focus on the present.

Throughout the day, Mike distracted himself with various activities, trying to forget about the pain that still lingered within him. He attempted to throw himself into his work, but his mind kept wandering back to the memories of his past relationship. He decided to take a break and go out for a walk, hoping that fresh air would clear his head.

As he strolled through the park, the vibrant colors of the autumn leaves surrounding him failed to bring him the sense of peace he sought. His thoughts were consumed by the moments he and Lucian had shared, the unspoken words and the lost dreams. He yearned for Lucian, for some sort of comfort from him, but he knew that it could never be the same again.

Evening approached quicker than anticipated, and Mike's friends persuaded him to leave the comfort of his home and join them for a night out. They thought it would help him take his mind off things, even if just for a little while. Reluctantly, Mike agreed, hoping that a change of scenery would provide some solace.

They ended up at a vibrant karaoke bar, where the lively atmosphere and cheerful crowd managed to lift his spirits, if only temporarily. As the night progressed, Mike found himself laughing and singing along with his friends, the weight of his heartache slowly diminishing.

However, just as he felt himself letting go and allowing the night to carry him away from his pain, his eyes met a familiar pair of fierce blue eyes in the crowd. Lucian. His breath hitched, and his heart skipped a beat. He hadn't expected to see him here, not after their painful breakup just a day before.

As if entranced, Lucian made his way through the crowd towards Mike. Pain and a burning longing surged like waves in his eyes, leaving Mike breathless and unsure of how to respond. Everything around them faded into a blur, leaving only the two of them in the spotlight of their unspoken history.

Lucian's eyes locked with Mike's, and for a brief moment, the world seemed to stop spinning. The intensity of their connection, even amidst the chaos of the karaoke bar, was undeniable. Every suppressed word, every unspoken truth, seemed to hang in the air between them.

Mike's friends noticed his sudden change in demeanor, their cheerful expressions replaced with concern. It was as though they could sense the intensity of the moment, the weight of a past love resurfacing in Mike's eyes.

As Lucian began to make his way towards Mike, every inch of his being yearned to escape, to protect his fragile heart from the pain that awaited him. But something compelled him to stay, to confront the feelings that had haunted him for months when Lucian was away, to the night of their breakup . In that moment, he realized that only by facing his past could he truly move forward.

Emotions tangled within him as Lucian finally reached his side. Time stood still as their gazes locked once again. The pain and longing reflected in Lucian's eyes mirrored Mike's own, and it was in that shared vulnerability that they found a sliver of understanding.

Words hung on the tip of Mike's tongue, his heart yearning to spill its secrets. But before he could gather the strength to speak, Lucian's hand gently reached out, fingers brushing against Mike's cheek. The touch sent a jolt of electricity through Mike's body, igniting the dormant embers of their love.

Sensing the intensity of the moment, Mike's friends gave them some space, urging them to take their conversation to a quieter part of the bar. Sandra, although curious, pulled Damian and Damon away by their ears when they had tried to follow the duo.

They found solace in a dimly lit corner, their surroundings cocooning them in a bubble of intimacy.

Lucian's tears flowed freely, his emotions overwhelming him as he reached out, brushing his fingers along Mike's face again, tracing every curve and dip on his once-beloved features. Mike's breath hitched at the tender touch, his own tears pooling in his eyes. The connection between them persisted, a thread of unspoken love that refused to fray.

Lucian's voice trembled as he poured his heart out. "Michael, I...," he paused, taking a deep breath, fresh tears falling again. "After I left the hospital yesterday, I went over to Macy and told her that we had broken up. That we decided to take some time to ourselves. Even though I was in the wrong for what happened that day, she never judged me. Do you know what she asked me?" Mike, choked with strong emotions, only nodded his head in a manner that indicated that he had no idea what she had asked him. "She had asked me if I ever loved you like I claimed I did. If I had ever once felt an ounce of emotion that wasn't physical attraction fueled by lustrous desires." He stopped for a few seconds, staring at mike.

"I didn't fully understand the question so I asked her what she meant by it." Lucian closed his teary eyes as if recalling her exact words. "She said if I was sure that I truly ever loved you, if I still love you, then letting go of what happened wouldn't be a hard decision to make."

"I still couldn't fully grasp her words so I kept silent, thinking about what she was trying to tell me. She then asked me how I would feel 10 years from today if I ever came across you and you had moved on, deeply in love with someone else." Lucian whispered as if afraid to even mention it.

"I...I...," he paused, taking a deep breath to calm his frantic heart. "I tried so hard to imagine you moving on, loving someone else and letting someone other than me love you, call me selfish Michael, I don't care but for once I want to be selfish, I can't imagine my life without you in it, I can't imagine someone else loving you, kissing you, making love to you like I did. It tore me apart to think that you'd wake up to see someone else's face every morning when you wake up and every night right before you go to sleep, and I hated the thought of it." Determination swirled in his eyes as he stared at mike, locking their gazes again.

"I can't loose you mike. I don't want to loose you. I don't need time to myself to figure things out, if I'm going to figure things out then I want you by my side, every step of the way, please Mike. Can you ever forgive me? Even if you can't forgive me right away, I'll spend every day for the rest of eternity making it up to you." Lucian finished, he was anxious. Mike hadn't uttered a single word since he started speaking and that filled his heart with dread.

Sighing deeply, mike looked at Lucian for a short while, mixed feelings and complicated emotions danced freely in his heart.

He wanted Lucian back, but at the same time he was scared of what the future might look like for them. Throwing all caution to the wind, mike gave Lucian a small smile.

Lucian, confessing how he couldn't even last a whole day away from Mike. He admitted that he couldn't bear the thought of a lifetime without him, begging Mike to forget about their agreement of needing space. His vulnerability and raw honesty pierced through Mike's wounded heart, rekindling a flicker of hope.

Relief washed over Mike's face as he realized that the feeling was mutual. He had spent the day pining for Lucian, longing for his presence. With his voice choked with emotion, Mike agreed, willing to put aside the pain and uncertainty for a chance at happiness once more.

In that fragile moment, every ounce of pain and heartache seemed to dissolve, leaving only a glimmer of hope. Hope for forgiveness, for understanding, and perhaps even for a shared future. The karaoke bar faded into the background as they stood there, lost in each other's eyes, a silent conversation taking place between their hearts.

Feeling an overwhelming sense of renewal, Mike and Lucian emerged from their sanctuary, hand in hand with sincerity in their smiles. His friends although skeptical, cheered, sharing in their joy and relief. In that moment, it was as if a weight had been lifted from Mike's shoulders, and he felt lighter than he had in days.

Damian and Damon emerged from behind the bar, how they had gotten there remained a mystery. Walking with cold expressionless faces, they walked to the couple, an unwelcoming aura radiating from them.

"Lucian, why don't we have a little chat outside" Damian said, not asking but demanding.

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